John Lennon's childhood stamp collection has been exhibited for the first time in Europe. He began his hobby at the age of 10, collecting 550 stamps from several countries including India, USA and New Zealand. The collection was released to the Stockholm Postal Museum in Sweden. Curator Linda Edquist says, "It is an interesting and important collection as it shows that so many interesting people collect stamps. A goal with the purchase was to encourage stamp collecting and to show people that it can be cool to collect stamps." The exhibition, which also features Lennon memorabilia sent in by fans, art works and a pair of spectacles, will be on display until October 7th.

Robbie Williams has reportedly found love with American TV actress Ayda Field. They are said to have been dating for nearly two months. A source close to Robbie said: "He and Ayda went on a couple of dates at the end of last year but it didn't work out. But a few weeks back they bumped into each other again at a party and got talking. They got on really well and have been virtually inseparable ever since. They're doing all the couply things like going to the cinema and watching DVDs at Rob's house. He was really impressed that Ayda never kissed and told after their first dates last year - although it helped she had absolutely no idea who he was!" No wonder.
Can she do it? After years of smoking, Courtney Love now has doctor's orders to quit.. [
Albert Hammond Jr. is writing a screenplay adaptation of Charles Bukowski's novel Pulp, which is about a P.I. who talks to Lady Death and meets aliens along the way. [
Katharine McPhee - Blackberry Curve Launch Party - (31/05/2007)

With just 3 days to go before she surrenders herself to the county jail, a sober-looking Paris Hilton wears her spiritual heart on her hoody. On a pampering trip to the beauty salon, she wore a black hooded top emblazoned with the word 'Faith'.. [
Paris-Hoody] Don't think it was just coincidental that her record label has just announced that they will be dropping her. Warner Bros has revealed that they have no plans to work with the heiress "in the forseeable future".
Nicole Richie fears following in the footsteps of her Simple Life pal by being "exploited" and sentenced to a jail term. Her buddy will report to the L.A Century Regional Detention Center by June 5th and Richie worries she will be incarcerated too. She says, "Sometimes people just get exploited. I can only hope that doesn't happen to me." Nobody will be surprised if it ever came true. Check out some photos of Nicole Richie's biological father Peter Michael Escovedo. [
Rumer Willis, the oldest daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, says she's on pal Lindsay Lohan's side as the actress deals with rehab and DUI charges. "I haven't talked to her, but I wish her the best," Rumer said at Thursday's BlackBerry Curve launch party. [
Rumer-LL] Remember the days when Lindsay was simply an actress? Neither does anyone else, so Dorothy Lucey helped remind viewers of what she was known as before she became one of Hollywood's top party girls. Watch the segment, aired on June 1st. [

Naming Ben Silverman as head of NBC Entertainment may have increased its odds slightly in retaining "The Apprentice". NBC's option on the reality show was due to expire Friday (June 1). Trump last week said he would walk away from the show and not wait for NBC to pull the plug. But Silverman discussed the possibility of continuing this show and extended the network's option deadline until June 8. The extension doesn't mean the network will pick up "The Apprentice," just that it has more time to consider its options. Trump said he was "really impressed" by Silverman and had no problem granting an extension. He is working on another potential TV project, but he'd be happy to return for another cycle. "It's been a lot of fun," he said, adding if NBC still doesn't renew the show, "two other networks have said they want it." Bring on a new season!
Sophie Ellis Bextor @ 'Light Out London' Campaign launch (29/05/2007)

Hayden Panettiere @ Melanie Segal's MTV Movie Awards (31/05/2007)

>> Kate Middleton has found a new male drinking buddy.. [
>> Hayden Panettiere cheers for the Northern Whales.. [
>> Carrie Underwood's relt with Tony Romo has been put on hold again.. was Jessica Simpson behind it? [
>> Rose McGowan in ARENA Magazine (Jul '07) [

Hugh Grant will not be charged over an allegation that he lashed out at a paparazzi photographer with a tub of baked beans near his west London home in April. Ian Whittaker said he was in the area trying to get pictures of Liz Hurley, who lives nearby, when the incident happened. A CPS spokeswoman said that there was "insufficient evidence" to charge Grant over the allegation that he kicked Whittaker. She said, "There were clear discrepancies between the accounts of independent witnesses and those of the photographers involved." Oh, luckily it wasn't some hot bean soup..

Jack White has made a personally attack towards an Illinois DJ who foolishly leaked the new album. Dj Electra at Chicago's Q101 played the entire Icky Thump album after she received a preview copy. He made a call from Spain and scolded the DJ who admits she was baffled by the angry phonecall. She said, "Someone gave us a copy of a record that we were really excited to play." Just a ticking off? White has little sympathy for stars who are hounded by the paparazzi - arguing they should stay out of the limelight. He said, "I strongly believe that if you're famous it should be because you did something, and the fame is the side-effect of accomplishment. In this day and age nobody seems to be looking at it that way anymore." Times have changed.