Sunday, May 20, 2007
Escape The Nest

>> New Transformers Trailer [TransVid]
>> The Bionic Woman Preview [Bio-Woman]
Anne Hathaway on the set of 'Get Smart' (16/05/2007)

Jessica Simpson has split from that whatshisname! But she's 'very happy' post-split.. When asked about the split at the Cannes Film Festival, Jessy replied: "I am very happy, but I don't really want to talk about my personal life tonight because it's not what it's about. But I am very happy. I will let you know that." Now what does that mean? Probably she had finally realised how stupid she was spending time with that boing person.
Sandra Bullock's stalker has been charged after allegedly trying to run over her husband. Marcia Valentine faces a maximum sentence of four years and eight months in prison if she is found guilty of assault and stalking. Sandra won a three-year restraining order against Valentine. She must not come within 500 yards of Sandra, Jesse or his children from a previous relationship and is forbidden from contacting them in any manner. These kind of weirdo stalkers really need help.

Will Desmond prevent another future incident that will lead to Charlie's death? After Juliet told Jack about The Others' impending raid on their camp, Jack had been secretly working with Danielle in a plan to collect dynamites from The Black Rock and use it to blow their enemies up when they arrive. They thought it was going to be the next night but then another new revelation came through in the form of Karl who has been told by Alex to help send an important message to the losties since Sawyer/Kate had saved him once before on Hydra Island. Alex came to know about the new plan from Ben who ordered Ryan to bring his men to the beach camp immediately and thus put forward the raid. What they originally wanted was the pregnant women but since Ben has gone from crazy to insane after he shot Locke, if those tents weren't already marked then all the women will be taken away! There is an underwater hatch called 'The Looking Glass' where Juliet revealed that all the radio signals are being jammed by Ben to prevent outside communication. Sayid showed Jack/Juliet a map he retrived from The Flame depicting that underwater station which is connected by the line cable he first discovered back in 'Solitary'. Jack didn't want Sayid to dive in to flip the switch because there are more important issues to take care of. Only when Karl hurriedly came by boat and informing the gang about Ryan's clan coming at that very moment made Jack change his mind. Since Sayid is needed to stay behind to shoot the dynamite at the tents along with Jin and Bernard while Jack leads the rest to the radio tower, Charlie volunteered to flip the switch in The Looking Glass. What's the reason for that? Desmond had his visions again where Claire & Aaron got rescued by a helicopter but for that to happen, Charlie has to enter that particular station and do as planned. Since there is still time, Charlie made a top 5 lists containing memories of his life. Number 5 was hearing his band's track being played on the radio, no.4 was learning how to swim at Butlin's, no.3 was his big bro Liam giving him a family tradition 'D/S' ring, no.2 was being called a hero after helping a foreign woman (Nadia) from being robbed and no.1 was the first time he met Claire. The sticker on Charlie's guitar case in the flashback was "I was here moments ago." A hint of Desmond's time travel issues? This would be the second time Charlie has volunteered to risk his life, the first incident was from 'The Moth' where he wormed into a small cave to rescue Jack. After some sentimental goodbyes to Claire/Aaron and Hurley, Charlie embarked on his new journey along with Desmond while Jack gathers the group on the way to the radio tower. After Charlie/Des reached the area to dive in, Des curiously wanted to be the one to flip the switch. That didn't happen because Charlie knocked him out so that the future will pan out like it how it really should be from the flashes. After jumping deep into the ocean, Charlie successfully entered through the moon pool to his delight. Now all he has to do is find the yellow blinking light.. but then out came two armed women pointing their weapons at Charlie! Ben told Juliet the station was flooded but now there are people manning this new station! Why hide it? There were only six orientation films, and since the Looking Glass is underwater, it's the one that didn't have a film. What was its original purpose? Was some head hancho at Dharma using it to block or regulate what signals went to and from the island? Was it somehow remotely operated? Is Ben aware that the Looking Glass is occupied? Perhaps those women live down there because they know about Ben and his ovary-obsessed crew. Was Ben lying when he said that Jacob wanted him to go to the beach a day early? Did he go see him after shooting Locke, or was he summoned? I think it was because Ben figured out that the Losties have his tape recorder and found out about his plans. There is gonna be some hell coming soon.
>> Alyssa Milano on set of "Pathology" [Milano-Movie]
>> Fabrizio Moretti spotted puffing away with a new brunette smoker. [Fab-NewLady]
>> Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson were spotted mattress shopping in Santa Monica. [Kate-Owen-Bedshop]
Lindsay Lohan - 2007/08 Chanel Cruise Show (18/05/2007)

Sarah Michelle Gellar - 2007/08 Chanel Cruise Show (18/05/2007)

Indie Tunes:
>> Editors - Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors [mp3]
>> M.I.A. - Hit That [mp3]
>> Arctic Monkeys - Da Frame 2R [mp3]
Keith Richards is not down with hip-hop, saying it leaves him "cold". The veteran rocker says he completely fails to understand the appeal of the genre, despite its massive popularity. He told Rolling Stone mag, "Hip-hop leaves me cold. But there are some people out there who think it's the meaning of life. I don't wanna be yelled at; I wanna be sung to. I never really understood why someone would want to have some gangster from L.A. poking his fingers in your face. As I say, it don't grab me. I mean the rhythms are boring; they're all done on computers." Ah bless, sounds like your dad doesn't he?

reported by Alex Banks