Saturday, May 12, 2007
Just Like Honey

Sophia Bush - Lyric Culture Hosts Launch Party and Runway Show (11/05/2007)

Sophia Bush laughs at Hilton's hardship.. [Sophia-Bash]

At long last, the story of Ben was unveiled. Born on December 22, 1963 on a secluded Portland area, his mum died right after giving birth. Locke finally did what he was asked to do and came back to The Others new makeshift camp site with the people all looking in awe. As promised, Ben told Locke about this higher power called Jacob whom Locke wanted to see himself. But Ben states that you don't just see him... only when he summons you to. Badass Locke didn't buy this story and even Mikhail got a beating from it. Nice to see Tom & Richard just watching the one-eyed Russian succumbing to Locke which shows who they really want as their leader. There were shocked expressions all around when Locke casually said that he and Ben are going to see Jacob. With that, Ben got no choice but to delay his abduction plans with the new knowledge of Naomi's techie item. In a very enriching flashback, we see young Ben coming to the island with his dad Roger. He lived in the barracks while Roger became a 'Work Man'. Some new Marvin Candle orientation videos were screened on the TVs at the registration centre where he welcomed the new recruits and said that the island "has properties that exist nowhere else on Earth." Young Ben has an admirer called Annie who carved two wooden dolls for his birthday. There was a purge going on while they were in school one day and this made Roger question the safety issues. After seeing his dead Mom outside the window, young Ben tried to go through the sonic barrier to find her but when she appeared to him again, she told him it wasn't time yet. So young Ben came back some time later with all his belongings and activated the code '54439' to unlock the sonic defence. That is when he saw a 'Kurt Cobain' version of Richard Alpert who looked the same age! How is that possible?? "You do remember birthdays, don't you Richard?" Could this have been a loaded question posed by Ben to Richard, a man who never seems to age? 70s version Alpert told young Ben he could come with him but must be very patient. Maybe to meet someone very powerful perhaps. Some years later, a grown up Ben decided to kill his daddy and later help Alpert purge the barracks. How this is connected to Ben finally being crowned the secondary leader amongst the 'hostiles' is still unknown. Back to the losties camp site. Sawyer told Sayid about his meeting with Locke and showed him the tape recorder containing Juliet's fertility report. Everyone there now knew about this fake plane crash, Naomi's arrival and The Others' plans to raid the pregnant woman from their camp. Jack & Juliet came back and asked how Sawyer got the tape recorder which was met with a negative response. Juliet then told Sawyer to play the other side of the tape and revealed that Jack and herself were trying to find ways to counter the impending raid. If only they would all just communicate better.. Creepy scene involves Ben, Locke and an empty chair in a very old wooden house that has some special powder circling around it. Ben finally introduced Locke to Jacob. But where is he?? When Ben starts talking to an empty chair back and forth while holding a conversation with a puzzled Locke, it looks very very strange. Locke called Ben pathetic and then decided to walk out of the house. "Help me.." Who/What the bloody hell was that? Ben didn't say anything so Locke flashed at the empty chair. Now because this invisible Jacob got pissed, the house shook and things started to fly all around the house. For a split second, a man dressed like someone from the 'Black Rock' was seen sitting on the chair facing sideways towards Ben who got throwed back to the wall by some magical force. Locke quickly ran out and then everything became serene. "That was.. Jacob," a very sad looking Ben told Locke. When they were walking back, Locke refused to acknowledge the words he heard in the house which made Ben very worried. On their way back, Locke was brought to a large trench containing skeletons of Dharma personnel that Ben purged sometime during 1988-1991. Because he was smart enough to side with the right clan, Ben didn't fall prey like them. When Locke heard this, he turned around wielding his knife and not the gun which Alex gave him earlier. That's because Ben somehow took it and shot Locke!! What the...? Because Locke has heard Jacob's voice, Ben became terrified that Jacob no longer trusts him. Will Locke survive this gunshot wound? He has to. This is someone extremely special and also have a communion with this mysterious location. The Others aren't Dharma but are pre-Dharma. So why is Dharma still dropping off supplies in the middle of the jungle? Does Jacob have an influence on why women who conceived there being unable to give birth and does it tie in with Ben's mum pregnancy ordeal?
New Indie Tunes:
>> Camera Obscura - The Last Song [mp3]
>> New Young Pony Club - Grey [mp3]
>> Bis - Kandy Pop [mp3]

Shiri Appleby @ Intuition Launch of the Target Couture Collection (11/05/2007)

Kate Moss at the opening of Topshop in NYC (08/05/2007)

>> Bruce Willis knows how to use the Internet? [BW-NetUsage]
>> The Incredible Hulk will be matched against adversary Abomination, with Tim Roth playing Emil Blonsky. [Hulk_vs_Abo]
>> George Michael has pleaded guilty to driving while unfit through drugs. [GM-Guilty]

reported by Alex Banks