Thursday, June 21, 2007
In Berlin

She may only be four months pregnant, but Drea de Matteo has already noticed a dramatic change in her physique. "I feel great," the 35-year-old actress said at the premiere of her new movie, Broken English, on Monday. "I just feel fat, but I feel great." [Drea-Progress]

Rachel Bilson - Kova and T Cocktail Party (19/06/2007)

Jennifer Garner with her daughter at the Beach in Hawaii (19/06/2007)

50 Cent & Snoop Dogg have come under fire in a new ad campaign against the degradation of women. The Faith Community of Saint Sabina has attacked ten popular US rap artists for "demean(ing) women and perpetuat(ing) violence". It has put up twenty billboards throughout Chicago urging people to "stop listening to trash". Reverend Michael Pfleger says, "If we are going to end the violence and the disrespect of women, we must fight every form of negativity, including the music industry." Will things change? Minimal at most.
Christina Aguilera - who reportedly told friends she is three months pregnant - might soon be the new owner of the Osbourne family mansion in Bev Hills. The Osbournes put the Doheny Drive estate on the market in April after Ozzy said he didn't want to live in the home any longer because, "the house holds bad memories for me because it reminds me of the terrible time Sharon got cancer and of times when me and the kids were doped out of our minds." No word on how much Aguilera actually coughed up for the house.

Not too impressed by this Aussie band from their concert performance. Waited for about two to three hours whereby some below average supporting bands were trying hard but just not good enough; at least that joker who sang off-key for LWYD during a mini competition on stage provided better entertainment. When the main performers started their engines, a mixture of fast and slow numbers from both albums were belted out. Besides the expected AYG & LWYD tracks, some of their lesser known stuff just doesn't soak in well. Nic should not have done those pregnant pauses during AYG because it was a case of overcook. BIOB was a personal fav especially during the 'aaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaah' part where he nailed it just like in the record. Too bad there wasn't Timothy but then Eleanor proved to be a good alternative. Overall, Roll Over DJ status was just good. Not world class calibre yet..
>> Jewel testified in Washington about youth homelessness [Jewel-YouthTalk]
>> Lily Allen's Elle shoot [LA-Elle]
>> Keira Knightley in Aussie Cleo July Edition [KK-Cleo]
Cheryl Tweedy and husband chilling in Marbella, Southern Spain (20/06/2007)

Sarah Michelle Gellar - Out and About in Beverly Hills (20/06/2007)

Vid Sightings:
>> Paulina Rubio gets mobbed up and down Robertson Boulevard by the paparazzi while shopping. [Rubio-Shop]
>> Ashlee Simpson enjoys a spot of shopping at trendy Malibu store 'Planet Blue'. [Ashlee-PBlue]
>> Colin Farrell with his new girlfriend, Muireann McDonnell, shopping for furniture in L.A. [Farrell-MCDonnell]
>> Keanu Reeves shows up on the set of 'The Night Watchman' looking a bit as if he had saved some of his 'Bill and Ted' wardrobe. [Keanu-NWset]

reported by Alex Banks