Monday, June 11, 2007
Direct Hit

>> Paris Hilton calls Barbara Walters from jail.. [PH-BW1 / PH-BW2]
>> Despite her split from William, Kate Middleton will be attending the memorial event 'Concert For Diana' at the new Wembley stadium. [Middleton-Wembley]
>> Matt Damon and his wife Luciana Barroso go for a stroll around NYC's SoHo with daughter Isabella, who turns 1-year-old today. [Matt-FamilyStroll]
Emmanuelle Chriqui @ the screening for "She Hate Me" (08/06/2007)

Hayden Panattiere - After Party for a John Mayer Concert at Parc (10/06/2007)

The Cribs are furious at being slapped with an Mtv video ban when "Men's Needs" prompted a complaint from U.K. media watchdog Ofcom. The contentious clips include the drummer's arm apparently sliced off and bassist Ryan getting 'beheaded' and thus the video can now only be shown after 9pm but the band can't understand why. Jarman says, "It really p**sed me off. I don't know if it's like one super conservative person or a malicious industry smear campaign. It's just one person complaint and yet its been watched like 100,000 times on YouTube. You should look to the majority vote really." Party poopers indeed.
The Cribs - Womans's Needs [mp3]
Jack White says redheads are more interesting than other women. He has declared that "Icky Thump" is a tribute to redheads. Jack told GQ mag: "Is this our ginger-loving record? Yeah! They're the most interesting to me. I'm always curious about redheads. There is something different about them." The singer has no plans to move to Britain because he has issues with the plumbing. He said: "The U.K. still hasn't discovered the art of heating and cooling! England is a country where you still have two separate faucets for hot and cold.' But you turn the hot and, in three seconds, it's boiling water - so you pretty much have a three-second window to wash your hands." Funny.
Lily Allen has found a new target to feud with! She recently ranted that Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie is "pathetic and ridiculous". After spats with Cheryl and Winehouse are finally over, Lily now finds that B.E.P's disturbing track Humps is not good for the kids. She said: "It's not good for seven-year-olds to be going 'My humps, my humps, my lovely lady lumps'. It's not about music, it's about sex." Strike one.

The 'Complete' Bad Girls Guide according to Us Weekly [Bad-Girls-Summary]
Nice one! Check out how Donnie Darko changed music.. [DD-Impact]
Elizabeth Hurley arrives at her London home (09/06/2007)

Rachel Bilson shopping with little sister 'Hattie' in Santa Monica (09/06/07)

reported by Alex Banks