Sarah Michelle Gellar has ruled out starring in a movie adaptation of 'Buffy' - because she finds the prospect too terrifying. Gellar is convinced it would be hard to better its conclusion. She said, "That thought really scares me. Buffy was a movie and it didn't work because her story was longer than that. It took so long to figure out how to crack the ending so that people weren't upset. I'm not saying no, but my fear would be to open something like that up again, to only end it again".

Lily Allen has a heart murmur. Her condition - an abnormal heartbeat sound often caused by a narrowing of the blood valves, or a hole in the heart - is the reason why she shed an astonishing 19lbs in just six weeks and has a new "hardcore" exercise regime. She said, "I found out I had a heart murmur about three months ago during a routine check-up. It was really scary. Now I make sure I work out three times a week." However, Lily stressed she has no plans to go too far with her diet and become a size zero. She might consider giving up her beloved cigarettes.
>> Lily Allen plans to quit showbiz after finishing her next CD. [
Kylie Minogue @ the photocall to present her new album "X" in Berlin (22/11/2007)

Maria Sharapova - candids Fred Segal and Barney's (21/11/2007)

Amy Winehouse is planning to check into rehab in the new year in an effort to get clean before her husband is released at the end of January. According to the Daily Mail, Amy has told friends she wants to be strong for Blake and is planning a stay in the Priory clinic straight after Christmas. A source explained: "Going into rehab right now would be too hard with Blake away for another two months. She's going to wait until Blake is on the home-stretch then get herself sorted out so she can be there for him when he leaves jail and on the run-up to his trial." We only said goodbye with words?

Guitarist Slash loves "South American hookers" because "they will do anything." He revealed his penchant for prostitutes to a female companion during a recent disappointing trip to a London strip club. Slash said, "I've seen everything so this club (Sophisticats) is dull. If you want a real stripper, you get a hooker. The girls in South America are best, because they will do anything you like!" Slash wore the same clothes for three days running after Air Canada lost his luggage. He said, "I did see one suitcase that looked like mine but then I could've ended up walking around London in a dress!" Should be cool enough to do that.
Lindsay Lohan @ Marmalade Cafe, Cross Creek (26/11/2007)

>> Hilary Duff Picking Up Her Dry Cleaning [
>> Sandra Bullock and Jesse James' family day in a Los Angeles park [
>> Christina Aguilera - Through The Years From Childhood [

Fran Healy has revealed that his bandmates fooled him on their North American tour - by claiming that a moustache he had grown looked good. The frontman planned to shave it off completely, but he received reassurance that it suited him. "I grew a big beard and while shaving I was just about to do the Hitler - and when you do the Hitler you've got to take the whole thing off," Fran told the Daily Record. "And the guys said 'That's quite good', so I just left it." Healy added that he changed his mind after growing suspicious about the sincerity of his bandmates' comments. Heh.