Kt Tunstall has lashed out at Carrie Underwood - for winning a Grammy award. The American Idol winner took home a Grammy for best new artist in Feb (07) - but Tunstall is unimpressed by her fast-track to fame. She has declared the former Idol contestant is unworthy of the prestigious prize. She says, "It's weird when the Best New Artist is someone from a reality TV show who sings other people's music." Hah hah.

Alex Turner's relationship with leggy TV presenter Alexa Chung is going so well he's been taken to meet her parents. The singer was said to have been warmly received when he dined with the Chung's at their home to celebrate Alexa's 24th birthday last week. A source tells the Sunday Mirror, "He was a bit nervous as it's only been two months, but he is serious about their relationship." A lucky woman.
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1 2]
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1 2]
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Kate Hudson and Orlando Bloom were spotted kissing passionately at a Halloween party. The pair were reportedly "inseparable" during the bash at Kate's home, on October 27, and openly "made out for ages". An insider told OK! mag, "Kate and Orlando were talking, drinking and laughing. Then they just started going at it. They made out for ages and looked like they were really enjoying themselves. After that first make-out session, they walked around and talked to everyone as a couple. They were inseparable from then on." Impressive. This Bloom looks a much better partner for Katy.
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Halle Berry is expecting a boy on Valentine's Day, according to her friends. One friend told the New York Post, "She is so excited she is going to be having a boy. She says she has never been happier than now, when she is pregnant." Halle previously revealed she didn't want to know the sex of her baby before the birth, saying, "There are so few genuine surprises in life anymore that, why not have a huge surprise? And I like fantasizing one day that it's a girl, and one day that it's a boy."

Courtney Love reportedly won't buy Kate Moss' house because it is "depressing" and "a mess". The singer backed out of plans to purchase the mansion after a second inspection left her "horrified". Her close pal said, "Courtney noticed the house has scratched floors and old-looking plug sockets. She said the magnolia and pink walls made the house look depressing and sterile." Kate's art collection includes a print of the Sid Vicious and a vampire painting. The source added, "There was a painting of Sid Vicious in the bathroom. Courtney said she couldn't bathe with Sid hanging over her." Cobain won't like that, eh?
Kristanna Loken - Monte-Carlo Television Festival

Alyson Hannigan - Day Five of the writers strike at Fox Studios (09/11/2007)

Daniel Craig is hand-picking his Bond girls for the new 007 film, due out at the end of next year. "Daniel campaigned for Eva Green to do Casino Royale and is having a similar input in the casting of the next film," says a movie mole. "There'll be four girls, all of whom will look Latin-American as much of the film is set in Panama, and Daniel is having a hard time choosing between those screen testing." Brazilian actress Cleo Pires and Israeli Moran Atias are rumoured to be in the running.