Sunday, July 30, 2006
Into Your System

Is Nicole Kidman Pregnant?

Transformers Teaser Trailer [link] --07.04.07--
New Music Vids!
Ok Go - Here It Goes Again [win / / real] (more incredible dance steps galore)
The View - Wasted Little DJs [real] (check out the 'Noel G' flavoured guitar solo)
The Vines - Outtathaway (Annandale Hotel, July 19 2006)
Video sightings:
- Jessica Simpson coming out of her hotel in New York and greeting fans. [jessy-ny]
- Jennifer Aniston seen leaving Moxie Pictures in West Hollywod. [jenn-wh]

More Avril Lavigne's honeymoon pics -> [lavigne-honeymoonz]
Charlotte Church Glamour Magazine scans [charl-glamour]

Kate Hudson Vogue Magazine scans [kate-vogue]

The Top 50 Movie Endings of All Time [link]
Take a look at the ancient "" page (1996 version) [link]

Geri Halliwell may soon be making her debut soap appearance in EastEnders. Soap opera EastEnders have been desperately trying to find her a role with a spokeswoman saying the soap was going to 'find a part that's right for her'. A source said: "She has been an EastEnders addict for years and thinks it consistently great. She was devastated when BBC America axed the show while she was living in Los Angeles and has been enjoying catching up on all the plot lines since she's been back in the UK. The Branning family are particular favourites and when the characters Bradley and Max turned up with their flame red-hair it got her thinking." Would be nice to see her in the acting industry.
Franz Ferdinand having some fun as they headlined Japan's biggest music festival at the recent Fuji Festival. They were even presented with personalised Kimonos where each robe had the band member's name in Japanese on the back. Read more.. [franz-fuji]

Lost 3 Spoiler!! This article contains information about episodes that have not yet aired. Highlight to see further..
Two new actors will join the cast of the hit television show Lost for its third season. Actress Elizabeth Mitchell will play a character called Juliet, who could turn out to be a new love interest for Jack. The other new addition is Love Actually star Rodrigo Santoro, who has earned the nickname 'the Brazilian Tom Cruise'. Explaining the choice to TV Guide, the show's executive producer Damon Lindelof said: "He's a guy who's perfect for Lost because he's a face that the American audience is not familiar with."
Introverted IT students are more likely to indulge in "deviant" computer activity, according to a new study. The study contradicts previous research that found computer misuse is more common among extroverts. Researchers surveyed 77 computer science students at Purdue University using an anonymous, web-based questionnaire. Students were asked whether they had indulged in one of several "deviant" computer acts, some of which could be classified as illegal. These activities were guessing or using another person's password, reading or changing someone else's files, writing or using a computer virus, obtaining credit card numbers and "using a device to obtain free phone calls". The number of IT students who admitted to such behaviour was high. "Of 77 students, 68 admitted to engaging in an activity that could be classified as deviant," computer scientist Marcus Rogers said. And those who admitted to having indulged in such behaviour also appeared to be markedly more introverted than those who had not. On average, these "deviant" students rated themselves 10 percentage points higher on an "introversion scale".
Jon Munsey, a computer forensic investigator, believes introversion could be linked to particular forms of computer misuse. "In my experience, the cyber-criminal working from inside their home is indeed an introvert with few friends, who spends a lot of time on their computer," he said. "But for cyber-crime within companies it's the opposite. People who stand to gain a lot monetarily need a lot of drive, ambition and basically a lot of front to get away with it."
reported by Alex Banks