Friday, February 24, 2006
Be Here Now
Bangkok 100 Rock Festival 2006 review with pictures of Ian Brown, Franz & Oasis...and video clips of their performances [ oasis clip / franz clip / ian brown clip ]
Rock Fest Thailand (Feb 18-19) review.
Oasis interview before their Seoul Performance.
Today online interview with Oasis before the Singapore Indoor Stadium gig. Funny stuff.
Okay. So straight away after the super fookin' brilliant concert yesterday, I realised that my speaking voice is quite similar to Rod Stewart. That was the result of shouting out the lyrics of all the songs. Doing some research beforehand, the expected set-list does not have Supersonic & Columbia(!!?!??!??!). Sad. Upon reaching the area, there was already a small bunch of people in line. So it's not too bad. Around 4.30pm, overheard some people rushing to a place nearby, shouting & cheering away..maybe the band has arrived in that small black car?? And we thought they took a van to reach the indoor stadium. Back to queue, there was this dude with a big bottle of alcohol giving a toast to everyone saying out loud - "Today, Liam Gallagher is gonna teach us how to live forever!"...aaaaah, nice one! At around 6.50pm, I went to the Gents which was located about 100-150m away and when i came out, the queue was moving forward!!! Fookin' hell. After sprinting like Thierry Hen-ry, i was lucky to catch up with the gang...When the queue moved near to the door, one unlucky dude was turned away by the security saying that he was at the front a while ago. He was told to move to the back. Tough luck manz. So we went in and got a nice position at the middle 3rd row. Joked with the guys about those people on the seated area. How can you watch a rock n roll concert sitting down??? Time was 7.15pm... and they would definitely start around 8.30pm. Some joker attempted a body surfin' stunt before the show even started! Made friends with some young 'uns who asked about where i got my oasis t-shirt, oasis tag, blah blah.. After that at 8.32pm...FITB started and fookin' mad dancing routine starts. Some people were kinda looking at me and has the 'wow' look injected. Maybe it's coz i'm one of the few who belted out every word of the less popular old sch/new tracks word by word...hahahaa. i rule of coz. Two wwe built guys arrived at our area and they kept shouting 'SUPERSONIC'...but of coz there isn't for the night which is quite disappointing. The band did a marathon of songs until rock n roll star...where they took a break...encore with 4 songs..ended with my generation. Heard that the tamborine that Liam threw to the crowd to the left side of the free standing crowd was hastily grabbed by a bunch of people and in the end, the tambourine got split into half!! And the best part was they seemed happy to share their portions of it.. Though it was air-conditioned but the atmosphere was so intense i'm actually sweating.. and maybe lost abt 2kg as well from jumping around and raising hands in the sky. Disappointed that some of the people in the crowd just stood around like a mannequin during the less popular watching the betting odds at a betting outlet. Doesn't matter. Body is still aching from yesterday's unforgettable experience. This is rock n roll...this is rock n roll...

Gonna compile the concert pics soon...
A very funny incident written by Alex Kapranos about him being told off not to eat outside food in the hotel during his Asian tour...
Ian Brown has warned troubled singer Pete Doherty's his burgeoning career will collapse if he doesn't quit drugs soon. He has urged Doherty is get clean because the group will never reach their full potential until he is sober. Brown says: "Babyshambles are a great rock 'n' roll band. Pete didn't put a foot wrong. He didn't miss a note and the band didn't skip a beat. People can say what they like about Pete being a waster, but they put on a great rock 'n' roll show. My advice to them is keep off the class-A drugs. I would always encourage Pete to keep off the class-A drugs because it doesn't matter how big you are, they will take you down." Ian Brown should just give him a tight slap and some serious counselling sessions to bring him back to the healthy route.
Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe are finally set to join forces on the silver screen. The famous pair will star as passionate lovers in a historical epic set in their homeland and directed by Baz Luhrmann. The Moulin Rouge director said the movie will be shot partly in the Australian Outback "It's a classic emotional romance between two characters. We have some of the most extraordinary landscape on the planet and we want to get two of the most extraordinary actors in the world and put them, acting, in that landscape." Luhrmann told the Daily Telegraph that Kidman and Crowe's on-screen relationship was "very passionate".The film, which does not yet have a title, is set in Darwin in the 1930s and sees its leads become involved in a love triangle. Luhrmann said the impetus came from a shared desire between him and his two stars to "do something purely Australian on a scale the world hasn't seen before". Hmmm, that would be massive indeed.
The return of Friday The 13th movie!
Ashlee Simpson visiting children at the Beth Israel Pediatric Hospital in NYC and her performance at the MTV TRL Awards.
Lindsay Lohan doesn't want to be called a Teen Queen. In the March edition of Allure mag, Lohan says she wants to be considered a serious actress - and rejects her youthful, party-girl image. "I hate it when people call me a teen queen," Lohan says in an interview. So she prefers to be called a princess because queen sounds like err..drama queen? As for her days as a Skinny Girl, Lohan says: "Sometimes being that thin doesn't look healthy. I kind of didn't realize that." And her close ones doesn't realize that too? About the point where she dropped pounds from her shapely figure following a hospital visit last year, she says. "I lost weight when I was in the hospital, and then I wanted to keep it off. It was an attention thing, too." And hence the tag of 'teen queen'.
Jack White is heading to Scotland with his side project The Raconteurs. They have announced their first ever UK shows which will see them playing four dates in March. The four piece side project of Jack White and Brendan Benson will play in Liverpool, Glasgow, Newcastle and London. The Raconteurs debut album Broken Boy Soldiers is out in May. At least there is a new album with Jack's vocals this year. And it will be some bad-ass indie rock quality for sure.
Are you an anti Craig Bond?
Daniel Craig has had two teeth knocked out during his first James Bond fight scene. The actor's injuries were so serious that his dentist Rod McNeil had to be flown out to Prague, where Casino Royale is currently being filmed. An insider told the Sunday Mirror, "Daniel was filming with some minor actors when he got hit in the face. He was reeling from a heavy blow and staggered back holding his face. He put his hand to his mouth but the blood started to seep through his fingers - it was horrible. He did not make a fuss though, and fortunately the accident will not affect the film. He soon got back to work, and will just have to wear a gumshield during action scenes for the film. These are so his teeth look perfect when his mouth is open and cameras pan in on him." This is embarassing man. I feel sorry for Ian Fleming.
The Vines have released the details of their third album, Vision Valley, which will be released in April. This third album, which is the follow-up to their 2004 album Winning Days, has been in the pipeline since the band started recording in September last year. However it was delayed by the revelation that frontman Craig Nicholls had been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a form of high-functioning autism.
The released track listing for the forthcoming album is as follows:
Nothin's Comin'
Candy Daze
Vision Valley
Don't Listen To The Radio
Gross Out
Take Me Back
Going Gone
F*k Yeh
Dope Train
Jessica Simpson will be in a new movie called - Employee of the Month. Now what is that all about?
Date Movie trailer they are going to London soon. Jenny, a famous gay model with short short hair, came by to give them some tips about the fashion industry. Kim asked her how to cope with showing her feminine side during photoshoots. Kim & Nicole bitched about Jayla & Lisa through the toilet cam which was very hilarious. Next day, ET correspondent dude talked to them abt celebrity life, showing them awkward pics of them eating, making angry, weird faces,etc. So he said, if they win the competition, there would surely be some awful pics taken by paparazzi that will make or break their career. At home, Kim starts playing the harmonica to Nicole...with different tunes represnting the departure of the other gals, especially Jayla. Bre wasn't too happy abt Kim talking behind people's back..and told Jayla abt it. Nik also got tired of Kim talking bad about her. Lisa can't wait to go to London. One more photoshoot b4 they go to London. They went to a shop to take a passport by a celebrity photographer which turned out to be a test to see how prepared they were for the unexpected fake passport taking session. Bre won the test. Lisa continued complaining to camera about the delay of going to London.. She really can't wait to leave the country asap. Big arguments started when Kim overheard Nik & Bre talking about her. Then Jayla let it out that she was unhappy about Kim talking bad behind her back. Kim apologized for her childish behaviour. Bre was not really buying it. Lisa is damn happy upon arriving in Heathrow, London. They all can't believe they are in London; riding on a roof-less red bus. Savoy Hotel...suite 212 was their new home. Bre brought Nik with her on a date with two Englishmen. Nik was so happy coz she has never ridden on a carriage b4. At the suite, Kim wrote an apology letter to Nik & Bre...and Nik still doesn't really buy into her sincerity. Next day, they were all asked to squeeze in the Red telephone Booth with all taking the chance to be the front person. Only with their underwear and braless with their 'tabloid' newspaper. Not sure who..but someone farted on the first take. wtf manz. Bre said some of the beautiful girls didn't wear deodorant. Nicole told the photographer to wait b4 the last shot...Jay then said "since when has the model decide which is the last shot?" Judging time. Paparazzi worst shot was used as a test. Nicole, Bre, Nik, Lisa had horrible expressions. Jayla & Kim were ok. The phonebooth photoshoot next. All did fairly well. Not too sure why Jayla was looking away from the camera. First name called...Kim...Bre, Nicole, Nik....Lisa Vs Jayla. One spitfire character which the judges not really happy about..on the verge of being cocky... While the other was just playing safe and not showing what she is capable of. So, the one going home is Lisa. Weird coz the show did not solely focus on her and the week where she was not doing anything crazy(maybe due to the english weather?) resulted in her departure.
She Wants Revenge are out with the video to their new single Tear You Apart, from their self-titled album.
Charlotte Church and boyfriend Gavin Henson were photographed outside their home in Cardiff, Wales on Monday (Feb 20).
Birthday girl (21st Feb '86) Charlotte Church seemed to have a dose of puppy love as she stepped out carefully carrying a tiny dog. The singer emerged from the Cardiff home cradling the tiny creature. Looking all grown up in sleek beiges and browns teamed with a burnished gold handbag, Church said that Gavin had lavished her with gifts including a Jack Russell puppy. She told a BBC show: "Gavin bought me a dog, a little Jack Russell, she's called Tina. She's so beautiful. She cried all night last night and I had to look after her so I'm absolutely knackered." Now Charlotte has another puppy to complain to, on anything she is unhappy about whenever the other one is not around.
Rock Fest Thailand (Feb 18-19) review.
Oasis interview before their Seoul Performance.
Today online interview with Oasis before the Singapore Indoor Stadium gig. Funny stuff.
Okay. So straight away after the super fookin' brilliant concert yesterday, I realised that my speaking voice is quite similar to Rod Stewart. That was the result of shouting out the lyrics of all the songs. Doing some research beforehand, the expected set-list does not have Supersonic & Columbia(!!?!??!??!). Sad. Upon reaching the area, there was already a small bunch of people in line. So it's not too bad. Around 4.30pm, overheard some people rushing to a place nearby, shouting & cheering away..maybe the band has arrived in that small black car?? And we thought they took a van to reach the indoor stadium. Back to queue, there was this dude with a big bottle of alcohol giving a toast to everyone saying out loud - "Today, Liam Gallagher is gonna teach us how to live forever!"...aaaaah, nice one! At around 6.50pm, I went to the Gents which was located about 100-150m away and when i came out, the queue was moving forward!!! Fookin' hell. After sprinting like Thierry Hen-ry, i was lucky to catch up with the gang...When the queue moved near to the door, one unlucky dude was turned away by the security saying that he was at the front a while ago. He was told to move to the back. Tough luck manz. So we went in and got a nice position at the middle 3rd row. Joked with the guys about those people on the seated area. How can you watch a rock n roll concert sitting down??? Time was 7.15pm... and they would definitely start around 8.30pm. Some joker attempted a body surfin' stunt before the show even started! Made friends with some young 'uns who asked about where i got my oasis t-shirt, oasis tag, blah blah.. After that at 8.32pm...FITB started and fookin' mad dancing routine starts. Some people were kinda looking at me and has the 'wow' look injected. Maybe it's coz i'm one of the few who belted out every word of the less popular old sch/new tracks word by word...hahahaa. i rule of coz. Two wwe built guys arrived at our area and they kept shouting 'SUPERSONIC'...but of coz there isn't for the night which is quite disappointing. The band did a marathon of songs until rock n roll star...where they took a break...encore with 4 songs..ended with my generation. Heard that the tamborine that Liam threw to the crowd to the left side of the free standing crowd was hastily grabbed by a bunch of people and in the end, the tambourine got split into half!! And the best part was they seemed happy to share their portions of it.. Though it was air-conditioned but the atmosphere was so intense i'm actually sweating.. and maybe lost abt 2kg as well from jumping around and raising hands in the sky. Disappointed that some of the people in the crowd just stood around like a mannequin during the less popular watching the betting odds at a betting outlet. Doesn't matter. Body is still aching from yesterday's unforgettable experience. This is rock n roll...this is rock n roll...

Gonna compile the concert pics soon...
A very funny incident written by Alex Kapranos about him being told off not to eat outside food in the hotel during his Asian tour...
Ian Brown has warned troubled singer Pete Doherty's his burgeoning career will collapse if he doesn't quit drugs soon. He has urged Doherty is get clean because the group will never reach their full potential until he is sober. Brown says: "Babyshambles are a great rock 'n' roll band. Pete didn't put a foot wrong. He didn't miss a note and the band didn't skip a beat. People can say what they like about Pete being a waster, but they put on a great rock 'n' roll show. My advice to them is keep off the class-A drugs. I would always encourage Pete to keep off the class-A drugs because it doesn't matter how big you are, they will take you down." Ian Brown should just give him a tight slap and some serious counselling sessions to bring him back to the healthy route.
Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe are finally set to join forces on the silver screen. The famous pair will star as passionate lovers in a historical epic set in their homeland and directed by Baz Luhrmann. The Moulin Rouge director said the movie will be shot partly in the Australian Outback "It's a classic emotional romance between two characters. We have some of the most extraordinary landscape on the planet and we want to get two of the most extraordinary actors in the world and put them, acting, in that landscape." Luhrmann told the Daily Telegraph that Kidman and Crowe's on-screen relationship was "very passionate".The film, which does not yet have a title, is set in Darwin in the 1930s and sees its leads become involved in a love triangle. Luhrmann said the impetus came from a shared desire between him and his two stars to "do something purely Australian on a scale the world hasn't seen before". Hmmm, that would be massive indeed.
The return of Friday The 13th movie!
Ashlee Simpson visiting children at the Beth Israel Pediatric Hospital in NYC and her performance at the MTV TRL Awards.
Lindsay Lohan doesn't want to be called a Teen Queen. In the March edition of Allure mag, Lohan says she wants to be considered a serious actress - and rejects her youthful, party-girl image. "I hate it when people call me a teen queen," Lohan says in an interview. So she prefers to be called a princess because queen sounds like err..drama queen? As for her days as a Skinny Girl, Lohan says: "Sometimes being that thin doesn't look healthy. I kind of didn't realize that." And her close ones doesn't realize that too? About the point where she dropped pounds from her shapely figure following a hospital visit last year, she says. "I lost weight when I was in the hospital, and then I wanted to keep it off. It was an attention thing, too." And hence the tag of 'teen queen'.
Jack White is heading to Scotland with his side project The Raconteurs. They have announced their first ever UK shows which will see them playing four dates in March. The four piece side project of Jack White and Brendan Benson will play in Liverpool, Glasgow, Newcastle and London. The Raconteurs debut album Broken Boy Soldiers is out in May. At least there is a new album with Jack's vocals this year. And it will be some bad-ass indie rock quality for sure.
Are you an anti Craig Bond?
Daniel Craig has had two teeth knocked out during his first James Bond fight scene. The actor's injuries were so serious that his dentist Rod McNeil had to be flown out to Prague, where Casino Royale is currently being filmed. An insider told the Sunday Mirror, "Daniel was filming with some minor actors when he got hit in the face. He was reeling from a heavy blow and staggered back holding his face. He put his hand to his mouth but the blood started to seep through his fingers - it was horrible. He did not make a fuss though, and fortunately the accident will not affect the film. He soon got back to work, and will just have to wear a gumshield during action scenes for the film. These are so his teeth look perfect when his mouth is open and cameras pan in on him." This is embarassing man. I feel sorry for Ian Fleming.
The Vines have released the details of their third album, Vision Valley, which will be released in April. This third album, which is the follow-up to their 2004 album Winning Days, has been in the pipeline since the band started recording in September last year. However it was delayed by the revelation that frontman Craig Nicholls had been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a form of high-functioning autism.
The released track listing for the forthcoming album is as follows:
Nothin's Comin'
Candy Daze
Vision Valley
Don't Listen To The Radio
Gross Out
Take Me Back
Going Gone
F*k Yeh
Dope Train
Jessica Simpson will be in a new movie called - Employee of the Month. Now what is that all about?
Date Movie trailer they are going to London soon. Jenny, a famous gay model with short short hair, came by to give them some tips about the fashion industry. Kim asked her how to cope with showing her feminine side during photoshoots. Kim & Nicole bitched about Jayla & Lisa through the toilet cam which was very hilarious. Next day, ET correspondent dude talked to them abt celebrity life, showing them awkward pics of them eating, making angry, weird faces,etc. So he said, if they win the competition, there would surely be some awful pics taken by paparazzi that will make or break their career. At home, Kim starts playing the harmonica to Nicole...with different tunes represnting the departure of the other gals, especially Jayla. Bre wasn't too happy abt Kim talking behind people's back..and told Jayla abt it. Nik also got tired of Kim talking bad about her. Lisa can't wait to go to London. One more photoshoot b4 they go to London. They went to a shop to take a passport by a celebrity photographer which turned out to be a test to see how prepared they were for the unexpected fake passport taking session. Bre won the test. Lisa continued complaining to camera about the delay of going to London.. She really can't wait to leave the country asap. Big arguments started when Kim overheard Nik & Bre talking about her. Then Jayla let it out that she was unhappy about Kim talking bad behind her back. Kim apologized for her childish behaviour. Bre was not really buying it. Lisa is damn happy upon arriving in Heathrow, London. They all can't believe they are in London; riding on a roof-less red bus. Savoy Hotel...suite 212 was their new home. Bre brought Nik with her on a date with two Englishmen. Nik was so happy coz she has never ridden on a carriage b4. At the suite, Kim wrote an apology letter to Nik & Bre...and Nik still doesn't really buy into her sincerity. Next day, they were all asked to squeeze in the Red telephone Booth with all taking the chance to be the front person. Only with their underwear and braless with their 'tabloid' newspaper. Not sure who..but someone farted on the first take. wtf manz. Bre said some of the beautiful girls didn't wear deodorant. Nicole told the photographer to wait b4 the last shot...Jay then said "since when has the model decide which is the last shot?" Judging time. Paparazzi worst shot was used as a test. Nicole, Bre, Nik, Lisa had horrible expressions. Jayla & Kim were ok. The phonebooth photoshoot next. All did fairly well. Not too sure why Jayla was looking away from the camera. First name called...Kim...Bre, Nicole, Nik....Lisa Vs Jayla. One spitfire character which the judges not really happy about..on the verge of being cocky... While the other was just playing safe and not showing what she is capable of. So, the one going home is Lisa. Weird coz the show did not solely focus on her and the week where she was not doing anything crazy(maybe due to the english weather?) resulted in her departure.
She Wants Revenge are out with the video to their new single Tear You Apart, from their self-titled album.
Charlotte Church and boyfriend Gavin Henson were photographed outside their home in Cardiff, Wales on Monday (Feb 20).
Birthday girl (21st Feb '86) Charlotte Church seemed to have a dose of puppy love as she stepped out carefully carrying a tiny dog. The singer emerged from the Cardiff home cradling the tiny creature. Looking all grown up in sleek beiges and browns teamed with a burnished gold handbag, Church said that Gavin had lavished her with gifts including a Jack Russell puppy. She told a BBC show: "Gavin bought me a dog, a little Jack Russell, she's called Tina. She's so beautiful. She cried all night last night and I had to look after her so I'm absolutely knackered." Now Charlotte has another puppy to complain to, on anything she is unhappy about whenever the other one is not around.
reported by Alex Banks
saviour!!! waiting for the pics!
commented by
Shazeea, Monday, February 27, 2006 12:09:00 AM