Tuesday, May 31, 2005
The Universal
Funny songs :
(Nobody ever mentions the weather, can make or break your daaaay
Nobody ever seeeeems to remember, life is a game we plaaaay)
Will Smith : *Using binoculars and scanning his cousin from head downwards* With this magical binoculars, I can seeeee through people's clothing..
Carlton Banks : What are you up to?
Will Smith : Oh, oh. *Paused at the waist level* No wonder you're so shy...
The Miss Uni 2005 was a delight to watch. The predictions that the latin americans would dominate this competition came true. Ok, an honest assessment here. By seeing their introductions at the first part of the show, me had about seven that was under 'personal favorites'. Well...there's no harm in predicting early yah. Nice to see that Peru, Canada, Dominican Republic who were under that category moved on to the top 10. Then, me would love to see Dominican win it. On to the top 5. Prediction was D.R, Canada, Mexico. But then the judges chose the Russian born Canadian lady as the winner. Mexico was 3rd r.up and me fav D.R was 2nd r.up. It's ok. At least Ms Canada is a real beauty with great poise too and me picked her during the intro. Hahaha...good judgment eh?
Everyone has had their fair share of regrets. "What if I could just go back to the time where life is more serene?", "If only he had known that I was one of them, then the outcome would be different.", "Why can't she be more responsive then only nothing like this would have happened."
Time waits for no man. Learn from the past and use that knowledge in the present to prepare for the future..
Survivor Kaobehkaobu Episode Two
Last week on..Survivor. 16 castaways were introduced to the island of Kaobehkaobu. They were split into two tribes, "Malu-Malu" and "Zhobo Lan". Flint were given to both tribes and they set up their own shelters.
Jessie : "This place is very hot!"
Shania : "Yeah..gonna be tanned very soon.."
In Malu-Malu, the three rockers, Fran, Thom, Liam, became very close and decided to form an alliance. Andrea and Vanilla seems to have a connection of sorts. MissyE seems to take the leader role as she plans on who was going to do what chores.
Celine to Andrea : "That woman can be a good mum."
In the reward challenge, Zhobo Lan clearly showed their togetherness in beating Malu-Malu.
Jeff : "Zhobo Lan wins the reward!!"
Back at camp, 50 seems to form an alliance with AliG and Shania while Blondie & StevenT looked to be on very good terms as the elder members of the tribe.
At the first immunity challenge, Malu-Malu again failed to work as a team at the balance beam obstacle and gave away the immunity to Zhobo Lan.
Jeff : "Malu-Malu, you will all meet me at the tribal council tonight where someone..will be voted out"
MissyE laments the fact that their group should be more cohesive in the future. Andrea spoke up to Belinda and Celine about eliminating Thom as he looked kinda spooky and didn't feel comfortable having him around. Vanilla told MissyE that they should take out Andrea as she has that 'riding the coat tails' aura about her.
Fran to Vanilla - "You feel that way about Andrea? I'll go along if you guys feel this way"
At the tribal council, the tribe decided that Thom's quiet and spooky nature made him the first person eliminated from the game.
Jeff : "Thom..the tribe has spoken.It's time for you to go"
15 contestants left. Who will be next, to be eliminated? *theme song*

- Cheeky Girls - Cheeky Song. Yes, these two ultra slim ladies from Romania introduced this song, that was thought to be penned by their mom, to the world. One can't help but to sing along, guy or gal irrelevant. Kinda irritating when me heard it the first few times...but then it keeps drilling into the head. Furthermore, Jenny, Tasha and Lil were singing it during one of their radio interviews seen on mtv. So it means being cheeky is O.K.
- Los Del Rio - Macarena. Two guys who looked liked retired crooners from the 60's dancing with young women in this song. And don't try to deny it. You have at least tried to imitate that dance steps at least once. Some found this to be a very disturbing song. But I think it's a fun and happy track. Heeeeeeeeey Macarena!!!
- Las Ketchup - The Ketchup Song. Ahh...these ladies singing at the beach along with everyone. Although me don't understand the words to the song but the beats are so cool that it doesn't matter. Turned out to be a great hit and many tried to remember the interesting dance steps too. Nice to see people attempting to do the last 'knees' part...comical to say the least. But the song is very nice.
(Nobody ever mentions the weather, can make or break your daaaay
Nobody ever seeeeems to remember, life is a game we plaaaay)
Will Smith : *Using binoculars and scanning his cousin from head downwards* With this magical binoculars, I can seeeee through people's clothing..
Carlton Banks : What are you up to?
Will Smith : Oh, oh. *Paused at the waist level* No wonder you're so shy...
The Miss Uni 2005 was a delight to watch. The predictions that the latin americans would dominate this competition came true. Ok, an honest assessment here. By seeing their introductions at the first part of the show, me had about seven that was under 'personal favorites'. Well...there's no harm in predicting early yah. Nice to see that Peru, Canada, Dominican Republic who were under that category moved on to the top 10. Then, me would love to see Dominican win it. On to the top 5. Prediction was D.R, Canada, Mexico. But then the judges chose the Russian born Canadian lady as the winner. Mexico was 3rd r.up and me fav D.R was 2nd r.up. It's ok. At least Ms Canada is a real beauty with great poise too and me picked her during the intro. Hahaha...good judgment eh?
Everyone has had their fair share of regrets. "What if I could just go back to the time where life is more serene?", "If only he had known that I was one of them, then the outcome would be different.", "Why can't she be more responsive then only nothing like this would have happened."
Time waits for no man. Learn from the past and use that knowledge in the present to prepare for the future..
Survivor Kaobehkaobu Episode Two
Last week on..Survivor. 16 castaways were introduced to the island of Kaobehkaobu. They were split into two tribes, "Malu-Malu" and "Zhobo Lan". Flint were given to both tribes and they set up their own shelters.
Jessie : "This place is very hot!"
Shania : "Yeah..gonna be tanned very soon.."
In Malu-Malu, the three rockers, Fran, Thom, Liam, became very close and decided to form an alliance. Andrea and Vanilla seems to have a connection of sorts. MissyE seems to take the leader role as she plans on who was going to do what chores.
Celine to Andrea : "That woman can be a good mum."
In the reward challenge, Zhobo Lan clearly showed their togetherness in beating Malu-Malu.
Jeff : "Zhobo Lan wins the reward!!"
Back at camp, 50 seems to form an alliance with AliG and Shania while Blondie & StevenT looked to be on very good terms as the elder members of the tribe.
At the first immunity challenge, Malu-Malu again failed to work as a team at the balance beam obstacle and gave away the immunity to Zhobo Lan.
Jeff : "Malu-Malu, you will all meet me at the tribal council tonight where someone..will be voted out"
MissyE laments the fact that their group should be more cohesive in the future. Andrea spoke up to Belinda and Celine about eliminating Thom as he looked kinda spooky and didn't feel comfortable having him around. Vanilla told MissyE that they should take out Andrea as she has that 'riding the coat tails' aura about her.
Fran to Vanilla - "You feel that way about Andrea? I'll go along if you guys feel this way"
At the tribal council, the tribe decided that Thom's quiet and spooky nature made him the first person eliminated from the game.
Jeff : "Thom..the tribe has spoken.It's time for you to go"
15 contestants left. Who will be next, to be eliminated? *theme song*

Sunday, May 29, 2005
Lethal Industry
(Cool conversations)
The old days :
Nikolai - Yo' dude. Can I borrow yer porn videotape for this weekend?
Carl - No you can't.
Nikolai - Oh, come on. We're good buddies yah?
Carl - Hmm....nope!
Nikolai - Don't be so stingy will ya..
The Modern Age :
Nikolai - Hey, have you d/l-ded that scene where *blah2 celebrity* was caught doing it unsuspectingly?
Carl - Yup...Seems like everyone has...
Helen : You know what..last week there was this cute guy at this restaurant all alone. And he was checking me out a couple of times..so much so that I left that place early because I felt so timid to look back in his direction after all that. Why do guys like to make me feel uncomfortable?
Jules : Isn't that good??
Helen : And the other day when I was in the train, there was this bloody pervert who kept staring at me from top to bottom as if I was his lunch. I felt so scared that I quickly came out at the next station and waited for another train. Why do guys like to make me feel uncomfortable?
Jelen : .......
Eidur : Ok, let me see. We're meeting at eight later for dinner right? What would you be wearing? I'm not sure what I want to wear. Damn, it's so hard to decide.
Jason : Don't be a bloody sissy. You can wear anything you want. You wanna wear your underwear on the outside, it's ok with me. You wanna wear just swimming trunks alone, it's also fine with me.
Eidur : ............. .........
There are some people who can't handle verbal taunts well. They will go into 'berserk' mode and sometimes worsen the situation. If only they could just use the force within to withstand it and think with their head, problems can be solved in other ways. Just remember karma happens. The only question is when.
Let me touch on the topic of 'weak hearted' people. One surely have encountered a few now and then. Those who are afraid to stand up for himself or always wanting to give up without even trying. That is not nice to see. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. It's just that some do not like to expose the weak side in case that will jeapordise the outcome of any situation. One must learn to grab the weak attributes by the scruff of the neck and arrest some of it from that load whenever possible. Discuss with your mates. Tell it to your loved ones. Dare to explore and conquer them. For those who have buddies that have a tendency to feel weak easily, be it during work, school, relts or of the unknown, do reach out to them. Have witnessed sad cases where help was not given and the other party became 'lost' in their own world. It's time to sit back and see how one can assist these good souls that needs good attention.
Stonebridge - Put 'em high
And baby i don't care, where you've been before
Just Put 'em high, Put 'em high
Make the best of it, just a little bit
Just Put 'em high, And Put 'em high
What a brilliant song! This is not an RnB track...I don't listen to those stuff. It's House music. This chorus is hauntingly melodious. Can be repeated till infinity without being bored of it.
Spoke to some people about this 'blog phenomenon' thingy. A few told moi that it's just a waste of space while some agreed that there is nothing wrong expressing ones thoughts online. The only difference is that pen & paper are being substituted. So, someone has to watch what he says or trouble might occur? Bull-crap. Maybe to some who doesn't want anyone to know what she is thinking about can always not reveal the site to anyone. If you are willing to share your opinions and writings to people, then it's not their fault if they don't agree to what you have expressed. There's always the 'comments' button. Some do write about their secretive escapades. It's an honour that they are willing to share these with their pals of which a few might have not seen each other for years..
Bottomline, you own the site. Have fun! *Stone Cold Pose*
It's kind of flattering when your good gal/guy buddies come to you in need of some 'help'. Ahhh...don't go there now. I'm referring to interesting kinda help. "Hey Robinson, could you do me favour? This lady has been trying to get back with her ex who is now my guy. If you can, can you just pester her with your charms and then crush her heart instantly and tell her not to ruin other people's lives?". Now, what do you say to that...think about it.
Crushed me brains recently when figuring out how to install the radio in here. There were just too many steps, some very confusing. At last, I've got the hang of it. Cool eh? Can add me own list of songs to share...maybe should add some girly songs too before me mates complain about the "trash music" that they can't stand. Sigh.
Leroy Wells was THE star for me during AI 4. He is that street-wise skinny boy during one of the auditions. God knows what he is blabbering but one could get the gist of it. The judges kept asking him whether he could sing some song but he kept repeating some unknown phrases and asked each and every one of them "CAN..YOU..DIG IT?"...The most memorable part of his audition was when he was supposed to talk to Simon and pointed to the camera man area. Then Randy said "Hey, Simon's here". Then he paused for one bloody second and then said the same thing with the same pointing finger action, now at the right person! Goodness me, I was in stitches like there's no tomorrow. Not too sure about what he said before he took out his fake dentures...but after he took it out he smiled around and said "..And this is for your daddy and your mommy". The judges were in tears from laughing at that moment. After he was rejected, he came out and spoke some funny uncomprehensive words to his mates with the AI crew putting out subtitles that were totally made up. Thank you Leroy for attending the audition and entertaining moi. Btw, he reminds me of me nephew, if he ever decides to dress like that and do the imitation. That would be very cool.
*Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup. They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe*
The old days :
Nikolai - Yo' dude. Can I borrow yer porn videotape for this weekend?
Carl - No you can't.
Nikolai - Oh, come on. We're good buddies yah?
Carl - Hmm....nope!
Nikolai - Don't be so stingy will ya..
The Modern Age :
Nikolai - Hey, have you d/l-ded that scene where *blah2 celebrity* was caught doing it unsuspectingly?
Carl - Yup...Seems like everyone has...
Helen : You know what..last week there was this cute guy at this restaurant all alone. And he was checking me out a couple of times..so much so that I left that place early because I felt so timid to look back in his direction after all that. Why do guys like to make me feel uncomfortable?
Jules : Isn't that good??
Helen : And the other day when I was in the train, there was this bloody pervert who kept staring at me from top to bottom as if I was his lunch. I felt so scared that I quickly came out at the next station and waited for another train. Why do guys like to make me feel uncomfortable?
Jelen : .......
Eidur : Ok, let me see. We're meeting at eight later for dinner right? What would you be wearing? I'm not sure what I want to wear. Damn, it's so hard to decide.
Jason : Don't be a bloody sissy. You can wear anything you want. You wanna wear your underwear on the outside, it's ok with me. You wanna wear just swimming trunks alone, it's also fine with me.
Eidur : ............. .........
There are some people who can't handle verbal taunts well. They will go into 'berserk' mode and sometimes worsen the situation. If only they could just use the force within to withstand it and think with their head, problems can be solved in other ways. Just remember karma happens. The only question is when.
Let me touch on the topic of 'weak hearted' people. One surely have encountered a few now and then. Those who are afraid to stand up for himself or always wanting to give up without even trying. That is not nice to see. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. It's just that some do not like to expose the weak side in case that will jeapordise the outcome of any situation. One must learn to grab the weak attributes by the scruff of the neck and arrest some of it from that load whenever possible. Discuss with your mates. Tell it to your loved ones. Dare to explore and conquer them. For those who have buddies that have a tendency to feel weak easily, be it during work, school, relts or of the unknown, do reach out to them. Have witnessed sad cases where help was not given and the other party became 'lost' in their own world. It's time to sit back and see how one can assist these good souls that needs good attention.
Stonebridge - Put 'em high
And baby i don't care, where you've been before
Just Put 'em high, Put 'em high
Make the best of it, just a little bit
Just Put 'em high, And Put 'em high
What a brilliant song! This is not an RnB track...I don't listen to those stuff. It's House music. This chorus is hauntingly melodious. Can be repeated till infinity without being bored of it.
Spoke to some people about this 'blog phenomenon' thingy. A few told moi that it's just a waste of space while some agreed that there is nothing wrong expressing ones thoughts online. The only difference is that pen & paper are being substituted. So, someone has to watch what he says or trouble might occur? Bull-crap. Maybe to some who doesn't want anyone to know what she is thinking about can always not reveal the site to anyone. If you are willing to share your opinions and writings to people, then it's not their fault if they don't agree to what you have expressed. There's always the 'comments' button. Some do write about their secretive escapades. It's an honour that they are willing to share these with their pals of which a few might have not seen each other for years..
Bottomline, you own the site. Have fun! *Stone Cold Pose*
It's kind of flattering when your good gal/guy buddies come to you in need of some 'help'. Ahhh...don't go there now. I'm referring to interesting kinda help. "Hey Robinson, could you do me favour? This lady has been trying to get back with her ex who is now my guy. If you can, can you just pester her with your charms and then crush her heart instantly and tell her not to ruin other people's lives?". Now, what do you say to that...think about it.
Crushed me brains recently when figuring out how to install the radio in here. There were just too many steps, some very confusing. At last, I've got the hang of it. Cool eh? Can add me own list of songs to share...maybe should add some girly songs too before me mates complain about the "trash music" that they can't stand. Sigh.
Leroy Wells was THE star for me during AI 4. He is that street-wise skinny boy during one of the auditions. God knows what he is blabbering but one could get the gist of it. The judges kept asking him whether he could sing some song but he kept repeating some unknown phrases and asked each and every one of them "CAN..YOU..DIG IT?"...The most memorable part of his audition was when he was supposed to talk to Simon and pointed to the camera man area. Then Randy said "Hey, Simon's here". Then he paused for one bloody second and then said the same thing with the same pointing finger action, now at the right person! Goodness me, I was in stitches like there's no tomorrow. Not too sure about what he said before he took out his fake dentures...but after he took it out he smiled around and said "..And this is for your daddy and your mommy". The judges were in tears from laughing at that moment. After he was rejected, he came out and spoke some funny uncomprehensive words to his mates with the AI crew putting out subtitles that were totally made up. Thank you Leroy for attending the audition and entertaining moi. Btw, he reminds me of me nephew, if he ever decides to dress like that and do the imitation. That would be very cool.
*Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup. They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe*
Friday, May 27, 2005
Rafael Benitez = The Special One
Still trying to recover from the celebrations for the success of the Mighty Reds in Istanbul....
We Won In Istanbul (To the tune of Yellow Submarine)
In a town called Istanbul
There's a trophy to be won
And we'll make it number 5
For L.F.C from Merseyside
(We flew to Turkey and won in Istanbul
Won in Istanbul, won in Istanbul
We flew to Turkey and won in Istanbul
Won in Istanbul, won in Istanbul) * repeat till bedtime..
Ok, now Carrie Underwood is the new Idol. No doubt she's gonna have more success than Kelly Clarkson. Bo Bice also benefited a lot as he will have full house attendances for his future rock gigs. Always nice to see Constantine back singing the ol' Aerosmith & RunDmc hit.. That guy is charisma personified, especially when he sang me fav song 'Kiss From A Rose'. Pure Genius.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Euro Champions!

Dudek's magical hand

Dudek jumping around

A local boy's dream come true

Party time!
So Michael Owen, how's the weather in Madrid?
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Jealousy. Why do a person turn into a green-eyed monster? It's simply because one is yearning for whatever that is lacking which is existent on the other side. Most of the time, it brings serious repercussions and makes one change into the 'evil' character. Sadness might also befall sometimes. To make matters worse, Anger might control and grabs the soul by the throat. With time, one should be able to take the bitter pill and see the positive side of everything. It's all bread and butter in a journey called Life.
HAHAHA!!! Bossa Nova is good for your health. Happened to think about this melodious type of genre lately and played some tracks of it. Though I don't support the Brazilian national team, their music history is very rich in culture. When you think about bossanova..you think of the greats like Astrud Gilberto, Antonio Carlos Jobim and Joao Gilberto. At the present moment, Bebel Gilberto is taking over the tradition. She has the voice of an angel in my opinion. Me favs from her collection are 'Tanto Tempo', 'Jabuticaba' and the flawless 'Aganju'. Even a mainstream pop artiste like Emma Bunton ventured into the bossanova line from her second album. Just take a hear on 'Crickets Sing For Anamaria' and 'Tomorrow'. But then, that album was not really in the spotlight...maybe coz the mainstream lovers are not used to these sounds.
Anyone encountered a 'Ned Flanders' once or twice before? Maybe a dozen times?? Ahhh....good old Ned Flanders is the friendly neighbour of Homer's. Most of the time, Homer always try to avoid him because he is deemed a 'boring' person. It also applies to reality. You go to a new school or work environment and you are aquainted with Mr X or Miss G. They are the nice, kind-hearted, no stuck-up opinions, no airs, good natured types of people. But you don't seem to click very well with them. Miss G found out that you are her type of 'best buddy material' and will cling on you every time, everyday. Mr X asks whether he can have lunch with you from now on because he has been eating alone all this while. OK, you being the polite guy/gal has no qualms about it. Then you found out that you prefer to hang out with other groups of people later on as weeks go by. Somehow these 'Ned Flanders' seem to appear from nowhere and insists on spending time with you..maybe asking you to join in activities that you are totally uninterested in. "Maybe, some other time?". Yeah, next time will come before you know it. On one hand, breaking their hearts by telling them to not bother you again sounds extremely cruel but there comes a point where you have to tell it straight to their face. Sad but true.
It's very interesting see that women loves to have a large collection of shoes...large meaning 30-50 and maybe more. They love shoes like men loves having Chris Jericho's arms and Edge's abdominals. Logically, there are about 30 days per month. Are they going to be wearing a certain pair of shoes for 1 or 2 days in a month? Ain't too sure about this mentality of getting a big dosage of shoes during shopping trips. Ahh well..maybe it's a biological thingy. As long as it makes them happy... just like when guys look in the mirror and saw shades of Batista's body shape.
Speaking of which, some girls love bodybuilding routines. Those hardcore regime types. And dudes who are fascinated by beauty and skin care products. As usual, unpleasant comments are inevitable. "Samaire, you're a girl...you might lose that feminine side if you keep doing your gym workouts. Are you sure you want bulging muscles? Can you find a husband then??"; "Hey Winson, did you forget to put on your concealer today? I thought you are Mr Vain? Besides facials, why not try body wrapping too?". Don't be disheartened by them. They don't own your life.
Darn it, feel like dancing now. Anyone into cool trance, house, etc?
Now listening to : Modjo - Lady (Hear Me Tonight). Think that song came out in 2000. Pure class.
(We'll make it up to you..In the year 2000...) <--Now this is a Silverchair song. Where the hell did that CD disappear to?
HAHAHA!!! Bossa Nova is good for your health. Happened to think about this melodious type of genre lately and played some tracks of it. Though I don't support the Brazilian national team, their music history is very rich in culture. When you think about bossanova..you think of the greats like Astrud Gilberto, Antonio Carlos Jobim and Joao Gilberto. At the present moment, Bebel Gilberto is taking over the tradition. She has the voice of an angel in my opinion. Me favs from her collection are 'Tanto Tempo', 'Jabuticaba' and the flawless 'Aganju'. Even a mainstream pop artiste like Emma Bunton ventured into the bossanova line from her second album. Just take a hear on 'Crickets Sing For Anamaria' and 'Tomorrow'. But then, that album was not really in the spotlight...maybe coz the mainstream lovers are not used to these sounds.
Anyone encountered a 'Ned Flanders' once or twice before? Maybe a dozen times?? Ahhh....good old Ned Flanders is the friendly neighbour of Homer's. Most of the time, Homer always try to avoid him because he is deemed a 'boring' person. It also applies to reality. You go to a new school or work environment and you are aquainted with Mr X or Miss G. They are the nice, kind-hearted, no stuck-up opinions, no airs, good natured types of people. But you don't seem to click very well with them. Miss G found out that you are her type of 'best buddy material' and will cling on you every time, everyday. Mr X asks whether he can have lunch with you from now on because he has been eating alone all this while. OK, you being the polite guy/gal has no qualms about it. Then you found out that you prefer to hang out with other groups of people later on as weeks go by. Somehow these 'Ned Flanders' seem to appear from nowhere and insists on spending time with you..maybe asking you to join in activities that you are totally uninterested in. "Maybe, some other time?". Yeah, next time will come before you know it. On one hand, breaking their hearts by telling them to not bother you again sounds extremely cruel but there comes a point where you have to tell it straight to their face. Sad but true.
It's very interesting see that women loves to have a large collection of shoes...large meaning 30-50 and maybe more. They love shoes like men loves having Chris Jericho's arms and Edge's abdominals. Logically, there are about 30 days per month. Are they going to be wearing a certain pair of shoes for 1 or 2 days in a month? Ain't too sure about this mentality of getting a big dosage of shoes during shopping trips. Ahh well..maybe it's a biological thingy. As long as it makes them happy... just like when guys look in the mirror and saw shades of Batista's body shape.
Speaking of which, some girls love bodybuilding routines. Those hardcore regime types. And dudes who are fascinated by beauty and skin care products. As usual, unpleasant comments are inevitable. "Samaire, you're a girl...you might lose that feminine side if you keep doing your gym workouts. Are you sure you want bulging muscles? Can you find a husband then??"; "Hey Winson, did you forget to put on your concealer today? I thought you are Mr Vain? Besides facials, why not try body wrapping too?". Don't be disheartened by them. They don't own your life.
Darn it, feel like dancing now. Anyone into cool trance, house, etc?
Now listening to : Modjo - Lady (Hear Me Tonight). Think that song came out in 2000. Pure class.
(We'll make it up to you..In the year 2000...) <--Now this is a Silverchair song. Where the hell did that CD disappear to?
Monday, May 23, 2005
Baggy Trousers
Bart: Can I speak to Amanda Hugankiss?
Moe: Amanda Hugankiss! I'm looking for Amanda Hugankiss. Oh, why can't I find Amanda Hugankiss?
Barney: Maybe your standards are too high.
Now I feel like writing about dance music...In the early 90s I started to discover new sounds...KLF and C&C Music Factory somehow brought a new concept. Then as the years go by, bands like Culture Beat, Real McCoy, La Bouche and 2Unlimited produced nice beats that slowly influenced others to join the hype.
Three artistes which I classify in the same category are Chemical Brothers, Fat Boy Slim & Prodigy. They incorporate nice cool funky beats that don't follow the trend or same old cliche patterns. Songs like Block Rockin Beats, Firestarter and Gangsta Trippin personifies a new dirty funk kinda techno.
When the new millenium came, Faithless, ATB, Floorfilla, Fragma, Gigi D'Agostino arrived. All of them are very cool in their own special way. Paul Van Dyk impressed me the most with his trance sounds that are so heavenly whilst Darude's "Sandstorm" is one heck of a jaw dropping track. Lasgo, Oceanlab, Espresso, Groove Coverage and Alice Deejay also stood up and conquered the airwaves. Quite impressive I might add.
At the present moment the likes of Tiesto, Reflekt, Angel City and Rimini Project are mixing it in with the big boys of dance music. All these were started by the most memorable line of them all "Everybody Dance Now!!"....
1st episode of "Superstar Idol" recap
Welcome to our new Idol show to find the most ORIGINAL singer/songwriter.
The three judges for the Superstar Idol are: Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul & Simon Cowell. First on the list is a gentleman by the name of Ronan....last name Keating. He belts out one song he penned himself called "When You Say Nothing At All".
Simon : Ok...Randy what do you say?
Randy : Yo maaaan, Ronan eh, you one good looking dude.
Ronan: Thank you very much sir.
Randy : Ya see daaawg, you've got one great voice there...kinda stiff but it sound good. I give you props!! Paula what do you think?
Paula : Oh Ronan Ronan. How I wish I was young again *smiles shyly*. You know what, you've got such a lovely voice that I'm gonna say '100% Yes'.
Simon : Alrite Paaul-laah. Calm down.. Ronan!
Ronan : Yes?
Simon : I hate you so much coz you are much better looking than I am that I wish I was gay and...
*Cut off by Randy*
Randy : I thought you are??
Simon : Shut ya trap, fatso. I WAS gay but now I'm perfectly straight. Alrite, Ronan. That was brilliant. See you in Hollywood.
Ronan : Thank you very much guys!!! Thank you!
Next in line is one lady by the name of Mariah Carey.
*Simon & Randy's eyes grew larger*
Randy : So..Ma-ri-ah Caaa-reeey. You look great..what would you be singing today?
Mariah : One Sweet Day.
Randy : Alrite, carry on.
Simon : Ok, so Mariah...you happened to know that Carey sounds a lot like 'Curry'.
Mariah : What?
Simon : It's a traditional Indian dish. Maybe there is a relationship between your name and the dish. Both are hot, spicy and nice to li..
Paula : Simon!!!
Simon : Yeees?????
Paula : Keep your bloody opinions to yourself.
Simon : Alright deary. Sorry about that Mariah.
Mariah : It's ok.
Randy : Hmm...I think that was just aiii-ght... You seem to wail a lot when you sing but it's just aiiii-ght for me.
Paula : Mariah you're such a pretty woman. By the way, what do you do for a living?
Mariah : Hmm...I work at a bar.
Simon : WHICH ONE????
Simon : Yes, dear.
Paula : Mariah, I think you were born to sing. That was a wonderful song you've wrote and sang. You've got my vote.
Mariah : *coming to tears*...Thank you.
Simon : Ok sweety don't cry. Just tell me the name of your bar and I'll comfort you ton....
Randy & Paula : SIIIMON!!
Simon : You're through to the next round!
Mariah : I...I...love you guys so much....*burst into tears and went off*
Next up is one young lady by the name of Ashlee..Simpson.
Ashlee : Hi you guys!! I'm so happy to be here to audition for this competition and I would like to thank all my friends who told me that they believed I'm going to be a big, big star someday. Oh my gosh, I think I might never be living in the shadow of my mean big sister again who likes to whine and complain and can't even differentiate between chicken & fish!!! Can you guys believe it?? Maaan, you got to see what she...
Simon : Alright, alright...that would be enough. Why do you think you can be the next Superstar Idol?
Ashlee : Because I'm cool, spunky, nice figure and most importantly..I CAN SING!!
Simon : You're sure?
Ashlee : Yes I am.
Paula : Alrite Ashlee sweety, what is the song that you wrote and going to sing for us today?
Ashlee : This is something you guys are gonna enjoy and ask for more!!
Randy : Yo... this chick got a lot of confidence I must say.
Ashleee : Why, thank yeeeew handsome!
Simon : Someone give me bucket. I'm feeling nauseous now..
Paula : Let's not waste any time. Show us what you got, Ashlee.
Randy : Wow! That was hot maaan. You're in the dawwwg pound now. But then you're a woman..so you belong to the bit...
Paula : Hey stop it. I'm very disappointed in both of you. Don't make me angry again. I'm not gonna tolerate any more nonsense today.
Randy : Alrite alrite, chill babe.
Paula : Ashlee...you have a lot of charisma, you bring joy to me when you sing.....you rock, gaaal!!
Simon : Both of you should wash your ears out. That. was. heee-dious. What in hell are you trying to sing...monday,tuesday, wednesday???
Randy : Maan, Simon.. don't be an ass. Give her credit for her voice...not the wooo-eeer-eer-rds?
Ashlee : Yeah, come on Si-mmooooooooon.
Simon : Hmm, since you sound so slutty in that last statement, I'm gonna give you a chance. See you in Hollywood.
Ashlee : Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!
*somersaults out to the door*
Next up is one weird looking guy who wants to be known only as "Shaggy".
Shaggy : Hah-low peeps. Heeey big momma!! Mr Lo-vah Lo-vah is here to save the day!
Paula : Aaaaaaawww...nice accent you've got there.
Shaggy : You can listen to it for as long as you want if you wanna be me angel, baby.
Randy : Hey little man don't you come and make trouble here daaawgg!
Shaggy : You...wuz ya name teletubbie?
*Simon, Paula and some crew members restrained a pumped up Randy who looks like he's gonna attack Shaggy*
Simon : Alrite calm down there. So Mr Shaggy, what are you gonna sing for us?
Shaggy : Yo, Simon dude, me gonna sing this new thing called "Mr Boombastic".
Simon : Ok, go for it.
*Paula was salivating whilst watching the audition, Randy looks like he's gonna murder someone & Simon had a big question mark on his head*
Paula : Oh, I didn't know you could dance so well too.
Shaggy : I can teach you some moves...and more.
Simon : Alright cut the crap. Are you really interested and serious about this competition?
Shaggy : Yo mon, what yo prob...me no pick on you and you come on hitting on me.
Paula : Oh, Simon..don't be jealous will you?
Simon : You've got to be kidding me....Randy you have been quiet for a long time. Any comments to make?
Randy : This *beeep* guy is wasting our *beep* *beeep* *beeep* time.
Simon : I'll take that as a "No". Paula?
Paula : Oh yes baby. He makes me sweat and blows me off with his singing and moves. *wink*
Shaggy : I knew I could count on you, big momma.
Simon : Now the decision rests on me. I have absolutely no idea what you are singing. You're hairstyle sucks. You come here and tried to seduce Paula who must be day-dreaming now about dancing with you all alone together. Go and join the Baha Men crew. You're not cut out for this competition.
Shaggy : *looking disappointed* Yo mon. It's your loss. And Paula, stay hot and sexy ok? Blame these two bozos for not putting me through. Ta ta! *Jamaican dance-d his way out to the exit*
Paula : I'm depressed now.
Randy : I feel like dancing now!!.
Next up is one punk looking girl by the name of Kelly Osbourne.
Randy : Well, hello there!
Kelly : Hi you all...I'm so nervous.
Simon : Don't be. We're nice people.
Paula : What is your song title that you wrote?
Kelly : It's a very nice song called "Mama Don't Preach".
Paula : That sounds very familiar.
Kelly : Maybe..but I assure you I wrote the words to it myself. Can I start now?
All three judges : Go on.
*Randy covered his eyes ; Paula looks very sad & Simon squeezed in two tissues into his ears*
Simon : I'm sorry. It's over?
Kelly : Yahhh...
Paula : Oh Kelly dear...you should stick to your books.
Randy : I don't want to be mean..but that was awful. Sorry.
Simon : Do you want to hear my opinion?
Kelly : I...guess..sooo..
Simon : That is equivalent to seeing Randy naked unexpectedly in a room. I am sure you can be a great guitarist or a drummer. But singing is a big no-no for you.
Kelly : *Sniff...sniff* But my mommy and daddy told me my voice sounds like a young Madonna...
Simon : Nah...they are trying to cheer you up so that you won't commit suicide or become demented. Now run along little girl. Don't waste our time.
Kelly : I HATE YOU GUYS!!! Just because I look beautiful doesn't mean I can't sing!!!! One day I will be a star. Just you wait...Hey, why are these people pushing me out of here?? Help!!
Randy : Phew. That's a tough one.
Simon & Paula : You are daaaamn right.
Last and not least is an unshaven dude called Brian Mcfadden.
Brian : What's going on guys?
Paula : Heeey, it states here that you're Irish.
Brian : Yes ma'am.
Simon : *Sigh* Here we go again.
Paula : So what's the song gonna be?
Brian : It's something called "Real To Me". I have been waiting for a long time to sing this and furthermore on TV. You won't regret it.
Randy : Well...you sounded very sure about this.
Brian : Hell yeah, I am.
Simon : Why did you join this competition, Brian?
Brian : To bring joy. To bring joy to this world. To bring smiles on the faces of people all around the world. For all the seasons in the sun. I will lay my love on everyone. Especially to my dear girl, Mandy. Mandy(looking at the camera), when I win this competition, both of us will be flying without wings. And I'm not gonna be fool-ed again. You are the queen of my heart, my uptown girl, my...
Simon : Bloody hell, you think you owned this show?
Brian : Sorry your majesty.
Simon : You are forgiven, son.
Paula : Nice stubble there. Reminds me of my old flame, Richard Marx.
Randy : That 'has-been' you mean?
Paula : Shut up Randy!
Simon : Ok, Brian. Show us what you're made of.
Randy : Wow. That was hot, dawwwg. Although I don't like the utter cockiness vibes that you are projecting, but your voice is top notch. Well done.
Brian : Cool.
Paula : I hate your attitude. You seem to show that you are some god-ly figure to be worshipped by the world. Never thought it would come to this. You left me in tatters, Brian. *shakes head*
Brian : *Sneers*
Simon : You need a good tight slap, do you know that?
Brian : What?
Simon : You come in here and pretend to be someone with a lot of potential but in actual fact you have wasted everyone's time.
Randy : I'm surprised that you two hated him so much. That's weird. Brian, don't worry. Mandy will know that you have done your best. But then you'll always be my dawwg....*wink*
Brian : (Terrified by Randy's behaviour). Ohhh...wooohkay.
Randy : Come on. My name sounds very close to your gal right? Whaddaya say? *winks again*
Simon : Alright, since Randy spilled the beans first. I'm gonna tell you now. Brian. Are you gay?
Paula : Ohh..you guys. You're making this poor boy shiver in fear now.
Brian : I...I...am I dreaming....*Agitated looks*
Randy : Yo, dawwg...will you be my special dawwg?
Simon : Yes Brian. For your info, I might just not be straight again..All because of you...
(Brian made a very quick dash out of the room and screamed from the top of his lungs)
Brian : Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!
Simon & Randy looked at each other and smiled. Paula asked the mighty question.
"The oooold become-a-gay-to-scare-stuck-up-losers trick, huh?".
*All three judges guffaw along with the crew in the room*
Moe: Amanda Hugankiss! I'm looking for Amanda Hugankiss. Oh, why can't I find Amanda Hugankiss?
Barney: Maybe your standards are too high.
Now I feel like writing about dance music...In the early 90s I started to discover new sounds...KLF and C&C Music Factory somehow brought a new concept. Then as the years go by, bands like Culture Beat, Real McCoy, La Bouche and 2Unlimited produced nice beats that slowly influenced others to join the hype.
Three artistes which I classify in the same category are Chemical Brothers, Fat Boy Slim & Prodigy. They incorporate nice cool funky beats that don't follow the trend or same old cliche patterns. Songs like Block Rockin Beats, Firestarter and Gangsta Trippin personifies a new dirty funk kinda techno.
When the new millenium came, Faithless, ATB, Floorfilla, Fragma, Gigi D'Agostino arrived. All of them are very cool in their own special way. Paul Van Dyk impressed me the most with his trance sounds that are so heavenly whilst Darude's "Sandstorm" is one heck of a jaw dropping track. Lasgo, Oceanlab, Espresso, Groove Coverage and Alice Deejay also stood up and conquered the airwaves. Quite impressive I might add.
At the present moment the likes of Tiesto, Reflekt, Angel City and Rimini Project are mixing it in with the big boys of dance music. All these were started by the most memorable line of them all "Everybody Dance Now!!"....
1st episode of "Superstar Idol" recap
Welcome to our new Idol show to find the most ORIGINAL singer/songwriter.
The three judges for the Superstar Idol are: Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul & Simon Cowell. First on the list is a gentleman by the name of Ronan....last name Keating. He belts out one song he penned himself called "When You Say Nothing At All".
Simon : Ok...Randy what do you say?
Randy : Yo maaaan, Ronan eh, you one good looking dude.
Ronan: Thank you very much sir.
Randy : Ya see daaawg, you've got one great voice there...kinda stiff but it sound good. I give you props!! Paula what do you think?
Paula : Oh Ronan Ronan. How I wish I was young again *smiles shyly*. You know what, you've got such a lovely voice that I'm gonna say '100% Yes'.
Simon : Alrite Paaul-laah. Calm down.. Ronan!
Ronan : Yes?
Simon : I hate you so much coz you are much better looking than I am that I wish I was gay and...
*Cut off by Randy*
Randy : I thought you are??
Simon : Shut ya trap, fatso. I WAS gay but now I'm perfectly straight. Alrite, Ronan. That was brilliant. See you in Hollywood.
Ronan : Thank you very much guys!!! Thank you!
Next in line is one lady by the name of Mariah Carey.
*Simon & Randy's eyes grew larger*
Randy : So..Ma-ri-ah Caaa-reeey. You look great..what would you be singing today?
Mariah : One Sweet Day.
Randy : Alrite, carry on.
Simon : Ok, so Mariah...you happened to know that Carey sounds a lot like 'Curry'.
Mariah : What?
Simon : It's a traditional Indian dish. Maybe there is a relationship between your name and the dish. Both are hot, spicy and nice to li..
Paula : Simon!!!
Simon : Yeees?????
Paula : Keep your bloody opinions to yourself.
Simon : Alright deary. Sorry about that Mariah.
Mariah : It's ok.
Randy : Hmm...I think that was just aiii-ght... You seem to wail a lot when you sing but it's just aiiii-ght for me.
Paula : Mariah you're such a pretty woman. By the way, what do you do for a living?
Mariah : Hmm...I work at a bar.
Simon : WHICH ONE????
Simon : Yes, dear.
Paula : Mariah, I think you were born to sing. That was a wonderful song you've wrote and sang. You've got my vote.
Mariah : *coming to tears*...Thank you.
Simon : Ok sweety don't cry. Just tell me the name of your bar and I'll comfort you ton....
Randy & Paula : SIIIMON!!
Simon : You're through to the next round!
Mariah : I...I...love you guys so much....*burst into tears and went off*
Next up is one young lady by the name of Ashlee..Simpson.
Ashlee : Hi you guys!! I'm so happy to be here to audition for this competition and I would like to thank all my friends who told me that they believed I'm going to be a big, big star someday. Oh my gosh, I think I might never be living in the shadow of my mean big sister again who likes to whine and complain and can't even differentiate between chicken & fish!!! Can you guys believe it?? Maaan, you got to see what she...
Simon : Alright, alright...that would be enough. Why do you think you can be the next Superstar Idol?
Ashlee : Because I'm cool, spunky, nice figure and most importantly..I CAN SING!!
Simon : You're sure?
Ashlee : Yes I am.
Paula : Alrite Ashlee sweety, what is the song that you wrote and going to sing for us today?
Ashlee : This is something you guys are gonna enjoy and ask for more!!
Randy : Yo... this chick got a lot of confidence I must say.
Ashleee : Why, thank yeeeew handsome!
Simon : Someone give me bucket. I'm feeling nauseous now..
Paula : Let's not waste any time. Show us what you got, Ashlee.
Randy : Wow! That was hot maaan. You're in the dawwwg pound now. But then you're a woman..so you belong to the bit...
Paula : Hey stop it. I'm very disappointed in both of you. Don't make me angry again. I'm not gonna tolerate any more nonsense today.
Randy : Alrite alrite, chill babe.
Paula : Ashlee...you have a lot of charisma, you bring joy to me when you sing.....you rock, gaaal!!
Simon : Both of you should wash your ears out. That. was. heee-dious. What in hell are you trying to sing...monday,tuesday, wednesday???
Randy : Maan, Simon.. don't be an ass. Give her credit for her voice...not the wooo-eeer-eer-rds?
Ashlee : Yeah, come on Si-mmooooooooon.
Simon : Hmm, since you sound so slutty in that last statement, I'm gonna give you a chance. See you in Hollywood.
Ashlee : Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!
*somersaults out to the door*
Next up is one weird looking guy who wants to be known only as "Shaggy".
Shaggy : Hah-low peeps. Heeey big momma!! Mr Lo-vah Lo-vah is here to save the day!
Paula : Aaaaaaawww...nice accent you've got there.
Shaggy : You can listen to it for as long as you want if you wanna be me angel, baby.
Randy : Hey little man don't you come and make trouble here daaawgg!
Shaggy : You...wuz ya name teletubbie?
*Simon, Paula and some crew members restrained a pumped up Randy who looks like he's gonna attack Shaggy*
Simon : Alrite calm down there. So Mr Shaggy, what are you gonna sing for us?
Shaggy : Yo, Simon dude, me gonna sing this new thing called "Mr Boombastic".
Simon : Ok, go for it.
*Paula was salivating whilst watching the audition, Randy looks like he's gonna murder someone & Simon had a big question mark on his head*
Paula : Oh, I didn't know you could dance so well too.
Shaggy : I can teach you some moves...and more.
Simon : Alright cut the crap. Are you really interested and serious about this competition?
Shaggy : Yo mon, what yo prob...me no pick on you and you come on hitting on me.
Paula : Oh, Simon..don't be jealous will you?
Simon : You've got to be kidding me....Randy you have been quiet for a long time. Any comments to make?
Randy : This *beeep* guy is wasting our *beep* *beeep* *beeep* time.
Simon : I'll take that as a "No". Paula?
Paula : Oh yes baby. He makes me sweat and blows me off with his singing and moves. *wink*
Shaggy : I knew I could count on you, big momma.
Simon : Now the decision rests on me. I have absolutely no idea what you are singing. You're hairstyle sucks. You come here and tried to seduce Paula who must be day-dreaming now about dancing with you all alone together. Go and join the Baha Men crew. You're not cut out for this competition.
Shaggy : *looking disappointed* Yo mon. It's your loss. And Paula, stay hot and sexy ok? Blame these two bozos for not putting me through. Ta ta! *Jamaican dance-d his way out to the exit*
Paula : I'm depressed now.
Randy : I feel like dancing now!!.
Next up is one punk looking girl by the name of Kelly Osbourne.
Randy : Well, hello there!
Kelly : Hi you all...I'm so nervous.
Simon : Don't be. We're nice people.
Paula : What is your song title that you wrote?
Kelly : It's a very nice song called "Mama Don't Preach".
Paula : That sounds very familiar.
Kelly : Maybe..but I assure you I wrote the words to it myself. Can I start now?
All three judges : Go on.
*Randy covered his eyes ; Paula looks very sad & Simon squeezed in two tissues into his ears*
Simon : I'm sorry. It's over?
Kelly : Yahhh...
Paula : Oh Kelly dear...you should stick to your books.
Randy : I don't want to be mean..but that was awful. Sorry.
Simon : Do you want to hear my opinion?
Kelly : I...guess..sooo..
Simon : That is equivalent to seeing Randy naked unexpectedly in a room. I am sure you can be a great guitarist or a drummer. But singing is a big no-no for you.
Kelly : *Sniff...sniff* But my mommy and daddy told me my voice sounds like a young Madonna...
Simon : Nah...they are trying to cheer you up so that you won't commit suicide or become demented. Now run along little girl. Don't waste our time.
Kelly : I HATE YOU GUYS!!! Just because I look beautiful doesn't mean I can't sing!!!! One day I will be a star. Just you wait...Hey, why are these people pushing me out of here?? Help!!
Randy : Phew. That's a tough one.
Simon & Paula : You are daaaamn right.
Last and not least is an unshaven dude called Brian Mcfadden.
Brian : What's going on guys?
Paula : Heeey, it states here that you're Irish.
Brian : Yes ma'am.
Simon : *Sigh* Here we go again.
Paula : So what's the song gonna be?
Brian : It's something called "Real To Me". I have been waiting for a long time to sing this and furthermore on TV. You won't regret it.
Randy : Well...you sounded very sure about this.
Brian : Hell yeah, I am.
Simon : Why did you join this competition, Brian?
Brian : To bring joy. To bring joy to this world. To bring smiles on the faces of people all around the world. For all the seasons in the sun. I will lay my love on everyone. Especially to my dear girl, Mandy. Mandy(looking at the camera), when I win this competition, both of us will be flying without wings. And I'm not gonna be fool-ed again. You are the queen of my heart, my uptown girl, my...
Simon : Bloody hell, you think you owned this show?
Brian : Sorry your majesty.
Simon : You are forgiven, son.
Paula : Nice stubble there. Reminds me of my old flame, Richard Marx.
Randy : That 'has-been' you mean?
Paula : Shut up Randy!
Simon : Ok, Brian. Show us what you're made of.
Randy : Wow. That was hot, dawwwg. Although I don't like the utter cockiness vibes that you are projecting, but your voice is top notch. Well done.
Brian : Cool.
Paula : I hate your attitude. You seem to show that you are some god-ly figure to be worshipped by the world. Never thought it would come to this. You left me in tatters, Brian. *shakes head*
Brian : *Sneers*
Simon : You need a good tight slap, do you know that?
Brian : What?
Simon : You come in here and pretend to be someone with a lot of potential but in actual fact you have wasted everyone's time.
Randy : I'm surprised that you two hated him so much. That's weird. Brian, don't worry. Mandy will know that you have done your best. But then you'll always be my dawwg....*wink*
Brian : (Terrified by Randy's behaviour). Ohhh...wooohkay.
Randy : Come on. My name sounds very close to your gal right? Whaddaya say? *winks again*
Simon : Alright, since Randy spilled the beans first. I'm gonna tell you now. Brian. Are you gay?
Paula : Ohh..you guys. You're making this poor boy shiver in fear now.
Brian : I...I...am I dreaming....*Agitated looks*
Randy : Yo, dawwg...will you be my special dawwg?
Simon : Yes Brian. For your info, I might just not be straight again..All because of you...
(Brian made a very quick dash out of the room and screamed from the top of his lungs)
Brian : Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!
Simon & Randy looked at each other and smiled. Paula asked the mighty question.
"The oooold become-a-gay-to-scare-stuck-up-losers trick, huh?".
*All three judges guffaw along with the crew in the room*
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Tokyo Square
There is a good number of underrated bands that are not heard or seen by the normal "radio" people. Yeah, you know those who only rely on radio & watching mtv to hear the latest songs and artistes. If only there were more exposure given to these "unheard of" bands.
Muse. When I mention it...people will say "Huh?", "Amuse?", "Moose?". Well, it's non other that the trio who somehow can produce out-of-this-world sounds that can't be explained. Take a listen to "Muscle Museum" & "Sing for Absolution". It's like they went off to some other planet and discovered new galactic sounds. Mixed it in with the rock components to stir it up sweetly...genius music is born. Upon hearing "New Born", I was like so taken in when this band started it off with a piano intro....and it sounded so melodious. Not long after, the guitar solo starts...and all hell breaks loose. The amount of feelings and straining done whilst singing the words from Matt Bellamy brings about this magnetic force that makes you feel his emotions. All three albums from Showbiz, to Origin of Symmetry and Absolution are quality. Other tracks worth mentioning are "Unintended" - the ballad that might make one cry, "Plug In Baby" - straight up in your face kinda tunes & "Time is Running Out" - slow, fast, slow...enchanting. The other tracks need to be slowly digested in order to really understand the concept. Heard that a fourth album is on the way...*wide smile*
Placebo. Ahh...Brian Molko. The cross-dresser extraodinaire. You can't just classify Placebo's concept with any other bands. They are unique. No doubt some would be grossed out looking at Brian with his 'girlish' outfits, but then it's the music that matter. I was actually unaware about Placebo when I was sampling cds years back. The tracks 'Commercial For Levi' & 'Passive Agressive' were just interesting but that was that. Only when I heard 'Pure Morning' being played did I got hooked on this band. Was a bit shocked that they were around since 1996...goodness me that was very long time ago. More songs were sampled and I became more impressed. "Special K", "Special Needs", "Without You I'm Nothing", "Protege moi" are a must listen to get into the placebo groove. Their concert performances kicked a lot of butt too.
The Stands, The Coral, The Zutons...Merseyside bands. I think The Bees would fit in this category. Imagine the Beatles "I Am The Walrus" & "Yellow Submarine"...those hippy, jazzy, breezy, funky sounds and those four come to mind. Their songs are not at all world class but will not be out of place whilst chilling out at a picnic or at some laid-back country-side get away places. You can be sure they will put you back to the good old 60's simplistic music.
Not good enough. The Man-Yankees dominated the game and Carroll virtually had nothing to do. He might as well bring in a long chair and suntan himself. But then the devils can't score at least one goal...R.V.N the culprit on two clear cut occasions. Even after extra time, the score was goaless....Scholesy then missed the 2nd penalty kick and Vieira slot in the 5th to decide the fate of the game. Wenger employed the "Houllier" method and brought home the F.A Cup. Only Reyes wanted to "wrestle" and got his 2nd yellow in the dying minutes of extra time.
Kylie is recuperating well after the operation. "I....believe in you, I believe in..". GET WELL SOON.
Anyone heard of Scent, Stonebridge & Busface? These are "House" music bands. Absolutely adore them. Mademoiselle E.B. collaborates with Busface in the song 'Circles'..guess who she is??
On the new Survivor...we have two tribes consisting of 8 members each. In the "Malu-Malu" tribe we have - Fran Healy, Liam Gallagher, Thom Yorke, Missy Elliot, Andrea Corr, Vanilla Ice, Belinda Carlisle and Celine Dion. The "Zho-Bo Lan" tribe consists of - Jessica Simpson, Ali G, Robbie Williams, Blondie, 50 Cent, Hillary Duff, Shania Twain and Steven Tyler. They will be stranded on an island, Kaobehkaobu. The isolation of Kaobehkaobu from other lands has created an immense pride among the people and a fascinating culture. Natural wonders abound as 1000-foot waterfalls cascase down volcanic cliffs, and towering mountains disappear mysteriously in the clouds. Who amongst these set of survivors can withstand the terrain while battling each other out mentally? Will there be unexpected twists that change the complexion of the game? 39 Days, 16 people, 1...Sole Survivor. *theme song*
Survivor Kaobehkaobu
Muse. When I mention it...people will say "Huh?", "Amuse?", "Moose?". Well, it's non other that the trio who somehow can produce out-of-this-world sounds that can't be explained. Take a listen to "Muscle Museum" & "Sing for Absolution". It's like they went off to some other planet and discovered new galactic sounds. Mixed it in with the rock components to stir it up sweetly...genius music is born. Upon hearing "New Born", I was like so taken in when this band started it off with a piano intro....and it sounded so melodious. Not long after, the guitar solo starts...and all hell breaks loose. The amount of feelings and straining done whilst singing the words from Matt Bellamy brings about this magnetic force that makes you feel his emotions. All three albums from Showbiz, to Origin of Symmetry and Absolution are quality. Other tracks worth mentioning are "Unintended" - the ballad that might make one cry, "Plug In Baby" - straight up in your face kinda tunes & "Time is Running Out" - slow, fast, slow...enchanting. The other tracks need to be slowly digested in order to really understand the concept. Heard that a fourth album is on the way...*wide smile*
Placebo. Ahh...Brian Molko. The cross-dresser extraodinaire. You can't just classify Placebo's concept with any other bands. They are unique. No doubt some would be grossed out looking at Brian with his 'girlish' outfits, but then it's the music that matter. I was actually unaware about Placebo when I was sampling cds years back. The tracks 'Commercial For Levi' & 'Passive Agressive' were just interesting but that was that. Only when I heard 'Pure Morning' being played did I got hooked on this band. Was a bit shocked that they were around since 1996...goodness me that was very long time ago. More songs were sampled and I became more impressed. "Special K", "Special Needs", "Without You I'm Nothing", "Protege moi" are a must listen to get into the placebo groove. Their concert performances kicked a lot of butt too.
The Stands, The Coral, The Zutons...Merseyside bands. I think The Bees would fit in this category. Imagine the Beatles "I Am The Walrus" & "Yellow Submarine"...those hippy, jazzy, breezy, funky sounds and those four come to mind. Their songs are not at all world class but will not be out of place whilst chilling out at a picnic or at some laid-back country-side get away places. You can be sure they will put you back to the good old 60's simplistic music.
Not good enough. The Man-Yankees dominated the game and Carroll virtually had nothing to do. He might as well bring in a long chair and suntan himself. But then the devils can't score at least one goal...R.V.N the culprit on two clear cut occasions. Even after extra time, the score was goaless....Scholesy then missed the 2nd penalty kick and Vieira slot in the 5th to decide the fate of the game. Wenger employed the "Houllier" method and brought home the F.A Cup. Only Reyes wanted to "wrestle" and got his 2nd yellow in the dying minutes of extra time.
Kylie is recuperating well after the operation. "I....believe in you, I believe in..". GET WELL SOON.
Anyone heard of Scent, Stonebridge & Busface? These are "House" music bands. Absolutely adore them. Mademoiselle E.B. collaborates with Busface in the song 'Circles'..guess who she is??
On the new Survivor...we have two tribes consisting of 8 members each. In the "Malu-Malu" tribe we have - Fran Healy, Liam Gallagher, Thom Yorke, Missy Elliot, Andrea Corr, Vanilla Ice, Belinda Carlisle and Celine Dion. The "Zho-Bo Lan" tribe consists of - Jessica Simpson, Ali G, Robbie Williams, Blondie, 50 Cent, Hillary Duff, Shania Twain and Steven Tyler. They will be stranded on an island, Kaobehkaobu. The isolation of Kaobehkaobu from other lands has created an immense pride among the people and a fascinating culture. Natural wonders abound as 1000-foot waterfalls cascase down volcanic cliffs, and towering mountains disappear mysteriously in the clouds. Who amongst these set of survivors can withstand the terrain while battling each other out mentally? Will there be unexpected twists that change the complexion of the game? 39 Days, 16 people, 1...Sole Survivor. *theme song*
Survivor Kaobehkaobu

Saturday, May 21, 2005
"I had seven faces. Thought I knew which one to wear" - NYC by Interpol.
Yeah, of course we wear our "masks" in front of everyone. There is absolutely no doubt about it. Be it when one's in the company of a family member, a not-so-close friend, a collegue, a romantic partner or a stranger whom you want to have a chat with.
You don't go around revealing to a family member the secrets that you are not comfortable with in which are better told to an old-school buddy. Don't think you're willing to spill out your 'dirty laundry' stories to the charming man that you are aquainted with at a party. And a collegue who is in a close rapport to the boss won't certainly be happy if you blabber about the way you used diabolical schemes to escape and quit your old job coz you hate the seniors so much.
An easily jealous girlfriend won't be pleased if you keep speaking about your "platonic" gal mates and not concentrating on her feelings. Balance is the key to these situations. And of course putting on the appropriate "face".
Meeting the potential "parent-in-laws", one has to be in the best shape and courteous manner. Imagine putting on the "can't be bothered" face as if you've just bumped onto an irritating guy from high school in public. That would be like shooting yourself in the head from the possible bright future that they might forsee for you and their child.
Sometimes you have to put on the "Lying with a straight" face in some situations. Imagine you have a very good buddy since childhood and he/she is not as lucky as you are when it comes to attracting guys/girls. You can't just hurt him by stating that you are extremely happy that a couple of lovely ladies were hitting on you during some event...or telling her that you had a tough time choosing which "Mr Potential" from the dozen to be your partner at the gala dinner coming up this weekend IF you already know beforehand that those kind of statements would crush that buddy emotionally. That's why sometimes it's good to keep some things to yourself.
But of course when you meet your old enemies, you want to put on the "Big Daddy Cool" face to make you the superior one. With facts to back it up, you will think of all sorts of statements to attack with. "I've been doing this blah,blah since I've left school....joined the official sky-diving club...got to meet Donald Trump during this one event held at blah,blah...was told by me company to be the representative at the annual speech blah,blah...sang at Aniston's wedding...."
There you have it. Do you know which face/s to wear today?
Yeah, of course we wear our "masks" in front of everyone. There is absolutely no doubt about it. Be it when one's in the company of a family member, a not-so-close friend, a collegue, a romantic partner or a stranger whom you want to have a chat with.
You don't go around revealing to a family member the secrets that you are not comfortable with in which are better told to an old-school buddy. Don't think you're willing to spill out your 'dirty laundry' stories to the charming man that you are aquainted with at a party. And a collegue who is in a close rapport to the boss won't certainly be happy if you blabber about the way you used diabolical schemes to escape and quit your old job coz you hate the seniors so much.
An easily jealous girlfriend won't be pleased if you keep speaking about your "platonic" gal mates and not concentrating on her feelings. Balance is the key to these situations. And of course putting on the appropriate "face".
Meeting the potential "parent-in-laws", one has to be in the best shape and courteous manner. Imagine putting on the "can't be bothered" face as if you've just bumped onto an irritating guy from high school in public. That would be like shooting yourself in the head from the possible bright future that they might forsee for you and their child.
Sometimes you have to put on the "Lying with a straight" face in some situations. Imagine you have a very good buddy since childhood and he/she is not as lucky as you are when it comes to attracting guys/girls. You can't just hurt him by stating that you are extremely happy that a couple of lovely ladies were hitting on you during some event...or telling her that you had a tough time choosing which "Mr Potential" from the dozen to be your partner at the gala dinner coming up this weekend IF you already know beforehand that those kind of statements would crush that buddy emotionally. That's why sometimes it's good to keep some things to yourself.
But of course when you meet your old enemies, you want to put on the "Big Daddy Cool" face to make you the superior one. With facts to back it up, you will think of all sorts of statements to attack with. "I've been doing this blah,blah since I've left school....joined the official sky-diving club...got to meet Donald Trump during this one event held at blah,blah...was told by me company to be the representative at the annual speech blah,blah...sang at Aniston's wedding...."
There you have it. Do you know which face/s to wear today?
Friday, May 20, 2005
Gorillaz new song is called "Feel Good Inc". It doesn't really grab me the first few times. But soon, the grooves made more sense and it sound pretty cool. Hope the new album can impress moi like the previous one, with "Clint Eastwood" and "Rock Da House" especially can be repeated till infinity without getting sick of it.
I was disappointed to say the least about Green Day's "punk opera" concept on the latest cd. I missed the days where Dookie,Insomniac & Nimrod were on Cd-repeats. Those triplets are what G.D should be sticking to..not American Idiot....but then they still look cool.
Ain't too sure if Girls Aloud will be around in the long haul. Their first album has absolute class songs like "Sound of the Underground" & "No Good Advice" which has mind blowing electronica sounds mixed with a few ballads, one of which "Life Got Cold"...is brilliantly done.
The second one contains some unnecessary covers like "Stand By You" & "Jump". But then "Wake Me Up" & "Love Machine" & "The Show" are superb to say the least. They also did a song that was originally found in Lene's (ex Aqua singer) album called "Here We Go".... it was one of the most kick-ass song that is hugely underrated.
Speaking of which, Natalie Imbruglia's new song "Shiver" is so lovely that I fell for it on first hear. Her 1998 "Torn" song undoubtedly made her a superstar back then. I think she went into acting for a while...this new album should be good.
Was web surfing around and I came across one mtv site that showcase The Departure's "Lump In My Throat" video. I must say the way mtv promotes some good bands is a tad waaaaaay too long. A prime example is this.
The Departure has been around since June-Aug 2004 and only now they are brought to 'life' to the common public. And btw, this is their 3rd single after "All Mapped Out" & "Be My Enemy". They are dubbed as "English Interpol" but I don't think so. They incorporate more towards 80s retro rock beats ala Depache,NewOrder whereas Interpol is like The Chameleons and Echo&TheBunnymen to Joy Division.
Ok let's talk about Kasabian. Pronounced as "Ker-say-bee-yearn", this four dudes produced a self-named album consisting of crazy beats and a lot of "aah aah aahh ahh" that fits perfectly with their music. At times u can hear shades of Liam's sneers and some Primal Scream too. Me favs will include L.S.F, Club Foot, I.D, Cutt Off & Processed Beats. They were said to be hanging out in a house to experiment with a bucketful of tunes of all kinds of music and incorporate sounds that can make the audience hooked and mystified. And boy, did they ever. When I first heard it, was not sure what this band is projecting...It doesn't sound like a normal band, it doesn't have the same pattern that is expected from a rock song. The feeling was weird when me watch it on tv.
BUT the shock factor came when me sampled their cd since I was very curious about this group. I must have been on the headphones of the mega store for about 50mins at least...going thru each song. Lucky that me mates were not around or they will be pissed off and be bugging me to get out a.s.a.p.
Subconsciencely their tunes were hummed days and weeks ahead. It's getting scary..
One day, a song will be stuck in my mind... On another day..another song will be stuck.. These dudes rock.
Which brings me to the topic of music that sounds bollocks to me ears. A prime example is METAL. Seriously, I have no idea what is the craze from some of me mates, inclusive of me nephews who adores metal music. They screamed(sang) as if their house were on fire and wore these supposedly funny masks that doesn't ring a bell to me. Can't bring meself to appreciate their melodies...if that's what you call screaming aimlessly. That ain't cool.
Wanna know what's cool? Carlito is cool. Cena is cool.
A band that breathes the word 'cool' is The Strokes. They don't need to have any masks or world class props. All is needed are instruments and the mike. And let their music show every soul what is the definition of cool.
Anyone who don't appreciate them are classed as 'Un-Cool'.
Ashley Cole is one lucky boy to have Cheryl Tweedy as his significant other. I don't think he is at all good looking. Would prefer Ljunberg or Reyes to be with Cheryl cause she deserves the best...Ashley...should move to Spain next season..don't waste his time rotting in the "diminishing" North London club. Mourinho is the 'Darth Vader' of the EPL now...
"Difficult to see, always in motion is the future" - Yoda
I was disappointed to say the least about Green Day's "punk opera" concept on the latest cd. I missed the days where Dookie,Insomniac & Nimrod were on Cd-repeats. Those triplets are what G.D should be sticking to..not American Idiot....but then they still look cool.
Ain't too sure if Girls Aloud will be around in the long haul. Their first album has absolute class songs like "Sound of the Underground" & "No Good Advice" which has mind blowing electronica sounds mixed with a few ballads, one of which "Life Got Cold"...is brilliantly done.
The second one contains some unnecessary covers like "Stand By You" & "Jump". But then "Wake Me Up" & "Love Machine" & "The Show" are superb to say the least. They also did a song that was originally found in Lene's (ex Aqua singer) album called "Here We Go".... it was one of the most kick-ass song that is hugely underrated.
Speaking of which, Natalie Imbruglia's new song "Shiver" is so lovely that I fell for it on first hear. Her 1998 "Torn" song undoubtedly made her a superstar back then. I think she went into acting for a while...this new album should be good.
Was web surfing around and I came across one mtv site that showcase The Departure's "Lump In My Throat" video. I must say the way mtv promotes some good bands is a tad waaaaaay too long. A prime example is this.
The Departure has been around since June-Aug 2004 and only now they are brought to 'life' to the common public. And btw, this is their 3rd single after "All Mapped Out" & "Be My Enemy". They are dubbed as "English Interpol" but I don't think so. They incorporate more towards 80s retro rock beats ala Depache,NewOrder whereas Interpol is like The Chameleons and Echo&TheBunnymen to Joy Division.
Ok let's talk about Kasabian. Pronounced as "Ker-say-bee-yearn", this four dudes produced a self-named album consisting of crazy beats and a lot of "aah aah aahh ahh" that fits perfectly with their music. At times u can hear shades of Liam's sneers and some Primal Scream too. Me favs will include L.S.F, Club Foot, I.D, Cutt Off & Processed Beats. They were said to be hanging out in a house to experiment with a bucketful of tunes of all kinds of music and incorporate sounds that can make the audience hooked and mystified. And boy, did they ever. When I first heard it, was not sure what this band is projecting...It doesn't sound like a normal band, it doesn't have the same pattern that is expected from a rock song. The feeling was weird when me watch it on tv.
BUT the shock factor came when me sampled their cd since I was very curious about this group. I must have been on the headphones of the mega store for about 50mins at least...going thru each song. Lucky that me mates were not around or they will be pissed off and be bugging me to get out a.s.a.p.
Subconsciencely their tunes were hummed days and weeks ahead. It's getting scary..
One day, a song will be stuck in my mind... On another day..another song will be stuck.. These dudes rock.
Which brings me to the topic of music that sounds bollocks to me ears. A prime example is METAL. Seriously, I have no idea what is the craze from some of me mates, inclusive of me nephews who adores metal music. They screamed(sang) as if their house were on fire and wore these supposedly funny masks that doesn't ring a bell to me. Can't bring meself to appreciate their melodies...if that's what you call screaming aimlessly. That ain't cool.
Wanna know what's cool? Carlito is cool. Cena is cool.
A band that breathes the word 'cool' is The Strokes. They don't need to have any masks or world class props. All is needed are instruments and the mike. And let their music show every soul what is the definition of cool.
Anyone who don't appreciate them are classed as 'Un-Cool'.
Ashley Cole is one lucky boy to have Cheryl Tweedy as his significant other. I don't think he is at all good looking. Would prefer Ljunberg or Reyes to be with Cheryl cause she deserves the best...Ashley...should move to Spain next season..don't waste his time rotting in the "diminishing" North London club. Mourinho is the 'Darth Vader' of the EPL now...
"Difficult to see, always in motion is the future" - Yoda
Bad Cover Version
The "Herman's Head" Concept.
To those peeps who have some gist of this tv show in the early 90s, no explaination is needed. But for the 'no-recollection', here is some help:
(Herman Brooks is an aspiring writer working as a fact-checker at a publisher. While dealing with life in the big city, his inner thoughts are played out by four characters representing his intellect, fear, compassion, and lust.)
Face it, everyone comes into contact with this concept everyday. Be it during the school exam periods, where one has to come across his or her intellect & fear components to decide whether what was being answered to the questions are the right choices. "Intellect" character will always proclaim he is right and he has the knowledge to back it up with...whilst "Fear" will always query back with the "Are you sure???". But then in the end, the individual must decide whether Intellect or Fear wins the dual.
The dreaded term "fear factor" is what brings people down, breaks them into pieces emotionally sometimes. Questions like "What if he leaves me for a voluptuous and manipulative girl?", "Am I physically ready to go through these tests?", "Would the company become bankrupt soon and be closed down permanently?". All these trigger Mr Fear into utter delirium in the first degree. When this happens, Mr Intellect & Ms Compassion would calm him down, however hard it is. Intellect would voice out that everything is in order, giving factual statistics to back his reasonings. Compassion most probably give him a hug and handle him like a toddler. Lust would be somewhere sitting down watching tv and eating his junk food, oblivious to anything that is happening as it doesn't concern him one bit. Bloody arse.
Compassion is always around to comfort the heart when sad things happen in one's life. Imagine an example of seeing a friend betray another close pal behind his back. Compassion will voice out that what is happening is wrong and will ask if there is anything that can be done to stop this from continuing. Fear will of course wants to stay away from trouble as he might think "What if everything goes wrong and both friends would be lost FOREVER??"...Intellect then might stand up and proclaim that he has 101 solutions to the problem. It's a mess but in the end, the person has to make the final decision on what should be done.
The funniest character of the show is "Lust"...played by this fat dude who is always horny and eats a lot. He has no control over anything and his philosophy is "Just go for it!!!!". Ok back to reality, let's say your good buddy's gf confessed that she has a big crush on you and wants to "have fun" with you when he will be away this weekend. This is where Lust is immediately awake and voices out anything and everything to get you to have a secret relt with her without the buddy knowing. In this case, Intellect + Fear + Compassion will do a "team" attack on Lust. The most angry emotion arguably would be Compassion who would be saying "Don't you dare backstab your good friend or I'm gonna skin you alive!!!". Intellect will open up his book and starts to nag about 'integrity' & 'rights'. Fear will most likely be running around to find some ropes and masking tape to tie Lust up and shut him up for good. In the end, only the person will make the final decision.
There you have it....everyone comes face to face with "Herman's Head" daily. Use it wisely.
To those peeps who have some gist of this tv show in the early 90s, no explaination is needed. But for the 'no-recollection', here is some help:
(Herman Brooks is an aspiring writer working as a fact-checker at a publisher. While dealing with life in the big city, his inner thoughts are played out by four characters representing his intellect, fear, compassion, and lust.)
Face it, everyone comes into contact with this concept everyday. Be it during the school exam periods, where one has to come across his or her intellect & fear components to decide whether what was being answered to the questions are the right choices. "Intellect" character will always proclaim he is right and he has the knowledge to back it up with...whilst "Fear" will always query back with the "Are you sure???". But then in the end, the individual must decide whether Intellect or Fear wins the dual.
The dreaded term "fear factor" is what brings people down, breaks them into pieces emotionally sometimes. Questions like "What if he leaves me for a voluptuous and manipulative girl?", "Am I physically ready to go through these tests?", "Would the company become bankrupt soon and be closed down permanently?". All these trigger Mr Fear into utter delirium in the first degree. When this happens, Mr Intellect & Ms Compassion would calm him down, however hard it is. Intellect would voice out that everything is in order, giving factual statistics to back his reasonings. Compassion most probably give him a hug and handle him like a toddler. Lust would be somewhere sitting down watching tv and eating his junk food, oblivious to anything that is happening as it doesn't concern him one bit. Bloody arse.
Compassion is always around to comfort the heart when sad things happen in one's life. Imagine an example of seeing a friend betray another close pal behind his back. Compassion will voice out that what is happening is wrong and will ask if there is anything that can be done to stop this from continuing. Fear will of course wants to stay away from trouble as he might think "What if everything goes wrong and both friends would be lost FOREVER??"...Intellect then might stand up and proclaim that he has 101 solutions to the problem. It's a mess but in the end, the person has to make the final decision on what should be done.
The funniest character of the show is "Lust"...played by this fat dude who is always horny and eats a lot. He has no control over anything and his philosophy is "Just go for it!!!!". Ok back to reality, let's say your good buddy's gf confessed that she has a big crush on you and wants to "have fun" with you when he will be away this weekend. This is where Lust is immediately awake and voices out anything and everything to get you to have a secret relt with her without the buddy knowing. In this case, Intellect + Fear + Compassion will do a "team" attack on Lust. The most angry emotion arguably would be Compassion who would be saying "Don't you dare backstab your good friend or I'm gonna skin you alive!!!". Intellect will open up his book and starts to nag about 'integrity' & 'rights'. Fear will most likely be running around to find some ropes and masking tape to tie Lust up and shut him up for good. In the end, only the person will make the final decision.
There you have it....everyone comes face to face with "Herman's Head" daily. Use it wisely.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Over-heard "It's Not Unusual" playing in the airwaves this evening. The singer is of course from Tom Jones, the man with a ridiculously superb voice. You don't buy that, they don't come in package. Knew he was a star when me was just a little boy back then. Which brings to the topic of current male pop singers. It's kind of sad that only a few of them are worthy and have class. Names that come to mind are Robbie Williams, that bad boy from the defunct Take That....which ruled the 90s; Jamie Cullum, the so called "Sinatra in sneakers" which sounds kinda cool; Michael Buble, the crooner who knows his stuff and plays his cards expertly when performing the old classics.. Goodness me I think that is all whom are worth mentioning... Poor thingy..being a guy me-self...
Seems like the gals are overshadowing the pop culture nowadays. Ashlee, Avril, Jessie, Kylie, Sophie are cool in me opinion. I'm not into the rnb culture so not too sure about these Alicia K, Jennifer,etc ppl.
Ok let me stop short now by mentioning one piece of "hilarious to the bone" script acting that was shown on tv a few days back. The show is called "Internet Love"...not too sure about what the hell they are trying to tell the audience, but never mind...there was this scene where an engaged couple were on the phone and deciding on whether they wanted to have lunch together. The gal said she was busy with her work, so she said she can't make it. And so the guy, with his collegue i suppose decided to have lunch together instead. That collegue somehow had a crush on the guy...and somehow she knew that his fiance was meeting some other guy whom i'm not too sure who he is too... But then the funny part came when she brought the guy to the same restaurant where his fiance was seen having lunch with some guy. The poor chap quickly became furious and asked her what is she doing with him because she said she was supposed to be busy.... Before the gal could explain...he showed his hand with the ring to her...and plucked it out while in a fit of anger and threw it to the ground!!!!
I was like "W H A T T H E F O O K??"...If all guys have this same mentality...the mariage rate will plummet down just like the era of ManYoo...hahahahahaa!!!! Anyways I was guffawing like nobody's biz from that piece of acting...
Damn, the season of the Premiership is over. *Wailing*
Now what is left is the F.A Cup Final & CL Final. Hope the Arses beat the Man-Yankees... And the Reds to triumph over AC in Istanbul.
There are quite a good number of emerging bands coming through this year. Remember these bands well : The Kaiser Chiefs, The Departure, Thirteen Senses, The Bravery, Babyshambles.
It's kinda funny seeing Sam Endicott & Brandon Flowers bad-mouthing each other on their brand of music being the more superior. Well, to me both Bravery & Killers have their own strengths and weaknesses and I declare them as 50-50. Not one is better or worse than the other. It's kind of cool to have these musicians bringing back the 80's rock sounds of good ol Depache(or De-pa-chi as quoted by some lame jackass), New Order & Duran2.
Bands like Interpol , Strokes, Hives, W.Stripes, Franz Ferdinand saved the world from the "blink182s, matchbox20s, simple plan-s, evanescence-s, limp biscuits" that had me thinking back in 2000 about the sad state of the music industry.
Oh yeah, Vonzy was eliminated today. Good luck to Bo & Carrie. This finale is more worth watching than last year's Barrino(duck voice but superb nonetheless) & Degarmo("come on ya all" mickey-you're-so-fine chants).
Bo's voice is top quality especially when he sang without them musicians. Carrie has been outstanding in her country songs' vocals.
(Playing Darth Vader's theme song).....
Maybe I should find out how I can get into that gear and have pictures taken with it. Now that's cool!!
Definitely, Maybe.
Seems like the gals are overshadowing the pop culture nowadays. Ashlee, Avril, Jessie, Kylie, Sophie are cool in me opinion. I'm not into the rnb culture so not too sure about these Alicia K, Jennifer,etc ppl.
Ok let me stop short now by mentioning one piece of "hilarious to the bone" script acting that was shown on tv a few days back. The show is called "Internet Love"...not too sure about what the hell they are trying to tell the audience, but never mind...there was this scene where an engaged couple were on the phone and deciding on whether they wanted to have lunch together. The gal said she was busy with her work, so she said she can't make it. And so the guy, with his collegue i suppose decided to have lunch together instead. That collegue somehow had a crush on the guy...and somehow she knew that his fiance was meeting some other guy whom i'm not too sure who he is too... But then the funny part came when she brought the guy to the same restaurant where his fiance was seen having lunch with some guy. The poor chap quickly became furious and asked her what is she doing with him because she said she was supposed to be busy.... Before the gal could explain...he showed his hand with the ring to her...and plucked it out while in a fit of anger and threw it to the ground!!!!
I was like "W H A T T H E F O O K??"...If all guys have this same mentality...the mariage rate will plummet down just like the era of ManYoo...hahahahahaa!!!! Anyways I was guffawing like nobody's biz from that piece of acting...
Damn, the season of the Premiership is over. *Wailing*
Now what is left is the F.A Cup Final & CL Final. Hope the Arses beat the Man-Yankees... And the Reds to triumph over AC in Istanbul.
There are quite a good number of emerging bands coming through this year. Remember these bands well : The Kaiser Chiefs, The Departure, Thirteen Senses, The Bravery, Babyshambles.
It's kinda funny seeing Sam Endicott & Brandon Flowers bad-mouthing each other on their brand of music being the more superior. Well, to me both Bravery & Killers have their own strengths and weaknesses and I declare them as 50-50. Not one is better or worse than the other. It's kind of cool to have these musicians bringing back the 80's rock sounds of good ol Depache(or De-pa-chi as quoted by some lame jackass), New Order & Duran2.
Bands like Interpol , Strokes, Hives, W.Stripes, Franz Ferdinand saved the world from the "blink182s, matchbox20s, simple plan-s, evanescence-s, limp biscuits" that had me thinking back in 2000 about the sad state of the music industry.
Oh yeah, Vonzy was eliminated today. Good luck to Bo & Carrie. This finale is more worth watching than last year's Barrino(duck voice but superb nonetheless) & Degarmo("come on ya all" mickey-you're-so-fine chants).
Bo's voice is top quality especially when he sang without them musicians. Carrie has been outstanding in her country songs' vocals.
(Playing Darth Vader's theme song).....
Maybe I should find out how I can get into that gear and have pictures taken with it. Now that's cool!!

Definitely, Maybe.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Test Transmission
Ok cool. This is me first blog. I've decided to create one because there are many things which I would like to write about and maybe it will come out more fantastic in here.
I like me blog's name.
Let's talk about American Idol. The final three are Vonzell, Bo & Carrie. Well...all three are superb in their own ways but I'm rooting for Carrie as she was the one of the first few whom I've predicted earlier on in the auditions to be the final survivor!!..hahaa... Vonzy is just too 'sweet' & Bo, as cool as he is...I would much prefer Constantine for his charisma and also he sang me fav song "Kiss from a rose"...damn 1995 was so good in me life... (heavy sigh). We shall see what the Americans decide tomorrow.
The Survivor Palau has just ended. This season was not that exciting as was 'Pearl Islands' where the characters were more exciting and of course with the ridiculous 'twist'. After Steph was eliminated, all there was left were the same bloody Koror people who tried the damnest not to piss each other off. Absolutely pathetic. At least Vanuatu was a little more exciting with "Ami Cusack"(hot mama), Rory(i regretted not burning the damn camp) & Chad who someone can emerge victorious when he was the last man in a group of women...
Onto The Amazing Race, Romber was the 2nd team to arrive at the final check point. Fair play to Urchenna & Joyce as they played an honest game. I seriously think that there was something suspicious when the pilot allowed them to enter the plane after they have closed the door... Ron & Kelly personifies the kind of couple where one wants to commit(Kelly) but the other is just not ready.... and of course they finished third. Ron is one s.o.b who has no respect for Kelly...bloody hell he's always trying to be-little her whenever he can...he needs some lessons on 'having class'....I can teach him some tips...but then he won't even wanna listen to moi!!!
No more good shows left to watch besides American Idol finale...
Btw, John Stevens the crooner from last season's show is going to release his own CD...WOOOO HOOO!!!
That boy can sing old classics like a freaking veteran from the 60s.
Hmm what else shall I write about now...
Ok let me list some of the most overrated Celebrities that makes me go 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'...
1.Angelina Jolie - So what if she has that stupid pouty lips?? She's ugly.
2.Jennifer Lopez - The only song that I liked from her is 'Jenny from the Block'...other than that, I will scream and scramble for the remote whenever her mtv is on tv...she looks like an average maid. For your info, I dun give a damn about how voluptious a woman's body is...if her face is 'yaaaaaaaaawwn' to moi.
3.Kelly Osbourne - What the hell is wrong with her??? She thinks she's a talented women that all men should bow to...Her face firstly makes me puke and just coz her parents are celebrities doesn't mean she has the power to do whatever she wants..
4. Mariah Carey - Bullshit bitch. Dependent on boops.
5. Britney Spears - Big deal if you are a self-proclaimed 'virgin'. Whiny nauseating voice plus hedious looks and some innocent teens are poisoned by her witchcraft...this is sad.
6.Will Smith - He WAS cool during the 90s'....but then his attitude now makes me sick. Acts as if he is some god-ly figure. A Has-Been.
7. Taufik Batisah - Some singapore idol who thinks he is one 'Usher' of Asia. Come on. The sort of craze about him is just ridiculous. It's good that there won't be another 'idol' event for some time.
8. Rob Thomas - What the fuck is he trying to achieve?? Matchbox Twenty is a piece of shit band playing god knows what kind of rubbish noises. Now he is trying to go solo? And he's always putting on the 'Kane' expression whenever he sings...Pure bollocks.
9. David Beckham - Yucks. Plays for a so-called 'Galatico' team. His wife trying to be a superstar like 'Kylie'...not sure whether to hate or pity her. Looks like crap but is being adored by millions...I don't understand why why????
Ok lets stop talking about these idiots and focused on poor old Kylie who has been detected with breast cancer. Thank God it was an early detection and has 90% chance of survival. She has cancelled her Asian Tour that was going to happen in this coming weeks... Maybe when she has fully recovered, I can purchase the tics to see her.
Been playing a lot of Kylie tracks on me winamp and watched her concert videos after I've heard about the news. It's like feeling the pain of someone very close to you...her songs has been with moi since the good old 80's and she still knows how to blend with the times..
Revenge of the Sith : I'm not so much of a Star Wars fan...but i've been reading on some sypnosis of the characters and got the gist of the storyline. I like the name 'Qui-Gon Jinn'...it sounds very fantastic. He's the one who discovered Anakin when he was just an innocent boy. Maybe I'll watch Episode III when I've got the time.
Geri Halliwell is my darling dear-y who's gonna release a new album called "Passion"...I have heard 'Desire' & 'Ride It' and it seems she's gonna be heading towards the electronica sounds this time...and of course she sounds good & looks as lovely as ever.
I'm getting hungry now... For your info, i'm one hungry gobbler. Me stomach is always not satisfied..not sure why...
(A pessimist is always B negative)...true? hahahahaa....
Alrite that's all for today. Cheers.
I like me blog's name.
Let's talk about American Idol. The final three are Vonzell, Bo & Carrie. Well...all three are superb in their own ways but I'm rooting for Carrie as she was the one of the first few whom I've predicted earlier on in the auditions to be the final survivor!!..hahaa... Vonzy is just too 'sweet' & Bo, as cool as he is...I would much prefer Constantine for his charisma and also he sang me fav song "Kiss from a rose"...damn 1995 was so good in me life... (heavy sigh). We shall see what the Americans decide tomorrow.
The Survivor Palau has just ended. This season was not that exciting as was 'Pearl Islands' where the characters were more exciting and of course with the ridiculous 'twist'. After Steph was eliminated, all there was left were the same bloody Koror people who tried the damnest not to piss each other off. Absolutely pathetic. At least Vanuatu was a little more exciting with "Ami Cusack"(hot mama), Rory(i regretted not burning the damn camp) & Chad who someone can emerge victorious when he was the last man in a group of women...
Onto The Amazing Race, Romber was the 2nd team to arrive at the final check point. Fair play to Urchenna & Joyce as they played an honest game. I seriously think that there was something suspicious when the pilot allowed them to enter the plane after they have closed the door... Ron & Kelly personifies the kind of couple where one wants to commit(Kelly) but the other is just not ready.... and of course they finished third. Ron is one s.o.b who has no respect for Kelly...bloody hell he's always trying to be-little her whenever he can...he needs some lessons on 'having class'....I can teach him some tips...but then he won't even wanna listen to moi!!!
No more good shows left to watch besides American Idol finale...
Btw, John Stevens the crooner from last season's show is going to release his own CD...WOOOO HOOO!!!
That boy can sing old classics like a freaking veteran from the 60s.
Hmm what else shall I write about now...
Ok let me list some of the most overrated Celebrities that makes me go 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'...
1.Angelina Jolie - So what if she has that stupid pouty lips?? She's ugly.
2.Jennifer Lopez - The only song that I liked from her is 'Jenny from the Block'...other than that, I will scream and scramble for the remote whenever her mtv is on tv...she looks like an average maid. For your info, I dun give a damn about how voluptious a woman's body is...if her face is 'yaaaaaaaaawwn' to moi.
3.Kelly Osbourne - What the hell is wrong with her??? She thinks she's a talented women that all men should bow to...Her face firstly makes me puke and just coz her parents are celebrities doesn't mean she has the power to do whatever she wants..
4. Mariah Carey - Bullshit bitch. Dependent on boops.
5. Britney Spears - Big deal if you are a self-proclaimed 'virgin'. Whiny nauseating voice plus hedious looks and some innocent teens are poisoned by her witchcraft...this is sad.
6.Will Smith - He WAS cool during the 90s'....but then his attitude now makes me sick. Acts as if he is some god-ly figure. A Has-Been.
7. Taufik Batisah - Some singapore idol who thinks he is one 'Usher' of Asia. Come on. The sort of craze about him is just ridiculous. It's good that there won't be another 'idol' event for some time.
8. Rob Thomas - What the fuck is he trying to achieve?? Matchbox Twenty is a piece of shit band playing god knows what kind of rubbish noises. Now he is trying to go solo? And he's always putting on the 'Kane' expression whenever he sings...Pure bollocks.
9. David Beckham - Yucks. Plays for a so-called 'Galatico' team. His wife trying to be a superstar like 'Kylie'...not sure whether to hate or pity her. Looks like crap but is being adored by millions...I don't understand why why????
Ok lets stop talking about these idiots and focused on poor old Kylie who has been detected with breast cancer. Thank God it was an early detection and has 90% chance of survival. She has cancelled her Asian Tour that was going to happen in this coming weeks... Maybe when she has fully recovered, I can purchase the tics to see her.
Been playing a lot of Kylie tracks on me winamp and watched her concert videos after I've heard about the news. It's like feeling the pain of someone very close to you...her songs has been with moi since the good old 80's and she still knows how to blend with the times..
Revenge of the Sith : I'm not so much of a Star Wars fan...but i've been reading on some sypnosis of the characters and got the gist of the storyline. I like the name 'Qui-Gon Jinn'...it sounds very fantastic. He's the one who discovered Anakin when he was just an innocent boy. Maybe I'll watch Episode III when I've got the time.
Geri Halliwell is my darling dear-y who's gonna release a new album called "Passion"...I have heard 'Desire' & 'Ride It' and it seems she's gonna be heading towards the electronica sounds this time...and of course she sounds good & looks as lovely as ever.
I'm getting hungry now... For your info, i'm one hungry gobbler. Me stomach is always not satisfied..not sure why...
(A pessimist is always B negative)...true? hahahahaa....
Alrite that's all for today. Cheers.