Kate Hudson begged Matthew McConaughey to ditch his 'no deodorant' rule during love scenes in 'Fool's Gold'. Hunkman refuses to wear deodorant but insists that he showers a few times a day. If that's not bad enough, these two were chased around the coast of Australia by a giant killer jellyfish during underwater scenes. Hudson said, "These creatures can literally put you in the hospital for three days on a morphine drip". Such drama.

Cheeky monkey? Christina Ricci's fear of monkeys was validated on the set of new film 'Penelope' when a simian sidekick grabbed her breast and refused to let go. The actress feared it was going to rip her boob off. She explains, "I'm so freaked out and the whole rest of the actors are turned around so no one saw it and I'm like, 'Help, help' as quietly and calmly as possible. Finally they got him off me." Maybe it thought Ricci was the new adopted mum.
Sophia Bush @ Crustacean Restaurant (27/01/2008)

Mischa Barton @ LAX Airport (25/01/2008)

Johnny Depp breaks down in tears every time he looks in the mirror - because he is too good looking. The main reason why he prefers playing weird characters is that it takes attention away from his handsome Hollywood image. The star says, "I cry every morning when I look in the mirror... because I gotta live with this cute face". Tough life? Billions would die for that kind of features.

Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo thrilled regulars at tribute group Metal Skool's weekly showcase on Monday night (28 Jan) when they sang Journey's Don't Stop Believin'. Romo initially refused, but reluctantly agreed to sing with her when fans started chanting out his name. And so they're in the groove right now. [

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>> Ali Larter's Chocolatey New Gig [
>> Gwen Stefani is Pregnant Again! [
>> Avril Lavigne's Miami Beach Getaway [
>> Alyssa Milano promoting her clothing line at a NHL Game [

Scarlett Johansson avoids the gym because she finds it boring. The curvy actress doesn't have the motivation to work out for hours and uses exercise as an excuse to eat more. She told OK! mag: "I get so bored in the gym. If I spend an hour there I feel great about myself for the next three days. I'm like, I can eat whatever I want." Wonderful genes, eh?