Natalie Portman is planning to quit acting to have children but she is reluctant to ever wed. Portman says, "I don't know about marriage. But partnership and kids? Definitely. Motherhood is the greatest thing I can aspire to." She has also laughed off her reputation as a showbiz "puritan". The star confesses, "I've had a few drunken nights in my life. I'm not a puritan. I simply haven't made a lifestyle out of it." This lady does things on the sly..
Meanwhile, is Jennifer Aniston so desperate to have a baby that she's on the hunt for a sperm donor? A source revealed: "Jenn's weighing up the relative qualities of all her male friends to soon make the decision which of them is her best bet. Once she's reached a decision, she'll pop the question to a surprise bachelor, explaining she doesn't want marriage - just babies!" Tick tick boom soon..
Bar Refaeli - Sauber Promotion in Spain (04/01/2007)
Kate Hudson is baffled by the photographers who stalk her everywhere she goes - convinced she leads a boring life. The star takes an unwanted paparazzi entourage most of the time but insists they'll never catch her up to any mischief. Hudson says, "On an average week, let's say I'd be followed about four out of seven days. And I'm not even very scandalous. You're not going to see me drunk stumbling. It's not who I am." Boring life? Yah, right.
Liam Gallagher, Ian Brown and three other members under the band name of Freebass have confirmed details of their first ever live gig next month. Freebass will play the Manchester vs. Cancer event on Feb 23, featuring Peter Hook, Mani and Andy Rourke. The trio have been busy recording the debut album. Andy Rourke said: "This year's gig is going to be talked about for years to come." Aaaaah. A 'must-watch' event.
Links: >> Pregnant Halle Berry Going To The Gym [HB-Gym]
>> Prince William meets with firefighters and hospital staff on Friday [PrinceW-Hospital]
>> Amy Winehouse at the Barbados airport leaving for London [Amy-Barbados]
>> Fans of 'The 4400' Campaign Against Cancellation [4400-Cancel-Revolt]
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Shannon Elizabeth @ Staples Center in L.A (04/01/2007)
Sophia Bush - Candids at Party in Florida Room at Delano (03/01/2007)
Indiana Jones creator George Lucas is dreading the character's return to the silver screen - because he is convinced everyone is going to hate it. Lucas fears the 'Kingdom of the Crystal Skull' could be a disappointment as he believes reviewers won't give it a fair chance. He says, "I know the critics are going to hate it. So there's nothing we can do about that. They hate the idea of making another one. So you just have to stand by for the bricks and custard pies." He'd better remember to bring the umbrellas next time round if it flops.