Sunday, April 15, 2007
Vibrational March

Kate Hudson @ Tom Ford Store Opening (11/04/2007)

Juliet is now a member of the beach camp but everyone except Jack has some trust issues with her. During the hike back, Sayid tried to get some answers from the fertility doc but Jack blocked out any further input by claiming she is under his protection. What's up with that? Claire became really sick just nicely timed with their arrival. Nice to see how Juliet got out of an ambush plan by Sayid/Sawyer by revealing their own personal evil backgrounds (Basra/Frank Duckett). How did she know all this info? In the flashbacks, we see Eyeliner Alpert & Ethan welcoming Juliet to Herarat Aviation where she bid her sister goodbye. After willingly taking the drugged OJ, she later woke up in a submarine and upon climbing up to the dock, Ben greeted her. The initial agreement of six months stay was changed when Ben promised to cure Juliet's sis cancer if she agree to complete the experiment on pregnant mums. People who conceive on the island are never able to deliver due to some mysterious disease which infects and kills them. Juliet was brought there to find out why; given her special abilities known from 'Not In Portland'. Even after three years, the same thing kept repeating with different pregnant women. Goodwin & Juliet were very close romantically. Too bad Ana Lucia's gone as she was the one who killed Goodwin last season. On the day of the plane crash, Ben brought Juliet to the Flame station where Mikhail was happily watching multiple tv screens with the latest news on Flight 815. When asked to gather information about the crash personnel, Mikhail said it was already in progress. Juliet was also shown live video feeds of her sister who now looked healthy and has a son(Julian). Thus, Ben promised Juliet he will send her back home if her assignment on the island is complete. Favorite lines => Sawyer: "Look, it's three men and a baby.. I counted Hugo twice. What? I called you Hugo." / Ben: "He never has his walkie on..." & "Mikhail, we're approaching the house! don't shoot us..." Back to the present, Claire's sickness was cured after being injected by some serum designed by Juliet. The losties are now a little more trusting of her intentions. Jack told her eventually they will need answers. The big twist to this situation was that Ben constructed his master plan to gas them, handcuffed to Kate, winning losties' trust, activating the implant in Claire's body and sending Ryan to put the medical stash at Ethan's drop point for Juliet to retrieve. What is the real reason for Juliet being there? From the last scene, she was looking at Jin, Sun and finally Desmond. A sign of things to come? The real world knows that Flight 815 disappeared. Jack knows Juliet dragged Kate out to the jungle and intentionally handcuffed to her. Why doesn't this bother Jack one bit? By the way, (J.A.C.O.B) = Just Another Con of Ben's?
Grindhouse Photo Shoot Session - [Ghouse-Shoot]
50 Cent has laughed off reports he is looking to adopt an African baby after his recent trip to Angola. Instead, the rapper poked fun at fellow celebrities Madonna and Uglylina for seeking children in foreign countries. The Candy Shop star told New York radio station Hot 97, "Black folks, we have kids." Can you dig that, suckas?
Lindsay Lohan is a Hippy. [LL-Hippymovie]
Emmanuelle Chriqui - Fracture Premiere in Los Angeles (11/04/2007)

Simon Cowell's partner Terri Seymour has admitted that she does want to have children with the music mogul but is worried by his refusal to be a father. When Seymour first told him about it, she was left shocked by his reply of "Go buy a terrapin." She told the People: "Everyone knows he doesn't want marriage and kids. Although marriage doesn't really bother me as my own mum raised me on her own, I definitely want a baby some time down the road." Good luck convincing 'Mr Frank'.
Nicole Kidman is awarded Australia's top civil honor, the Companion of the Order of Australia (equivalent to an English knighthood) for her work promoting women and children's health, and cancer research. [Kidman-Austhonor]
Sophie Ellis Bextor - Me and My Imagination
Kirsten Dunst has vowed to never let her future daughter become an actress. The star has been acting since she was three and became famous at eleven. Kirsten admits the pressure of being a child star contributed to the depression she suffered last year. She said: "I'd never put any daughter of mine through acting because looking back, my happiness always came from pleasing other people like the director or my mother or my acting coach, not from pleasing myself." Would Kirsten have come close to those famous shaggy haired dudes if she wasn't an actress you'd wonder.
reported by Alex Banks