Saturday, March 03, 2007
Knocked Up

Fantastic! The White Stripes have confirmed details of a new album. 'Icky Thump' has been completed at Blackbird Studio in Nashville. There is no release date set for the album as yet, but a post on the band's official website states: "We are doing our best (whatever that is) to release the album as soon as corporately possible. And though we are tired, worn, weary, hungry, cold and left without an ounce of nutrition amongst ourselves, we are in the midst of planning performance type shows around the world." Songs expected to appear on the album include 'I'm Slowly Turning Into You', 'Catch Hell Blues', 'Little Cream Soda', 'You Don't Know What Love Is (Just Do As You're Told)', 'Rag And Bone', and 'Clicky Bump'. The world needs some new redwhitecandy goodness.
Joss Stone at Photocall during the 57th San Remo Music Festival (03/03/2007)

NME Awards 2007 review [NME-07]
The Cribs - Our Bovine Public [mp3]. The track is taken from their forthcoming new album 'Men's Needs, Women's Needs, Whatever'.

When Michael and Walt sailed off to find rescue, Jack/Kate/Sawyer were brought to Alcatraz land but Hurley was told to go back to the losties camp. Did the Others recognize what incredible 'curse' he could bring to them? Losing Libby was already a big downer, as Hurley spoke about his emotions to her grave. Maybe the island gave him new hope when Vincent came running with a key attached to a skeletal arm. That is where Hurley discovered a Dharma 'hippy car' at which he was determined to start the engine because "it would be fun." Engaging the help of Jin and the returning Sawyer, they celebrate the discovery with some Dharma beers and later got the engine started when the van was going downhill. All because he has this renewed hope. Meanwhile, Charlie approached Desmond and demanded some upcoming events where he might possibly die but Des said it doesn't work that way. Dumb Charlie for not knowing how this special 'flashes' power operate. Before they returned to their own camp, Kate and Sawyer had a little tiff which ended with her giving up on him for not being apologetic (for what reason??). Sayid and Locke asked Kate about the incidents in Alcatraz, the boats that the Others possess, and Karl whom Sawyer let loose. Not wanting any help from her own people, Kate went on a trail to find Danielle. Locke & Sayid did catch up with her and said they knew where to go.. Locke believes that he can find Jack using a compass bearing gathered from the way sunlight hit Mr. Eko's Jesus stick when he was burying him. Danielle did show up and looked as pissed off as ever, questioning their presence at her area. Kate wanted her help because the Others have a 16-year old looking kid by the name of 'Alex' and Kate was pretty sure she is Danielle's daughter. We shall see if this crazy French woman will help out in the 'Rescue Jack Operation' plans. Hurley's flashbacks sees him as a thin kid whose dad left and disappeared but came back about 16 years later. The curse of the numbers strikes again when Action 8 News reporter Tricia Tanaka interviewed Hurley outside Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack. Randy is now his employee. After a dull interview, Tanaka got frustrated with Hurley and wanted to conduct another interview inside the fast food restaurant. That is when a meteorite came crashing down and destroyed the Mr Cluck's! Tanaka and her cameraman became victims. Was quite funny seeing how it happened so suddenly. Hurley then vowed to give away all his winnings tp break the curse but his mum told him there is no such thing. His dad returned after being awol and took him to a physic who turned out to be a fraud when Hurley offered 10K for her to own up. This event leads to Hurley wanting to go Australia to find out the origins of the cursed numbers. The song playing in Hurley's flashback and also when the 8-track player started working in the Van was Three Dog Night's "Shambala". The skeleton has a Dharma jumpsuit on with his name 'Roger' on it, then 'Work Man' underneath. Hurley thinks the guy's name is Roger Workman! When Jin and Hurley are pulling Roger's skeleton out of the van, his head comes off. Hurley says "We'll get that later" Then later, Sawyer freaks when he sees the skull and Hurley just says "That's just Roger." Damn that was hilarious. Nicknames galore: Hurley to Sawyer: Red.. Neck.. Man / Sawyer to Charlie: Oliver Twist, Jiminy Cricket, Munchkin / Sawyer to Hurley: Jumbotron, International House of Pancakes, Snuffy / Sawyer to Jin: Jinbo and referenced his learning English to being 'Hooked on Phonics'. This episode is more like in Season 1 where life is simpler on the island. Nice to see a lighthearted approach before things look set to get ugly next week onwards.
She's a big girl now. Avril Lavigne laughs when she looks back at her earlier 'grunge' years - because they remind her how much she has grown up. She says, "When I look back now all I can think is, 'God, I was such a s**t'. I was such a tomboy, running around, getting in fights, hanging out with guys. I look back and laugh now as I realise how much I've grown up." Avril now wants her new album to be more uplifting than her previous material. 'Under My Skin' contained some of her darkest songs - but she has gone for a completely different approach with The Best Damn Thing. "My favourite stuff to play live has always been Sk8er Boi and He Wasn't, the faster songs. Those songs come alive onstage, and I feel like that's the most me." The Best Damn Thing is released next month.

Arena Mag Scans (April 2007) [Lavigne-Arena]
Jarvis Cocker is to curate a performance arts festival. He is the 14th artist to head the Southbank Centre's Meltdown festival since it began in 1993. The summer festival, at London's Southbank Centre, features rock, classical and contemporary music, dance, film and performance. The last event took place in 2005. Cocker said: "Jarvis Branson Cocker is honoured, proud and excited to announce that he will be curating this year's Meltdown festival. Your cultural life is in my hands. I can't wait." Should be an interesting event.
Nicole Kidman has been getting as much hands-on experience as possible as she prepares to work with cattle in a new movie. She will play an English aristocrat who inherits a cattle station in Australia, and has been learning a variety of new skills, including how to castrate young bulls, in the meantime. "I don't know if I'll have to do that, but it's best to be prepared," Kidman explained. Never too late to learn some practical fear factor stuff.

Lindsay Lohan Clockwatch -> Life is pretty normal, with her walking around at night in some see-through outfit [LL-expose], learning some dance grooves at S-Factor [LL-lesson], and trying out a turntable at a club [LL-Dj].
Brittany Murphy shopping at jewellers David Yurman (01/03/2007)

Spider-Man 3 is set to world premiere in Tokyo on April 16 and it will be released in Japan on May 1. [Spidey3News1 / Spidey3News2]
Damon Albarn has penned the music for new production 'Monkey: A Journey To The West' and hopes to turn new fans onto opera. He says, "I hope people come and see it because it might change their idea of what an opera is all about." Albarn has also revealed he and Coxon dabbled with it in their teens. He says, "When I was a kid, I used to write for orchestral instruments. In fact Graham Coxon and I entered a composing competition when we were 15. With the opera, I had to remember a lot of stuff, and I've been learning about the form and structure of operatic music. I've been making it up as I've been going along." This blurman is always up to some funny antics.
Noel Gallagher is a Herculean fan! He now likes Albarn's new band, despite the fact that the two don't get along. The guitarist is impressed by his enemy's latest musical project "The Good, The Bad and The Queen." Noel told NME, "I love the bit at the end of their song 'The Good, The Bad and The Queen' when it goes crazy. There are some nice passages of music on their album as well." Although Noel's hostility of Damon has softened, the gorillaz member recently insisted he will never make friends with him because "Britpop would be over." Tied to the 90s?
reported by Alex Banks