Friday, February 23, 2007
Love Autopsy

Gotcha! Kirsten Dunst and her new man friend, Fabrizio, were spotted leaving Teddy's in LA this week. She was all shy and kept covering her face on the way to the car while Fab remained cool and calm. [KirsFab-Pics / KirsFab-Vid]

Girls Aloud - OK Magazine Scans (21/02/2007)

Everyone seems to be doing it these days.. and so the uncles from Metallica wants to try their luck too when they start recording a new album next month. 2003's St. Anger was their last production. Producer Rick Rubin and the band wanted to be in the right frame of mind before heading into the studio. He said: "We really have to feel secure about the music and know it's good. Then in the studio, we're free to only worry about performance and not worry about writing a song. Hopefully, we've done our homework." Guns And no.. Roses have been delaying for too long so maybe those old school metal-freaks are happy about some new angry-inducing anthems.
Nicole Kidman opened up about her marriage to Keith Urban on Oprah Winfrey's Oscar special Thursday night. "Keith is doing very well," she told fellow Aussie pal Russell Crowe. "We've been through a lot." She also told Crowe that she'd like to have more kids.. [Nic-Confess]

After the surgery on Ben's kidney was done, Jack went back to his cell. Not knowing what was next to come for his fate, Tom told him that he has to shift out of the cell into a new cage. Jack argued about showing some respect and taunts the others about the kind of people they are (hang Charlie from a tree, abducting kids, pregnant women, etc) but Tom counteract with the 'stones in a glass house' phrase. Juliet is now being treated as a prisoner and a new lady appeared by the name of Isabel. She is apparently 'The Sheriff' but is still lower in rank behind Ben. In the flashback scenes, Jack was in Thailand to 'find himself' and he doesn't have the tattoos done yet. Another new character called Achara, a mysterious tattoo artist, befriends the doc and grew intimate for a month without her informing him much about the special powers she possessed. Only when Jack stalked her going to a tattoo parlour did he know about her ability to see people as who they are. Achara told Jack he was a great leader but which caused him to be very lonely. Upon hearing this, Jack forced her to ink the tattoo that represents him. Next day, her posse of friends whacked Jack and told him to immediately leave the country. Even the soft drinks boy who was once very friendly shuns him completely. What was it exactly that bothers them regarding the tattoo Jack wanted? Back on the main island, Kate wanted 'James' to follow her back to help Jack which got a negative response. Karl told them the others have their own backyard, only stayed at Alcatraz for 'projects', lived on the same main island and abducted the kids to give them a better life. After Sawyer called a sobbing Karl 'Bobby'... "What the hell is the Brady Bunch?".. Karl has never heard of The Brady Bunch. Was he born on the island? Sawyer let Karl off because he wants him to be reunited with Alex. Upon listening to Karl's stories about Alex, and it's obvious that Sawyer is drawing parallels to his feelings for Kate. On Alcatraz land, Isabel read out the tattoo characters in front of Jack and then brought him to some office with lots of files and cabinets. Juliet & Tom was there as well. Jack lied to Isabel about Juliet not telling him to kill Ben which frustrates her. Next day, Cindy/Zack/Emma from tailies section plus some other unknown 'zombie' behaviour people were standing outside Jack's cage. They swiftly went away after Jack screamed at Cindy after she asked him about Ana-Lucia. With Juliet now in trouble after killing Danny, Jack took an opportunity to speak to Ben after Alex asked him about why he did the surgery. Notice that Alex always uses 'Ben' and not 'Dad' when conversing. Ben revealed that Ethan was the Others' resident surgeon until he met his well-deserved fate. Jack now wants Ben to promise him that he will save Juliet from being executed in exchange for treating the growing infection on his wiring from the surgery. Jack/Alex then sent a handwritten letter from Ben to Isabel at some courtroom hearing ceremony with Juliet looking dejected facing a crowd of 'zombie' heads. Isabel changed the orders from execution to just 'marking' Jules. Next day, Jack got a grilled sandwich from Juliet where he asked to see the marking. It looks like an upside down Hydra logo. The "Mark" is clearly a reference to the Mark of Cain, which usually refers to a mark of shame or separation from society as retribution for Cain's fratricide. She told him that Ben will be sent somewhere else to avoid the losties coming back to get revenge. Jack and Juliet seemed to be forming an alliance which could prove vital in the coming weeks. That night, Jules, Jack, Ben along with the rest sailed off in a boat bigger than Michael's version. Before they went off, Isabel explained to Jack what his tattoo says, "although he walks among us he is not one of us," but he then told her it is what they say but not what it means.. In Hinduism Achara and Dharma are synonymous with the same thing i.e. the regulation of daily life. Indeed Achara is often refered to as the Supreme Dharma. Will Ben keep his promise of sending both of them back to the real 'Home'?
Scarlett Johansson is in India on an awareness-raising visit to help highlight the suffering endured by poor people in the country. She has been in India since Monday, and has toured schools and slums in New Delhi. Ashvin Dayal, south Asian director of charity Oxfam, says, "We are delighted that Scarlett is supporting Oxfam and our work to help end global poverty. High-profile support helps us to raise awareness of these issues and urge governments and leaders worldwide to act." More power to this lady.
Anne Hathaway says filming 'Becoming Jane' was a nightmare and struggled to cope with perfecting the British accent while filming in a cold Irish climate. She told Sunday Telegraph: "There were certain days when we were filming in Ireland and it was so cold, and you're trying not to freeze to death and of course I'm trying to do the accent. It's so cold it makes you very tight which can make your voice sound higher." Her intonation was so poor that most of her dialogue had to be re-recorded. Anne said: "After all that f***ing accent work, about 80 per cent of the dialogue in the film was unusable. I had to go to England to re-record it all." Maybe that is the last of her doing a role with the Euro accent.
Hot Links:
1) Michelle Rodriguez is annoyed by how their legal system works [MichRod-Annoyed]
2) Jewel Kilcher is one hungry woman. Perhaps the rest in the studio are as well. [Jewel-Appetite]
3) Penelope Cruz is just alright. But her sister is one stunner! [Penelope-Sis]
Ashlee Simpson at a club in Hollywood (16/02/2007)

Ash have started to make their new music available, beginning with a new track released online. 'I Started A Fire' is now available through the band's MySpace page [Ash-MySp], and is the first song from their upcoming album to be made public. "It's a bitchy love song, dealing with bi-polar emotions," frontman Tim Wheeler explained to XFM. Their sixth studio album is as-of-yet unnamed publicly, but the trio are leaving clues around for fans to latch on to, including a game of Hangman on their blog. Should be a great one.
Joss Stone has drafted in football hard man Vinnie Jones to sing on her new album. He will be providing spoken words and sings on a hidden track. Joss said: "I wanted someone to introduce the record and I love Vinnie cos I love his accent. He's got that spirit, that's just like 'fuck it', which is my spirit as well - we kinda connect like that. "I call him up now - it's like we've known each other for years (but) I'd never spoken to him before in my life!" Mr Juggernaut would probably marathon run across cities to get to the studios for that particular offer.
KT Tunstall and Joss Stone mag scans:

Did a Gallagher gave her some advise on showing more attitude? Lily Allen continues her funny antics when she recently boasted about trashing a dressing room. The rampage took place after her "amazing" show in Sydney, Australia and even posted photographs of the room. She writes, "We got pretty drunk, went to see Kasabian play. We hung out with some of the other bands. Then we trashed our dressing room." Angry parents aren't happy about this because it sets a bad example to her young fans. One concerned parent said, "Although Lily obviously thinks she is living up to some rock 'n' roll ideal, the majority of her fans are young and impressionable. She should know better than to boast about wrecking a dressing room. Maybe she should concentrate on her music rather than destroy other people's property." Lily's behavior follows her lashing out at paparazzi with a stiletto heel after the Brits last week. Charlotte suddenly looks weaker in wild-life terms.
Patrick Wolf - 'There was a fire inside me' [Wolf-Article]
~His life was made a misery at school, but all that bullying just fuelled Patrick Wolf's ambition to become a pop star.~
Arctic Monkeys played some new tracks from new album 'Favourite Worst Nightmare' at a recent gig. [AM-Review]
reported by Alex Banks