Thursday, January 04, 2007
Dark Shines

Sarah Michelle Gellar - Entertainment Weekly Mag Shoot

-> 20 HQ Pictures (4064x2704) from the 'Pull Shapes' video shoot. [PullShapesPics]
-> My Roundhouse pics collection [Pips-You-Need-To-See]

Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman posed for 'W'. They'll return to the London set of The Golden Compass, a fantasy-adventure film based on Philip Pullman's trilogy His Dark Materials. The movie, to be released later this year, is their second collaboration, the first being The Invasion, which is loosely based on Invasion of the Body Snatchers and is also due out in 2007. More pics & reports -> [Craig-Kid-Style / Nic-Dan-GetItOn]

Hollyscoop has learned exclusively through sources that Halle Berry might be expecting a visit from the stork. The actress has been spotted wearing baggy tops and sporting what some believe is a baby bump. She has been extra cautious to cover her tummy from the photos in recent weeks. This looks like a 50/50 situation. Read more.. [HalleBaby?]

Sad news regarding Emilie de Ravin. She has separated from her hubby after six months of marriage. The Australian actress and Josh Janowicz, were married in Melbourne in June, publicist Jeff Raymond said. It was the first marriage for both and they have no children. The couple originally met through friends. She lived in Los Angeles with Janowicz and commuted to her TV show's set in Oahu, Hawaii. Poor Claire.

No spidey sense to help him? Tobey Maguire has revealed he wasn't exactly on the ball during his daughter Ruby's recent birth. Speaking of her arrival in November, Tobey said: "Nobody really coached me on it. They say, 'Ok, catch her!' I'm like, 'What do I do?' I ended up just kind of putting my hand on her while the doctor put her on Mom's belly." He added that fatherhood was "completely indescribable". [Tobey-BabyJoy]
Sophie Ellis Bextor - Catch You (live)
............ can't wait for 'Trip The Light Fantastic'!
Something mega is coming your way. Noel Gallagher is so excited about the new album that he could "throw the kitchen sink at it." An orchestral-influenced masterpiece may be on the cards. He told NME, "All the songs I've written recently have been on the acoustic side. But for the next record I'd like to get, like, a 100-piece orchestra and choirs and all that stuff. I'd like to make an absolutely f***ing colossal album. One, great, long anthemic (sic) hymn that has no dynamics to it whatsoever. Just one chorus for half an hour." Noel is most excited about his brother's new compositions, saying: "'Stop The Clocks' will appear, while 'I Wanna Live In A Dream In My Record Machine' is about buying records. 'Boy With The Blues' could be like a gospel track. I'm really excited about the record." So is the madferrit community.

Ashlee Simpson - Bikini Candids (Jan 1st/2nd, 2007)

Do the stars find themselves as fascinating as their fans do? Yes, says a psychological study of Hollywood's celebrity class. It is not just money or career that makes them seem different: it is their extreme levels of self love and their compulsive need for public attention. Two Los Angeles psychologists have produced the first scientific evidence that many celebrities sincerely believe that they are better than the rest of us. Their forthcoming book suggests that many pop culture icons are heading for disaster. Read more.. [NarcissistiCelebs]
reported by Alex Banks