Monday, September 25, 2006
Off The Hook

Nicole and Paris are buddies again? [nic-paris-vid-clip]
Evangeline Lilly & 'Charlie' goes on a shopping trip In Honolulu (23/09/06)
Vanessa Marcil (Las Vegas) at Hyde [Van-Marcil]
This week, Gina felt sad for Kari because she shouldn't be the next to go at the last judging time. Brooke then said she should do better. Next scene was Nnenna speaking to her bf on the phone. T.Mail -> "What's your favourite position?". Lisa D'Amato (from last season) & Janice D were at the studio to teach them all the different posing techniques. Brooke was a bit confused but it was alright compared to Gina who was asked by Janice to do a one leg jump and laugh at the same time. <- A punishment? During dinner, Janice joined them and called out Gina again to sit beside her on the same chair. Janice wants Gina to confess about which person gave her the most problems back in the house and of course Jade was the target. Lame. Janice said rule no.1: don't bitch about your fellow contestants. Gina then became depressed all the way in the car to bedtime.. Nnenna told her to look confident no matter what. After showers, Gina was shocked to see Jade waiting for her. But somehow she stood up against mighty Jade.. interesting. Next day, they were told to play out the four seasons with the clothes given specifically for each of them. Nnenna won(again) and she gets to keep all the clothes on set. Brooke was unhappy about her shoot. After that, they were interviewed by Tyra who asked them what are their future working plans. They were asked to play out their dream job for the next photo shoot. Plus, there are 5 male models for them to pick from for their partner. Furonda - human rights attorney, Jade - kindergarden teacher(!!!), Sara - prosecutor lawyer, Joenie - stay home mum, Mollie Sue - make-up artist, Gina - fashion designer, Leslie - justice investigator, Danielle - singer, Brooke - nurse and Nnenna - drug researcher. Almost all did alright - Jade's skirt was too short to be a teacher!, Leslie had a dominatrix look?? and Nnenna was getting a lil too comfy with her male partner... Next day was judging time. They had to sell poses in front of the judges.. with own clothes and another with fireman helmet & boots for the edge look. Gina again lost in her own world. Judges think Mollie Sue still lack the fire, Sara was a bit off, Jade getting better and Brooke not really there yet. After some discussion, time to pick the names. 1st name called - Furonda! Then Joenie, Danielle, Leslie, Jade, Mollie Sue, Sara, Nnenna.. Last two was Brooke and Gina. B though not so good but she has the potential whereas G takes good photos but her insecurity is a big liability. And so predictably, Gina goes home.. after giving a goodbye hug to Jade.
Kasabian - Shoot The Runner [Video]

Do you remember the first time?? A Pulp Retrospective explained: [pulp-story]
Jamelia asked her record label Parlophone to produce a child-friendly version of Lily Allen's debut album 'Alright Still' so her 5-year-old daughter Teja could listen. Allen, also a Parlophone artist, wasn't happy about the situation. "Maybe she should pay for that to get done herself. It's not coming out of my expenses," Allen said. "I think the more you shelter your children from that kind of stuff the more they're curious about it. It's the same with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, the more you say, 'no', the more they think, 'Maybe I should try some'. I think, just be honest with them from the start." Read more..[jamel-vs-lily]
Lily Allen re-releases her breakthrough hit 'LDN' and here is a little treat for Lily Lovers out there. London's own Sway has done his own version of the track with a little twist of the lyrics to great effect. It is nice! [Sway-LDN]

Paris Hilton - Jealousy
this sounds a lot like Geri's old stuff..
Geri Halliwell:
Having dinner at the Ivy, London (18/09/06)
Out and about walking, London (19/09/06)
Gary Barlow - how he went from Take That to depressed recluse... read more..[barlow-problem]
Some pretty good tunes here:
>> Mando Diao - Long Before Rock N Roll
>> Jet - Bring It All Back
>> The Killers - All The Pretty Faces (yes. it is decent.)
Thom Yorke's 'The Eraser' has been given the remix treatment. Called 'The Eraser Erased', the mix contains all tracks from the album condensed into a even-and-a-half minute mix. The package has been put together by an artist called Skew. Take a listen - [skew-erased]
A young man is questioning the work of an elder.. Brandon Flowers has told Thom Yorke to go back to writing "pop songs". Flowers has been unimpressed by Yorke's move into more experimental music in past years, because he thinks he's wasting his gift for writing popular songs. He tells The Observer, "He should feel grateful that's he's (been) given the gift to write pop songs - which he needs to write again!" Brandon should shut it before Thom tells the world not to buy or listen to Sam's Town. Then life won't look so brightside for them anymore in Las Vegas.
reported by Alex Banks