The Raconteurs - Steady As She Goes / Hands (on Conan)
Everytime I tried to stay away from listening to SASG, once that freakin' intro comes ringing into the brain, I have to repeat the video/audio again and again..
Eliz Hurley / Johnny Depp out and about:
(I'm thinking of getting that hat)
There's this particular track sung by Vanessa Paradies, wife of Depp, called 'Be My Baby'. Upon hearing for the first time many years back, I thought it was a tribute song done originally by The Supremes... it wasn't. You'll be dancing along in no time for sure.
How would you feel if your darling little daughter gets suspended from school not for playing truant but for...singing a Spice Girl song?? The parents of five Gwinnett County teens are still shaking their heads in disbelief over this matter [vid]. To make it worse, they were also barred from going to their graduation celebration. W.T.F?? All because they mentioned a sacred word - "lover" from the song 'Wannabe'. Well, that is, according to the principal who suspended them. She must have had some issues with that word. One of the mum said, "When school came the following Monday morning, the principal pulled the five girls in and was very angry at them, and told them that they ruined the talent show and that she wanted to get up on the stage and jerk the microphone out of their hands." I pity those kids for having a pathetic principal.
Sailor Moon fans behold - the voice-over for the movie is going to be Lindsay Lohan! Another mega-deal for this soon-to-be 20 year old. The people behind the upcoming big-screen adaptation of the Japanese manga series 'Sailor Moon' have sent her some materials to look at, she said, and fans have begun lobbying hard for Lohan to play the titular character, a rail-thin blonde known for her strong powers and sexy costumes. "I haven't read the script; I don't even know if there is a script. ... I read a lot of things [online] that I don't know about myself that apparently people think are true." Read more.. (lohan-moon)
The Strokes' next new single will be 'You Only Live Once', released on July 10. The video for the track was shot at the start of May in Los Angeles by director Sam Beyer. The band have labelled it as their "coolest video yet." First three singles...are the first three songs from the album... From the earlier polls on their official site, people voted for YOLO to be the best song from FIOE. Nobody can really argue against that. Can't wait for July.
Morrissey - The Youngest Was The Most Loved [vid] Ronan Keating - All Over Again [vid] We Are Scientists @ The Hub, Gideon Coe, BBC6Music - 5th May 2006 [link] The Stills - Retour A Vega [vid]
The Pipettes - Your Kisses Are Wasted On Me (Live at King Tut's) [courtesy of Skatterbrain]