Monday, March 13, 2006
Vampire Love

Love Lessons with Lindsay
What's love got to do with it? Everything! La Lohan is the cover girl for the latest issue of Cosmo, and the magazine asks about everything from her father to boobies and love in between.
Here are three fav highlights:
Cosmo: So how would you describe your romantic status?
LL: It sounds cheesy, but I have people who are fun to have crushes on. Sleeping around is not something that interests me, but the act of love is an amazing thing. It's groovy. You've gotta have some fun and let those emotions out. (twist of words.. nice.)
Cosmo: What do you look for in a boyfriend?
LL: Confidence, loyalty, and a good sense of humor, because I come with a lot of baggage. I have paparazzi following me every day. After I finish this movie [Chapter 27] in New York, I'd like to have a boyfriend. It would be nice to have that security and to have someone to go to a movie with. (...a lot. that means 'herculean baggage')
Cosmo: Do you always fall for older guys?
LL: I date men who are older because I relate to them better. I feel a lot older than 19. I've grown up fast, with our without the business, because of what's gone on in my family. I'm the oldest [of four] so I became responsible at a very young age. All of my friends are older than I am, and I take care of them. I'm a giver, not a taker. (...giver, eh??)
It had to come sooner or later. Seems like Stuart Townsend grew cold living in Charlize Theron's shadow. The long-time lovers have called it quits. The news comes as no surprise, though. A solo Theron looked sad and quite unfashionable at the recent Oscars. A friend of Theron's revealed, "Charlize is free and single again. Her relationship with Stuart is well and truly over. They just grew apart. It wasn't always easy because filming often kept them apart for months." Problems due to filming is rather a weak excuse. On previous gala events, that boy always behaved like he doesn't want to be there judging from his face expressions. Think they have been dating for around four to five years. Thus begins a new journey in the search for the next lucky dude for her and the entertainment world press.
Dirty Pretty Things performing Deadwood at the NME Awards:
Tufty has audios & videos galore from Dirty Pretty Things gig at Glasgow.
Girls Aloud visited 'GMTV Today' to talk about their work schedule [inteview clip], how the girls that have boyfriends make things work with their travel demands, and their documentary they filmed on the promo tour in Australia.
Videos on this week's episode of 'Rage' on ABC Broadband include The Vines - Gross Out, We Are Scientists - The Great Escape, End Of Fashion - She's Love, Sons And Daughters - Taste The Last Girl, Little Birdy - Excited, Magic Dirt - Locket, Rogue Traders - Watching You', and Motion City Soundtrack - Hold Me Down'. Watch it online [ broadband / modem ]
Check out these two guests on the Conan O Brien show who can multi-act many of The Simpsons characters shite!
Tiesto is coming to our shores!!

Elizabeth Hurley has sparked fresh marriage rumours after setting up a gift list at the mysteriously exclusive Black Collection in Monte Carlo. She have logged all the items she desires at the AAA-list store in the millionaires' paradise. Her friends can select prezzies for her before the list closes on June 8. Now the date is being mooted as a possible wedding day for Elizabeth and long-term lover Arun Nayar. But as her birthday is only two days later, sources can't make their minds up. One told us: "It looks like it's a wedding list but it could also be a helpful nod to Elizabeth's friends regarding birthday presents. The smart money must be on her combining the two events to put people off the scent." Now it looks like everytime she goes out shopping at some mega store, the issue of her marriage date will be thrown into discussion.
Apparently, "rehab addict" Courtney Love has met with Doherty's former bandmate Carl Barat, and he has asked her to help his mate. "I'll Cure Doherty's Demons," says the headline on The Star above a shot of Doherty biting on a cigarette and another of Love sat in the backseat of a car. A source says that Love "sees herself in Pete" and doesn't want him to end up like Kurt Cobaine, her former husband who committed suicide. As Love says: "Someone needs to tell you what an ass you're being - and you need to listen." Nice to see C.L helping out to knock some sense into that boy.
If you're looking for a band that combines the sound of Radiohead (I'm not kidding listen to their song "Go Away") and the delicacy of Rufus Wainwright on the hushed album closer, "My Chosen One," then the Guillemots come highly recommended.
Arctic Monkeys - The View From The Afternoon
Can't think of a better opening for their debut album. Starting it off with some furious rock n roll beats from all the instruments, it might be an indication to the first time listeners what the fook is this hype all about. First line is "Anticipation has the habit to set.. you.. up!", where Turner begins telling a story on a particular street which will be full of activities come sunset. What kinda stuff? Clues given are 'bunny ears, devil horns...' The part where they had a moment of pause is just sheer brilliance not incorporated since 'Hard To Explain'. Another section worth mentioning is echoing out the phrase "..bear that in mind tonight", that sounds amazing to say the least. The chorus mentions about how some lady is unconcerned about the content in her sms inbox, range of melodies almost 90% different in each line. FOOOKIN' NICE! I like the way they repeat the 1st verse section...breaks into a three second drum solo and moves straight to the chorus. AND to end it all of with the same freakin' instrumental intro! Never before have I ever heard of this kind of song structure from any band.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Honeybear
One of the stand out tracks from YYYs second album is 'Honeybear'. Starts with a background kind of vocals accompanied with simple toned down drums and muttering out the words according to the guitar tunes that sounds quite catchy, at which one might suspect Karen O would be screaming her lungs out any time soon but the surprise is that she didn't. Out comes some kind of military-like drums & guitar sounds with the vocals just sashaying along to the beat. Love it love it love it. Imagine this song as the newborn niece of 'Seven Nation Army'. The electronica solo is also done tastefully well, like some back-up dancers appearing out of nowhere and blended well with the main performer. After the solo, the song is toned down again with Karen O in a speak/sing mode...stopping for about a few seconds, allowing the drums spice up the tempo and then continue singing the chorus. Awesome way to end the song with the words "What...What...What..", leaving meself happy to repeat it again for a few dozenth time.
reported by Alex Banks