Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Ancient History

Indie Tunes:
>> Franz Ferdinand - What You Waiting For (Gwen Stefani Cover) [mp3]
>> The Go! Team - Grip Like A Vice [mp3]
>> Art Brut - Pump Up The Volume [mp3]
Not a big fan of Gwen's version but when those Franz boys did their thing with the song, you can't help but get hooked on whatchawaitin-whatchawaitin-fooooooor... Go! Team are back with another fast paced and quirky single while Art Brut surprisingly came up with a unique Rakes-y formula that blends well with their own style.
Kate Hudson goes walking in a white dress in NYC's Greenwich Village (26/05/2007)

Anne Hathaway - Becoming Jane set (29/05/2007)

Kylie called up little sister Dannii to keep her company at the Rex Cinema in Soho, with Kylie appearing to have moved on from the end of her four year relationship as she celebrated her 39th birthday. Her devotees braved the rain to leave floral tributes, cards, gifts and messages for the Aussie singer outside her door. Kylie refused to leave the comfort of home until later in the day, when she ventured outside to check out all the items fans had left for her. One fan says: "We thought she'd feel a bit down because it was her first birthday since her split with Olivier. I was amazed so many fans made the effort to wish her a happy birthday." Nothing surprising there. [Kylie-Bday]
XMF contacted Tom Rothman and the chairman for 20th Century Fox filmed entertainment took the time out of his Memorial Day holiday to email them back regarding whether Wolverine was still planned for the tentative 2008 release, or if Magneto (currently with director) might be released earlier than expected. "It's really soon to tell." said Rothman. "The most important thing is to get the movies right! If I had to guess, I'd say Wolvie in '08 and Mag in '09, but it could change." Waiting for a couple of years for these superheroes' own franchise is acceptable.
*15K fine for 98.7 Shock Jocks bra stunt = LAME* [98.7-Fine]
Elisha Cuthbert - Paris Hiltons Memorial Day Party (28/05/2007)

Jennifer & Courteney walking from the Arquette Malibu residence (28/05/2007)

Vid Sightings:
>> Mischa Barton in a car waiting for her sis, grooved to the car stereo a bit and then applied some makeup. She was later seen exiting a gas station mini mart with some munchies. [Mischa-Car]
>> Paris Hilton spends her afternoon at Color Me Mine, with her sis and some friends. They spent over an hour painting various items and Paris was engrossed in painting a ceramic bear. [Paris-Ceramic]
>> Joss Stone leaving her tour bus in Seattle, Washington. [Joss-Bus]
>> Jennifer Garner is all smiles as she heads to lunch at Orso restaurant, and then after leaving she stopped to sign an autograph for a fan. [Garner-Orso]

Monday, May 28, 2007
Heart It Races

Samaire Armstrong - Shay Todd Summer 2007 Collection

Scarlett Johansson - Ads for Louis Vuitton Fall/Winter 07/08 Campaign

Hugh Jackman is planning to 'rough it' on a family vacation this summer when he takes his family backpacking in the Australian outback. The actor is taking off for three-and-a-half months when the current filming in Australia has wrapped. He told People Mag, "I'm bringing the whole kit and caboodle up and we're doing a three-and-a-half month adventure in the outback. At times we'll be in tents, we'll be out on Aboriginal land, there'll be crocodiles. My son just turned seven, my daughter is almost two - she'll forget it, but my son never, ever will. I'm thrilled I have a wife who's up for it." A good family man he is.
Mischa Barton was recently rushed to the hospital after suffering an adverse reaction to medication. Sources tell TMZ that the former "OC" star was at a friend's Memorial Day BBQ enjoying a few holiday cocktails when she began to feel extremely ill. Mischa, who has been quite sick with bronchitis since traveling to Cannes, London and Paris the past several weeks, apparently didn't get the memo - you can't drink alcohol while taking antibiotics! The star was rushed to an undisclosed medical facility in Los Angeles, where we are told she is "resting comfortably." A rep for Barton said that the starlet is with family and "feeling much better." Another life lesson for this woman.
>> Alex Turner laughs at Robbie Williams and his puny songwriting. [Turner-RB]
>> Avril Lavigne at Hyde Nightclub with Alli Spears. [Avril-A.Spears]
>> Girls Aloud turned their Greatest Hits tour up a notch with a flirty new line of costumes. [GA-Concert]

Saturday, May 26, 2007
Tragedy Bound

Olivia Munn as Princess Leia at Star Wars 30th Anniversary (25/05/2007)

The National Enquirer is running an article that claims that friends are wondering if Jessica Simpson is pregnant. Some have speculated the same thing in regards to her weight gain, and it sounds to me like they're just looking at the pictures. If so.. is it John Mayer's? [Jess-Preg-Q]
Halle Berry caused a paparazzi frenzy while out on a shopping spree in Beverly Hills with her mom on Tuesday (May 22). She wore a printed floaty top that made her look pregnant at the right angle and was clutching bags over her stomach while surrounded by photographers.. [HB-Preg-Q]

What a finale! The first season ended with an unknown hatch door being opened and Walt's kidnapping, second one was the capture of J/K/S and Swan's explosion but now it's all about the Others vs the survivors. After Ben knew about Juliet's double-crossing plans, he daringly came without any weapons along with Alex to meet Jack's group who are now heading towards the radio tower. Alpert was instructed to bring everyone to "The Temple". Mikhail was sent to the underwater hatch to find out what Charlie was doing there. Ever since the rock star got ambushed by two armed ladies, he has been interrogated but knowing that whatever happens, the yellow blinking light will definitely be turned off. Thus, Charlie joyfully played with Bonnie and Greta's minds about his plan and how he knew about this jamming situation. Mikhail tried to kill an awoken Desmond but failed so he followed him into the station. After getting more instructions from Ben, Mikhail shot Greta and needed two shots to kill Bonnie but Desmond surprised him with an arrow hit. Charlie found out from a dying Bonnie about the number combinations that correspond to Beach Boys' Good Vibrations. What a coincidence that it needed a musician to figure out the number codes! Charlie successfully turned off the jamming signal and when he turned back for an incoming transmission, there's a quick view of Mikhail in the background standing up! On the video monitor, a familiar face came through in the form of Penelope! She found out that Desmond is still alive but the twist is that she didn't know of any freighter or the presence of Naomi's rescue team.. Suddenly another familiar face appeared outside the small rounded window. It's Mikhail with a bomb in his hand! Charlie readily accepted his fate by locking the room as it became flooded by the onrushing water from the smashed window. Des came running towards Penny's screen but got locked out from the room. He learnt that Naomi wasn't sent by Penny and tearfully said his goodbyes to Charlie.. *sniff sniff* Now that communications with the outside world are back to normal, all Jack has to do is guide his group to the radio tower. Back at the beach, Bernard and Sayid succcessfully shot the dynamites to blow most of the Others but Jin missed his target and this led to all three being captured by Tom, Ryan and one more Other. During Jack's confrontation with Ben, an offer was made to surrender Naomi's sat phone in exchange for Sayid,Jin and Bernard's lives which Jack refused to accept under a minute timeline. Three shots were then heard on the walkie.. His friends are all dead! Ben later became a punching bag and was dragged back to the survivors. Danielle walked towards Alex where Ben finally revealed the truth about Alex's mum. Rousseau's first words to her daughter are "Will you help me tie him up?" LOL!!! Kate asked Jack about what happened and he revealed the fate of their three friends at the beach. Jack had promised Sayid that he will not turn around. He had to let it happen.. In a unique story off-island, we saw a horribly bearded Jack in an Oceanic flight but it doesn't have any of the other familiar looking passengers. He came upon an obituary of an unknown person which led him to a bridge where he tried to commit suicide but failed when a nearby accident occur. Jack has something new to fix! A pregnant Sarah came visiting Jack to see if he was alright and she refused to drive him home as it would be inappropriate. At the hospital where he worked, there is a new chief of surgery called Dr Hamel. He refused to let Jack operate on the victim and questioned the bearded one on how he got to the accident scene so quickly. Jack in turn challenged Dr Hamel to bring his Christian Shepherd in to see who is more drunk.. "You can't help me!", Jack screamed. At "Hoffs/Drawlar" funeral parlor, Jack visited a viewing session after he learnt about an unknown death from the obituary he read on the airplane. Who is in the casket?!?! When he can't get any more Oxycodone prescriptions even when he tried to bluff the counter lady that Christian Shepherd was the one who wrote it, Jack stole some of the pills from the hospital. This guy is really in bad shape. Back on the island, Juliet followed Sawyer back to the beach to find out why there were only two explosions. Hurley wanted to come along but got rejected once again. When they finally reached there, Sayid/Jin/Bernard were seen held hostage. They didn't get shot after all! Juliet told Sawyer they didn't have any guns so it would be better they stay put first. Out came a vehicle from the jungle driven by Hurley! He rammed onto Ryan which lead to Sawyer taking a gun and pointing to another enemy near Sayid. That wasn't needed as Sayid twisted the guy's neck using just his legs. Awesome. Tom tried in vain to crawl to his gun but was stopped by Juliet. He finally surrendered. *Bam!!* "That's for taking the kid off the raft," snarls James Ford. Coolness personified. When Jack was near the radio tower, there was a familiar voice on the walkie.. "Attention Others. Come in Others. If you're listening to this, I want you to know that we got you bastards..." Hahahahaaa it's Hurley telling everyone the good news! At the radio tower, Danielle revealed that she recorded the French messages three days before Alex was born. Naomi tried to get her rescue party signal after Danielle's recording was turned off. Suddenly, something hit Naomi from the back.. a knife thrown by Locke! How did he..? Back at the ditch, Locke woke up and found out that his legs are crippled once again along with the gun shot wound. When this actually happened is not known. Locke took a gun from a Dharma corpse and pointed it to his head. Might as well end this all, yah? Whispers were now heard and the return of Smokie in the form of Walt! Notice that this apparation called Locke by his first name all throughout. He told Locke that he can move his legs and want him to get out of the ditch. Why? "Because.. you have work to do." Somehow the island told Locke to stop Naomi from making the connection as it will lead to people discovering their location which the island as well as Locke/Ben don't want it to happen. After Naomi died, Jack challenged Locke to shoot him when asked to put the phone down. Ben, who now understood Locke's intentions, tried hard to convince Locke to kill Jack but got knocked out by Danielle. "Jack.. you're not supposed to do this." Locke finally allowed the connection to be made and walked away. The rescue team are coming! In the last scene, bearded version of Jack made a call to someone asking that person to meet him at an airport landing strip. That mysterious person he had been trying to contact was actually Kate Austen! But then, this was no flashback story. It's a flash forward! Their speech had many weird meanings. Who is Kate seeing at the moment that made her afraid to be away? What is Jack sick of lying about? Why does he want to go back to the island so much? Why did Kate hatingly refused to go to the funeral? Why weren't they supposed to leave the island? Are they one of the handful of people who got rescued? *head hurts* From 'Exodus', Jack said: "I don't believe in destiny" at which Locke replied: "Yes you do. You just don't know it yet." The man of science has finally realised how true John Locke's words are.. Looks like I'm gonna be chanting a new D.h.a.r.m.a mantra called "Is it February yet?" every other random day of the month for the next eight months...
>>> Lily Allen and Debbie Harry duet in New York. [LA-DH]
>>> Michael Emerson - Radio interview [M.E.Radio] / Video interview [M.E.Vid]
>>> Travis B-Sides collection [Travis-Lados.B]
Sophia Bush - Candids, On 'The Narrows' Set (24/05/2007)

Rachel Stevens has Lunch at The Saddle Ranch in West Hollywood (24/05/2007)

50 Cent has revealed his hip-hop pal Eminem is recording a secret new album. The rapper is supposedly retired from the game, but - surprise, surprise - he has been recording tracks for an upcoming fifth long player. He told Blender mag, "He's got a new album coming. He's not gonna tell people that, but he's making new music. I've heard a few songs, and it's hot. He won't tell nobody he's working on a new album, but I'll tell you: he's working on new music."
Kylie Minogue has reportedly hired a team of personal assistants to help her find a man. She has been single since splitting from her French actor fiance and is now on the lookout for a "handsome and successful" man and is willing to pull out all the stops to find her "Mr. Right." She is hoping her management team will play cupid and help her find "The One." Her spokeswoman said: "She wants the guy to be handsome and he'll have to be very successful or she'll get bored. But much more importantly he has to be reliable. The implications when Kylie chooses a new boyfriend are massive and she's determined not to repeat the same mistakes again." Good luck.