Saturday, March 25, 2006
Monkey Casino
Placebo @ MTV Fashionably Loud Singapore (23rd March 2006)
Review By : Nasreen Lina Chowdhury
A style packed catwalk extravaganza with an electrifying live band performance does indeed go together pretty superbly. And when that certain band happens to be PLACEBO, you know it's gonna be more than out of this world.
To get straight to the point, Placebo were awesome. And I'm not saying that just because I'm a huge fan, but anyone who'd attended the event would tell you that from the moment the dirty guitars of "Taste In Men" started, right until the band left us with their message for us to meet them at "The Bitter End" there was not a single moment the audience wasn't lost in the music. Placebo know all about creating rhythmic music, and no matter where you are or what you're doing, it hypnotizes your mind - and when watching them live, the feeling of being under the control of the music multiplies manifold. Brian's voice was mesmerizing and haunting, and their all-too-real penetrating lyrics melted into the surreal. In fact there was literal pandemonium when they started playing the classic "Every You Every Me". Other crowd favourites were "Because I Want You", the first single taken of their latest record, Meds, and the melancholic "Without You I'm Nothing".
Brian Molko, with his sheer flawless beauty (yes, beauty) and rock star stage presence effortlessly overshadowed the models strutting down the catwalk. And what's more, he didn't have to do as much to achieve that. Bassist Stephan Olsdal took a few walks down the catwalk whilst playing - in his own highly rock star stylish flamboyance. And he too definitely got more attention doing that than the models could get... it was probably the only time the majority of the crowd in the mosh pit turned their heads in the direction of the catwalk. I though for one wish I could have seen more of Steve Hewitt, who was hidden behind the drums the whole while whilst producing some awesome beats.
I believe the audience traveled similar journeys together, all of us entranced, caught up in Placebo's creative web until, alas, returning us to the hallowed ground we share, untangled from their grasp, only to bid us ado - changed for the better having heard them play. In fact Brian Molko, with his sheer beauty (yes, beauty) and stage presence did not need to utter a single word for the whole night except introduce "One Of A Kind" with, 'This is taken off the new album' and a sweet and simple 'Thank you' before (literally) running off the stage.
This might have been an event showcasing fashion and music, but believe me, you can keep Kenzo and Gaultier any day. Just give me my Placebo.
Track List:
Main set
Taste In Men
Follow The Cops Back Home
Because I want You
Without You I'm Nothing
Song To Say Goodbye
Every You Every Me
One Of A Kind
The Bitter End

More pics [ Taitse / Priscilla / Wireimage ]
Interview articles [ Todayonline / Electric TNP ]

Taipei 101 has been the world's tallest building since its completion in 2003 (101 stories above ground.) So large that at 700,000 metric tons, that the sheer weight is said to have reopened an ancient earthquake fault. It's an altogether mind-blowing building.
What does Lindsay Lohan really want to be known as? A teenage drama queen? Party animal? Noooo...from now on, people must look to her as a 'serious actress'. Lohan, who has worked flat out on various different projects feels she is still portrayed as a wild child in the press. She said: "There's this misconception that if you're out one night, then you're said to be out every night. You have to let it roll off your back. I've learned to just ignore it. But I think you can also take advantage of the fact that you're in the limelight and put things out into the world that are good messages." Hmmmm..being seen canoodling with different men who are much elder is good? Nonetheless, the best quote was - "I'm not some Tara Reid-style party girl." Wow. A new sparring partner i guess..
A serious role that she would love to play is an upcoming 'Wonder Woman' film. Lohan said to OK! magazine: "Wonder Woman would be cool." However, first up Lohan is concentrating on her new album, she said: "I'm trying to work on some lyrics for my next album in my free time. It'll be a little different to the last one - I'm starting recording next month." A workaholic eh? I don't think anyone wants to watch a wonder woman who could easily be blown away by the special effects winds machine.
Jenny Frost in "Arena" Mag [ 1 2 3 4 ]
Morrissey - You Have Killed Me (video)
This charming man is back with one cracker of a song. It sounds so... err... 'morrissey'. Much better than 2004's Irish Blood English Heart. He doesn't seem to go away, does he? Somehow he always has this 'nostalgia' factor instilled in his songs. Stream his new album 'Ringleader of the Tormentors' (Apr 4th 2006 release) through Myspace.
The Raconteurs - UK Gig (Courtesy of Kalmar)

Photos & an unknown song intro (video clip) which is very delicious to the ears.. They recently did an interview with Calenderlive regarding their music direction. More pics from Photoshot and Getty.
Alright. If you're into Yeti, The Cribs, DPT, Arctic M, etc..check out The Pigeon Detectives [ official / myspace ]. DoCopenhagen has some tracks to offer. Another one of those new indie bands that have this "instant likeable" factor. Dancy-rock which deserves to be complemented with some ugly nonsensical body moves...
The Cinematics - Break (video)
Another dark, broody rock outfit? This very promising band has got my attention of late. The vocalist looks the part; sings well & has the boyish looks, if it helps. Combining the jangly guitar licks of 'The Departure' along with some of 'Editors' dark melodies, this guys from Glasgow aren't lacking in substance. And to make things more appealing, they have a guest 'scientist' in their video. Now that's a hit!
Oh no! Franz Ferdinand frontman shot by Gavrilo Princip bassist?
Girls Aloud - Whole Lotta History @ TOTP (19th-March-2006)
Untitled Gorillaz Project? A movie based on the animated band Gorillaz.
Speaking of which, Gorillaz will split by Christmas, according to a band member overheard discussing its shaky future. Remi, the voice behind animated character Russell, was heard telling a pal the Damon Albarn-fronted group are sick of the sight of each other. He said: "Gorillaz will split by the end of the year. We'll wind down by September and by Christmas there will be a break." It's been about five years for the cartoon band. Albarn doesn't seem to have good rapport with his band mates since the country house days..
Video Clips:
- Tara Reid strolling along the Walk of Fame after a night out
- Kristin Cavilleri exiting Mood & walking along Hollywood Boulevard
Phone dating Farrell and Moss? Colin Farrell has reportedly struck up a close relationship with supermodel Kate Moss over their rehab experiences. Both of them have undergone drugs rehabilitation recently, and the pair have developed a close relationship over the phone as they look to each other for mutual support following their ordeals. A source reveals, "Since they're both working on their sobriety, they completely understand the struggle." I don't buy this one bit. Good buddies at most.
Jessy Simpson now has another major split - she's left her record company of seven years. She left Columbia to sign up to Epic Records instead. This is due to her guru Charlie Walk becoming Epic's new President. She says, "Charlie Walk was my first hero at Columbia. He believed in me before I really even got to meet the rest of the company. I couldn't think of anyone I would trust more than Charlie to present my new music to the world." Loyalty? Simpson expects to release a new single in the near future, with a new album probably released later this year.
Gavin Henson has admitted that he will marry Charlotte Church but has yet to pop the question. He has revealed that Church would "love" to tie the knot. "We're good for each other, it's really good," Henson told Jonathan Ross at a talk show. "She'd love to [get married].. maybe we will then. I hope she'll ask me, but I suppose I'd better do it .. we'd love a family together." What kind of special tricks will he attempt for the proposal i just wonder. Hopefully not a rugby shaped hot-air balloon with the magic words flying over the stadium during half-time..
Review By : Nasreen Lina Chowdhury
A style packed catwalk extravaganza with an electrifying live band performance does indeed go together pretty superbly. And when that certain band happens to be PLACEBO, you know it's gonna be more than out of this world.
To get straight to the point, Placebo were awesome. And I'm not saying that just because I'm a huge fan, but anyone who'd attended the event would tell you that from the moment the dirty guitars of "Taste In Men" started, right until the band left us with their message for us to meet them at "The Bitter End" there was not a single moment the audience wasn't lost in the music. Placebo know all about creating rhythmic music, and no matter where you are or what you're doing, it hypnotizes your mind - and when watching them live, the feeling of being under the control of the music multiplies manifold. Brian's voice was mesmerizing and haunting, and their all-too-real penetrating lyrics melted into the surreal. In fact there was literal pandemonium when they started playing the classic "Every You Every Me". Other crowd favourites were "Because I Want You", the first single taken of their latest record, Meds, and the melancholic "Without You I'm Nothing".
Brian Molko, with his sheer flawless beauty (yes, beauty) and rock star stage presence effortlessly overshadowed the models strutting down the catwalk. And what's more, he didn't have to do as much to achieve that. Bassist Stephan Olsdal took a few walks down the catwalk whilst playing - in his own highly rock star stylish flamboyance. And he too definitely got more attention doing that than the models could get... it was probably the only time the majority of the crowd in the mosh pit turned their heads in the direction of the catwalk. I though for one wish I could have seen more of Steve Hewitt, who was hidden behind the drums the whole while whilst producing some awesome beats.
I believe the audience traveled similar journeys together, all of us entranced, caught up in Placebo's creative web until, alas, returning us to the hallowed ground we share, untangled from their grasp, only to bid us ado - changed for the better having heard them play. In fact Brian Molko, with his sheer beauty (yes, beauty) and stage presence did not need to utter a single word for the whole night except introduce "One Of A Kind" with, 'This is taken off the new album' and a sweet and simple 'Thank you' before (literally) running off the stage.
This might have been an event showcasing fashion and music, but believe me, you can keep Kenzo and Gaultier any day. Just give me my Placebo.
Track List:
Main set
Taste In Men
Follow The Cops Back Home
Because I want You
Without You I'm Nothing
Song To Say Goodbye
Every You Every Me
One Of A Kind
The Bitter End

More pics [ Taitse / Priscilla / Wireimage ]
Interview articles [ Todayonline / Electric TNP ]

Taipei 101 has been the world's tallest building since its completion in 2003 (101 stories above ground.) So large that at 700,000 metric tons, that the sheer weight is said to have reopened an ancient earthquake fault. It's an altogether mind-blowing building.
What does Lindsay Lohan really want to be known as? A teenage drama queen? Party animal? Noooo...from now on, people must look to her as a 'serious actress'. Lohan, who has worked flat out on various different projects feels she is still portrayed as a wild child in the press. She said: "There's this misconception that if you're out one night, then you're said to be out every night. You have to let it roll off your back. I've learned to just ignore it. But I think you can also take advantage of the fact that you're in the limelight and put things out into the world that are good messages." Hmmmm..being seen canoodling with different men who are much elder is good? Nonetheless, the best quote was - "I'm not some Tara Reid-style party girl." Wow. A new sparring partner i guess..

Jenny Frost in "Arena" Mag [ 1 2 3 4 ]
Morrissey - You Have Killed Me (video)
This charming man is back with one cracker of a song. It sounds so... err... 'morrissey'. Much better than 2004's Irish Blood English Heart. He doesn't seem to go away, does he? Somehow he always has this 'nostalgia' factor instilled in his songs. Stream his new album 'Ringleader of the Tormentors' (Apr 4th 2006 release) through Myspace.
The Raconteurs - UK Gig (Courtesy of Kalmar)

Photos & an unknown song intro (video clip) which is very delicious to the ears.. They recently did an interview with Calenderlive regarding their music direction. More pics from Photoshot and Getty.
Alright. If you're into Yeti, The Cribs, DPT, Arctic M, etc..check out The Pigeon Detectives [ official / myspace ]. DoCopenhagen has some tracks to offer. Another one of those new indie bands that have this "instant likeable" factor. Dancy-rock which deserves to be complemented with some ugly nonsensical body moves...
The Cinematics - Break (video)
Another dark, broody rock outfit? This very promising band has got my attention of late. The vocalist looks the part; sings well & has the boyish looks, if it helps. Combining the jangly guitar licks of 'The Departure' along with some of 'Editors' dark melodies, this guys from Glasgow aren't lacking in substance. And to make things more appealing, they have a guest 'scientist' in their video. Now that's a hit!
Oh no! Franz Ferdinand frontman shot by Gavrilo Princip bassist?
Girls Aloud - Whole Lotta History @ TOTP (19th-March-2006)
Untitled Gorillaz Project? A movie based on the animated band Gorillaz.
Speaking of which, Gorillaz will split by Christmas, according to a band member overheard discussing its shaky future. Remi, the voice behind animated character Russell, was heard telling a pal the Damon Albarn-fronted group are sick of the sight of each other. He said: "Gorillaz will split by the end of the year. We'll wind down by September and by Christmas there will be a break." It's been about five years for the cartoon band. Albarn doesn't seem to have good rapport with his band mates since the country house days..
Video Clips:
- Tara Reid strolling along the Walk of Fame after a night out
- Kristin Cavilleri exiting Mood & walking along Hollywood Boulevard
Phone dating Farrell and Moss? Colin Farrell has reportedly struck up a close relationship with supermodel Kate Moss over their rehab experiences. Both of them have undergone drugs rehabilitation recently, and the pair have developed a close relationship over the phone as they look to each other for mutual support following their ordeals. A source reveals, "Since they're both working on their sobriety, they completely understand the struggle." I don't buy this one bit. Good buddies at most.
Jessy Simpson now has another major split - she's left her record company of seven years. She left Columbia to sign up to Epic Records instead. This is due to her guru Charlie Walk becoming Epic's new President. She says, "Charlie Walk was my first hero at Columbia. He believed in me before I really even got to meet the rest of the company. I couldn't think of anyone I would trust more than Charlie to present my new music to the world." Loyalty? Simpson expects to release a new single in the near future, with a new album probably released later this year.
Gavin Henson has admitted that he will marry Charlotte Church but has yet to pop the question. He has revealed that Church would "love" to tie the knot. "We're good for each other, it's really good," Henson told Jonathan Ross at a talk show. "She'd love to [get married].. maybe we will then. I hope she'll ask me, but I suppose I'd better do it .. we'd love a family together." What kind of special tricks will he attempt for the proposal i just wonder. Hopefully not a rugby shaped hot-air balloon with the magic words flying over the stadium during half-time..
reported by Alex Banks