Saturday, August 20, 2005
Mirror Kisses

These are some interesting stuff for you to ponder about. Always have these thoughts that some football players looked so bloody familiar but can't really find out who they actually resemble. Until after some weeks or months later through personal checks or when someone mentioned it to moi.
Tennis babe Maria Sharapova is dating Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine. The stunning blonde has been secretly seeing American rocker Adam, 26, after they met in a New York club. They met in April after he serenaded the Russian powerhouse during her 18th birthday party. His good pal said: "Adam always has a lot of women after him. But he really likes Maria, and they have been seeing each other quietly for months."
Adam, had been dating model Kelly McGee. But they split last year after Robbie Williams kept chatting her up. He said at the time: "I am having a massive feud with Robbie Williams at the moment - do you know who he is?
"I had to warn that dude to stay away. He just kept hitting on my girlfriend. That man will hit on anyone. He is unbelievable." Firstly, Mr Adam clearly shows his lack of musical knowledge by that one statement. Must have been hooked on his Timberlake, Bitchney and Mariah Cds all these years until he doesn't even know the existance of Mr Escapology. Maria-Maria would hopefully not be close to him very soon as she deserves better. She might just 'come undone'.
Tatu - All About Us single (the pre-order site) can be found here.
According to a message from Thom Yorke, Radiohead entered a (very impressive, but unnamed) recording studio yesterday to start work on the follow up to 2003’s ‘Hail To The Thief’. The band started work on the studio on Thursday (Aug 18). Some insider source claimed that the band were planning to finish the new album by December this year, with a release date in February or March 2006 roughly pencilled in. As for touring, it claimed the band will possibly hit the road shortly after. There would be spinning plates, knives out and other kid-dy noises to come from this magical band. Wonder if they are still sucking lemons when awake nowadays..
Can't Rip MP3s From CD - I am surprised when the papers mentioned that even when one buys a CD, the consumer does not have the right to rip the songs for the MP3 player one owns. It is either you download from the legal side or you keep the way your CD as it is. All I can say is -Two Fingers Stone Cold Salute-
According to PcWorld - You can rip CDs you own into MP3 format for playback on your PC.
Seems like the local journalists here didn't do their jobs properly. If I have bought my Kylie CD and I want to obtain an mp3 version of some of the songs, it doesn't harm the sales at all. I want to listen maybe 1 or 2 songs on repeat for about a hundred times and don't want to burn out the CD; so I grab the mp3 version.
Without some of the great sites or file-sharing softwares, I wouldn't have known so many incredible artistes and improve my musical taste. If the MTV crew, Radio Stations here always play 90% crap and they are the only sources where I could find out what is new; I would be playing Chemical Romance, Sum41 and Effervesneseshite on me radioblog, stating they are 'cool'. *Faint*
Bottomline = Support the artistes you like. Purchase the CD. Expand your music knowledge.
Tatu - All About Us video (uncensored)
These girls are back with a very interesting music video. Maybe they are sending a message about their feelings towards each other. A more matured outlook this time. You can see a simple storyline appearing throughout in it. The song is also very catchy and should be a great hit in the near future.
Westlife star Mark Feehily has taken the brave decision to reveal that he is gay. The singer decided to tell the truth about his love life for the first time. -Stunned look-
And former Boyzone member Stephen Gately has backed him for coming out and declaring it. Stephen said that admitting he was gay to the public was “the best decision I ever made". every boyband must have the 'odd' one out it seems. Any guesses for the odd-Backside Boys, A1, N-stink member? Someone once kept bugging me about the meaning of "Get down. Get down. And move it all around..." How the hell would I know? Ask Mark or Stephen.
Kirsten Dunst and Jake Gyllenhaal have sparked rumours that there might be a baby on the way. Speculation has arisen after the couple were seen last weekend poring over the New Chapter Organics Prefect Prenatal range of dietary supplements at Hollywood's Whole Foods Market. Not content with merely browsing the shelves, Jack even approached a shop assistant to find out more about the products designed for mothers. Most importantly, Dunst may be having a baby. Should still be 'crazy/beautiful' with a big tummy I guess.
Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston decided to keep their divorce case as private as possible. The couple will negotiate their divorce in their lawyers' offices in the presence of temporary judge Jill Robbins, therefore preventing details of the split from being published in public court papers. The media suspects that one of the reasons of the secrecy might be Angelina Jolie’s involvement. For sure. Stupid ugly lips has ruined a marriage.
Possibly the color most associated with nature, green is being celebrated this season in all its varied incarnations. "It's the color... from the darkest greens of a dense, mysterious pine forest to the brightest, almost psychedelic greens flourishing in the rain forest," says Michael Fink, senior fashion director at Fifth Avenue.
Did you know that you can tell when someone is faking a smile? The real smile, a duchenne smile is what they call it, uses facial muscles by your eyes and the fake smile doesn't. This is a powerful tool to determine if someone fancies you or is just being....nice.
reported by Alex Banks