Sunday, August 14, 2005
Elephant Man
Survivor Kaobehkaobu Episode Eleven
Last week on..Survivor. Tension became apparent after Robb was voted out. Belinda was unhappy that Fran did not come clean about his plan.
Belinda : "You said that we're taking 50 next. Why didn't you?"
Fran : "We think that Robb is a bigger threat. Please trust us in..."
Belinda : "I think something is wrong somewhere. You should be more honest you know?"
Fran : "Don't will see the benefits soon."
Hillary asked StevenT if he has an alliance with Liam and Fran, and wasn't too happy about the response. At the immunity challenge, the castaways were treated to a special visit from their loved ones. The ones taking part of the challenge were the visitors, as they engaged in an eating race of the islands' own delicacies of rotten and dried stuff. Hillary's dad won it and get to spend his time with the tribe for 24 hours. He mingled well with the other survivors, while giving moral support to his daughter.
Hillary : "Should I trust my old tribe members after what I've told you?"
Bob : "The best advice is to trust your own instincts. Always see from all angles"
Hillary : "Alright. I'll remember that. Thanks!!" (Hugs)
After Bob left the tribe the next day, Belinda and Andrea discussed about what they can do to strengthen their own game. Liam told them that the best way is to win immunity and stay out of trouble.
At the immunity challenge, they were introduced to a cube puzzle where all members were paired up with loved ones. Fran won his second immunity after good communication techniques with his wife. Back at camp, StevenT and Liam discussed on whom they wanted out next. All three women are dangerous in their own way so it was a tough decision. Hillary tried to convince 50 that she could not really trust Fran,Liam and StevenT. That got 50 thinking hard. Belinda wants Liam out as soon as possible.
At the tribal council, Fran stated that it was difficult choice to make for the next vote. Belinda blasted that some people were not being upfront, but StevenT responded it was because the game is all about knowing how to secure your own status. In the end, Belinda was sent packing.
Jeff : "Belinda, the tribe has spoken."
Belinda : "Why am I not surprised?" *disappointed grin*
6 contestants left. Who will be next to go? *theme song*

Techniques of winning. You are self-absorbed in your own game that you don't care about what comes next. What matters most is getting the job done. But at what cost? Does it include being secluded in the areas that might cause harm in the future or is it just the price to pay to achieve the success required. Getting the results in a tedious but respectable manner may be a good choice but then greed may change that perspective. If a person had one more chance, would he change a thing or let it go with flow. Let's not get too indulged in greed as it may be the reason why things backfire and cause all sorts of enormous implications. But then, success comes at a price, yeah?
Many people are just going with the flow of things. Not just wanting to know whether there are better things to do besides following the crowd of 'normal lives'. Do question yourself on what other non-cliches stuff that can be done. Whether there is any way to bend the rules, get out of the simple timeline or aim for another direction. Think hard on different perceptions and ideas. Imagine a life like Utopia, no good or evil exists. Would another dimensional world be of this nature? The most important factor is time. Time is on your side but taking it is a crime. No one is able to commit into anything else except the normal routines as time does not permit. Aim high. See what changes can be done in order to make life a more fulfilling experience.
It's kinda fun seeing things people say when they are drunk. You get those who blurted out their stories on failed relationships, weird confessions, acting like a hyper active 8 year old, getting horny(lol), doing the 'merlions', counting the number of 'Johnnys' you see or the best thing, lying down like a fool by the pavement of active crowds. Jokers. Still remembered the other time Mr Bernard was nowhere to found while the rest of us were going to flag a cab somewhere. Turns out that joker is lying like a stranded dog about 5 minutes walk away from us, with people walking past him. A sight to behold.
Speaking of which, there are still people who perceive the idea of going to night clubs is akin of getting into trouble. Nah, can't help it if they think that way. You see the kids nowadays. Maybe they lacked the proper supervision of the elders and became loose cannons in the streets.
The Maid. Horror show. Wondered who got the shock of their lives after experiencing that nice poster in the toilets. Furthermore, it's the hungry ghosts month. Hope they don't pee in their pants instantly. Whose bright idea was it anyway. Maybe they want to improve the unique-ness of our country.
Those who wants to know what are the contents in the NDP funpack can check them out here.
There is this craze called free jumping or parkour where you jump from one obstacle to another. These obstacles are anything you can find in the streets or buildings. My nephew is a avid fan of this stuff which purplexed moi a alot. What is so fun about jumping around with no proper gears? It is better to skateboard on a ramp or something like that nature. Maybe it is the high of getting to one complex objective by running and jumping. Think he joined some organisation where they have parkour sessions at recommended locations. I think it is a dangerous and boring activity. Going mountain climbing is much more better.
3-Dash-1. Extremely un-interesting band name. Since they won the competition, maybe it's good to have a change of name. Most of our local bands have pathetic names that is either cheesy or forgettable. The Observatory & Concave Scream are the cool ones. Electrico only reminds me of Electric Company. Worst is this crap group who called themselves 'Force Vomit'. Some trio dudes trying hard to be grunge or pop-punk but having lousy attitudes and lazy tunes. Think their lead singer was on one of the discovery channel shows with his stupid hairstyle and smirk while bringing the guest around the island, and destroying the cool image of our country. Sad.
Find it very surprising on how people can actually lose their handphones. That is like equivalent to your wallet. You don't let your wallet slip out at any time. You check on it every now and then. Same goes with hps. Very baffling. For those who has this ridiculous habit should first keep a set of phone list on some book or text file. It sucks if you lose your contacts because you clumsily misplaced your handphone.
It's very funny to see some dudes or ladies who show the 'nigga' expression, while awaiting a transport or their other pals. As though they are in a Jay-Z, Eve or Tupac's music video. You know, those 'I'm in the hoood, give me the respect I deserve' pouting with a 30-degrees 'neck cramp' position. They certainly brighten up my day.
Last week on..Survivor. Tension became apparent after Robb was voted out. Belinda was unhappy that Fran did not come clean about his plan.
Belinda : "You said that we're taking 50 next. Why didn't you?"
Fran : "We think that Robb is a bigger threat. Please trust us in..."
Belinda : "I think something is wrong somewhere. You should be more honest you know?"
Fran : "Don't will see the benefits soon."
Hillary asked StevenT if he has an alliance with Liam and Fran, and wasn't too happy about the response. At the immunity challenge, the castaways were treated to a special visit from their loved ones. The ones taking part of the challenge were the visitors, as they engaged in an eating race of the islands' own delicacies of rotten and dried stuff. Hillary's dad won it and get to spend his time with the tribe for 24 hours. He mingled well with the other survivors, while giving moral support to his daughter.
Hillary : "Should I trust my old tribe members after what I've told you?"
Bob : "The best advice is to trust your own instincts. Always see from all angles"
Hillary : "Alright. I'll remember that. Thanks!!" (Hugs)
After Bob left the tribe the next day, Belinda and Andrea discussed about what they can do to strengthen their own game. Liam told them that the best way is to win immunity and stay out of trouble.
At the immunity challenge, they were introduced to a cube puzzle where all members were paired up with loved ones. Fran won his second immunity after good communication techniques with his wife. Back at camp, StevenT and Liam discussed on whom they wanted out next. All three women are dangerous in their own way so it was a tough decision. Hillary tried to convince 50 that she could not really trust Fran,Liam and StevenT. That got 50 thinking hard. Belinda wants Liam out as soon as possible.
At the tribal council, Fran stated that it was difficult choice to make for the next vote. Belinda blasted that some people were not being upfront, but StevenT responded it was because the game is all about knowing how to secure your own status. In the end, Belinda was sent packing.
Jeff : "Belinda, the tribe has spoken."
Belinda : "Why am I not surprised?" *disappointed grin*
6 contestants left. Who will be next to go? *theme song*

Techniques of winning. You are self-absorbed in your own game that you don't care about what comes next. What matters most is getting the job done. But at what cost? Does it include being secluded in the areas that might cause harm in the future or is it just the price to pay to achieve the success required. Getting the results in a tedious but respectable manner may be a good choice but then greed may change that perspective. If a person had one more chance, would he change a thing or let it go with flow. Let's not get too indulged in greed as it may be the reason why things backfire and cause all sorts of enormous implications. But then, success comes at a price, yeah?
Many people are just going with the flow of things. Not just wanting to know whether there are better things to do besides following the crowd of 'normal lives'. Do question yourself on what other non-cliches stuff that can be done. Whether there is any way to bend the rules, get out of the simple timeline or aim for another direction. Think hard on different perceptions and ideas. Imagine a life like Utopia, no good or evil exists. Would another dimensional world be of this nature? The most important factor is time. Time is on your side but taking it is a crime. No one is able to commit into anything else except the normal routines as time does not permit. Aim high. See what changes can be done in order to make life a more fulfilling experience.
It's kinda fun seeing things people say when they are drunk. You get those who blurted out their stories on failed relationships, weird confessions, acting like a hyper active 8 year old, getting horny(lol), doing the 'merlions', counting the number of 'Johnnys' you see or the best thing, lying down like a fool by the pavement of active crowds. Jokers. Still remembered the other time Mr Bernard was nowhere to found while the rest of us were going to flag a cab somewhere. Turns out that joker is lying like a stranded dog about 5 minutes walk away from us, with people walking past him. A sight to behold.
Speaking of which, there are still people who perceive the idea of going to night clubs is akin of getting into trouble. Nah, can't help it if they think that way. You see the kids nowadays. Maybe they lacked the proper supervision of the elders and became loose cannons in the streets.
The Maid. Horror show. Wondered who got the shock of their lives after experiencing that nice poster in the toilets. Furthermore, it's the hungry ghosts month. Hope they don't pee in their pants instantly. Whose bright idea was it anyway. Maybe they want to improve the unique-ness of our country.
Those who wants to know what are the contents in the NDP funpack can check them out here.
There is this craze called free jumping or parkour where you jump from one obstacle to another. These obstacles are anything you can find in the streets or buildings. My nephew is a avid fan of this stuff which purplexed moi a alot. What is so fun about jumping around with no proper gears? It is better to skateboard on a ramp or something like that nature. Maybe it is the high of getting to one complex objective by running and jumping. Think he joined some organisation where they have parkour sessions at recommended locations. I think it is a dangerous and boring activity. Going mountain climbing is much more better.
3-Dash-1. Extremely un-interesting band name. Since they won the competition, maybe it's good to have a change of name. Most of our local bands have pathetic names that is either cheesy or forgettable. The Observatory & Concave Scream are the cool ones. Electrico only reminds me of Electric Company. Worst is this crap group who called themselves 'Force Vomit'. Some trio dudes trying hard to be grunge or pop-punk but having lousy attitudes and lazy tunes. Think their lead singer was on one of the discovery channel shows with his stupid hairstyle and smirk while bringing the guest around the island, and destroying the cool image of our country. Sad.
Find it very surprising on how people can actually lose their handphones. That is like equivalent to your wallet. You don't let your wallet slip out at any time. You check on it every now and then. Same goes with hps. Very baffling. For those who has this ridiculous habit should first keep a set of phone list on some book or text file. It sucks if you lose your contacts because you clumsily misplaced your handphone.
It's very funny to see some dudes or ladies who show the 'nigga' expression, while awaiting a transport or their other pals. As though they are in a Jay-Z, Eve or Tupac's music video. You know, those 'I'm in the hoood, give me the respect I deserve' pouting with a 30-degrees 'neck cramp' position. They certainly brighten up my day.
reported by Alex Banks