Van Tango

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Something Beautiful

Happiness. Do you have it?

Prolonging it. Are you able to?

Changes. Can you cope with it?

Comparisons are always imminent. You compare that 'W' leads a better life, 'H' is lucky to be in a good environment, 'Q' easily gets the person she wants. Does that provide one with the drive to pursue what is missing/lacking? Possibilities, chances, obstacles. It's a matter of what comes and goes, inclusive of the individual to grab it when the iron is still hot.

Regrets. Come on. Do you know when it is time to chunk it to one side, learn and become wiser? Some people are not able to control anger, thus pursuing the wrong moves and has regrets. Self-control must be cultivated if one wants to play the right cards.'s kinda fun talking a lot of crap to those that are able to withstand them. Sad to say, there are a couple who aren't able to be on the same wavelength when i'm on a 'roll'. It's alright, not everyone likes fast food..

I don't know what it is that makes me feel alive
I don't know how to wake the things that sleep inside
I only wanna see the light that shines behind..your eyes
reported by Alex Banks


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