Monday, July 04, 2005
Pure Shores
Heard stories of guys doing pathetic things like physical abuse on their partners; just to let go of their anger. To make it worse, the victims accepted that it is part of their behaviour and willingly endured the pain so that he won't run away. Goodness gracious. What the hell is wrong with these morons? "They are the pigs"
Electrico & Amanda Ling = Overrated.
Pug Jelly = A disgrace.
A local band concert that I would pay to watch is Ronin. Fronted by the charismatic Levan Wee, the band brings a good rock vibe that you get similar to old school Aerosmith, AC/DC, Motley Crue, etc. "Animal", "Revolution" and personal favorite "Do What Thou Wilt" are some of their hits. They made me interested in this category of rock which people won't associate me-self with. Wish them all the best for their upcoming album.
Have an old pal who's in a band called Phorous, which he claimed is his side-project. Yet to see them live. This dude and moi clicked when he found out I'm into Suede. Then we shared some common interest in the "underground" bands. But don't understand why he says The Strokes are "ok". OK?????????
Discovering Julian & gang is like a life changing moment and he finds them only "ok". Weird boy.
-Under Blackpool Lights-
Some people nowadays are so funny. They profusely dare not admit "Angels" is a fantastic song because an ex boy-band member sang it. If Radiohead were the ones who did it, they would proclaim it as the best track ever. Give credit where it's due. I myself hate the Backside Boys but I am very impressed by their one (only one) song "As Long As Y_ L_ M_". Can't go wrong there.
It's irritating when your pals use phrases from a new album or songs on you. Because they don't listen to these kinda stuff and they know how much I adore them, all sorts of phrases are thrown at me with reference to the words from the albums. Good clean fun. But irritates like hell.
Don't understand why they pair Rui En & that Batisah up for a new horrible NDP theme song. A totally wrong combinition to come up with. They are seriously devaluing a special day for the country. Sad.
Raul is in town to promote his country's bid for the 2012 Olympics. Naturally, some women and maybe gays here are salivating at the thought of seeing him in person.
Every time that I get the feeling
You give me something to believe in
Every time that I got you near me
I know the way that I want it to be
Jolie is reportedly 3mths into her pregnancy. Aniston is going mental when she heard about it. Hopefully Courtney Cox is able to calm her down since she's very close to her right now. Lindsay has slimmed down spectacularly...she wants to follow in the footsteps of idol Kate Moss. But her songs are still zzzzzzzzz...
In some countries, SMS divorces are valid. Also, some companies use SMS to inform employees that they are no longer needed in the company. Pure bollocks if you ask me. No balls/boops to admit in person and using the techonological way as a safer option... "Rosemary, heaven restores you in life." <-- Evil
The good side is of course SMS flirt, a good first step to make a move. Blood bros would definitely agree..
Electrico & Amanda Ling = Overrated.
Pug Jelly = A disgrace.
A local band concert that I would pay to watch is Ronin. Fronted by the charismatic Levan Wee, the band brings a good rock vibe that you get similar to old school Aerosmith, AC/DC, Motley Crue, etc. "Animal", "Revolution" and personal favorite "Do What Thou Wilt" are some of their hits. They made me interested in this category of rock which people won't associate me-self with. Wish them all the best for their upcoming album.
Have an old pal who's in a band called Phorous, which he claimed is his side-project. Yet to see them live. This dude and moi clicked when he found out I'm into Suede. Then we shared some common interest in the "underground" bands. But don't understand why he says The Strokes are "ok". OK?????????
Discovering Julian & gang is like a life changing moment and he finds them only "ok". Weird boy.
-Under Blackpool Lights-
Some people nowadays are so funny. They profusely dare not admit "Angels" is a fantastic song because an ex boy-band member sang it. If Radiohead were the ones who did it, they would proclaim it as the best track ever. Give credit where it's due. I myself hate the Backside Boys but I am very impressed by their one (only one) song "As Long As Y_ L_ M_". Can't go wrong there.
It's irritating when your pals use phrases from a new album or songs on you. Because they don't listen to these kinda stuff and they know how much I adore them, all sorts of phrases are thrown at me with reference to the words from the albums. Good clean fun. But irritates like hell.
Don't understand why they pair Rui En & that Batisah up for a new horrible NDP theme song. A totally wrong combinition to come up with. They are seriously devaluing a special day for the country. Sad.
Raul is in town to promote his country's bid for the 2012 Olympics. Naturally, some women and maybe gays here are salivating at the thought of seeing him in person.
Every time that I get the feeling
You give me something to believe in
Every time that I got you near me
I know the way that I want it to be
Jolie is reportedly 3mths into her pregnancy. Aniston is going mental when she heard about it. Hopefully Courtney Cox is able to calm her down since she's very close to her right now. Lindsay has slimmed down spectacularly...she wants to follow in the footsteps of idol Kate Moss. But her songs are still zzzzzzzzz...
In some countries, SMS divorces are valid. Also, some companies use SMS to inform employees that they are no longer needed in the company. Pure bollocks if you ask me. No balls/boops to admit in person and using the techonological way as a safer option... "Rosemary, heaven restores you in life." <-- Evil
The good side is of course SMS flirt, a good first step to make a move. Blood bros would definitely agree..
reported by Alex Banks
commented by
Anonymous, Tuesday, July 05, 2005 12:35:00 PM

I haven't. Think Levan will update me himself.. You're into them too huh?
Yup..the release should be next month.
Thanks for stopping by! <)
Yup..the release should be next month.
Thanks for stopping by! <)